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针对GNSS—R延迟映射接收机的硬件相关器设计,提出了一种在反射信号处理中延迟C/A码产生的新方案,并对硬件的实现方法进行了详细的叙述。该方案基于相位查询方式可产生不同码相位的延迟C/A码,延迟的码相位可以根据设定值任意产生。仿真验证结果表明了方案设计的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
对宽礁膜室内人工育苗和栽培的主要技术进行了初步研究,包括海区栽培、游孢子萌发、生长及苗网的运输与保存、日常管理等。并利用全人工育苗网帘进行了宽礁膜的海区栽培生产,干品单产达691.5 kg/km2。  相似文献   
基于CCMP(cross-calibrated multi-platform)再分析风场数据,研究了0903号台风经过前后21天对我国东部5个海上风电场的影响。发现:风机的输出功率受其所处台风场的相对位置影响,台风北进过程中前沿(后沿)在2009年6月18—19(27—28)日使得风机输出功率显著增加,而6月22—23日,台风中心进入东海时, 5个站位风机输出功率最低。唐山市海港区S1站单机运营能力最低(64.3%)且额定容量最低(0);嘉兴市平湖县S4站单机运营能力最高(88.1%);南通市如东县S3站单机额定容量最大(13.1%)。0903号台风过境整个过程中,风速未超过风机的切出风速,对我国东部海洋风力发电场,提高了发电量。  相似文献   
北方冬季火箭增雪效果的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用播云温度窗和层状冷云概念模型,结合冬季系统云系降水特点,对冬季播云可行性进行了分析,提出了冬季火箭增雪策略,并指出了我国中高纬度北方深冬或高海拔地区冬季,总体缺乏作业条件,靠播"核"的人工增雪作业很难收到效果;中高纬度北方初冬和冬末季节或冬季温度常年在0℃左右中低纬度地区,可以采用短射程火箭开展人工增雪作业。  相似文献   
Rainfall products can contain significantly different spatiotemporal estimates, depending on their underlying data and final constructed resolution. Commonly used products, such as rain gauges, rain gauge networks, and weather radar, differ in their information content regarding intensities, spatial variability, and natural climatic variability, therefore producing different estimates. Landscape evolution models (LEMs) simulate the geomorphic changes in landscapes, and current models can simulate timeframes from event level to millions of years and some use rainfall inputs to drive them. However, the impact of different rainfall products on LEM outputs has never been considered. This study uses the STREAP rainfall generator, calibrated using commonly used rainfall observation products, to produce longer rainfall records than the observations to drive the CAESAR-Lisflood LEM to examine how differences in rainfall products affect simulated landscapes. The results show that the simulation of changes to basin geomorphology is sensitive to the differences between rainfall products, with these differences expressed linearly in discharges but non-linearly in sediment yields. Furthermore, when applied over a 1500-year period, large differences in the simulated long profiles were observed, with the simulations producing greater sediment yields showing erosion extending further downstream. This suggests that the choice of rainfall product to drive LEMs has a large impact on the final simulated landscapes. The combination of rainfall generator model and LEMs represents a potentially powerful method for assessing the impacts of rainfall product differences on landscapes and their short- and long-term evolution. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
The results from a flare star investigation in the open cluster Alpha Persei are presented. Photographic flare star monitoring and CCD photometry of the discovered 4 new flare stars are made. The flare star activity phenomenon is restricted to the classical flare stars (UV Ceti type) as classified in the GCVS. The V/V‐I diagramme of the members of the cluster with the locations of the considered flare stars is given. Most of the flare stars are probable cluster members. The flare frequency determined from the Rozhen flare star monitoring is very low–one flare event occurs for 38.5 hours effective observing time. Comparison with the flare activity of the Pleiades is made because of the small difference in the age and distance of the clusters.  相似文献   
殷水清  王文婷 《地理科学进展》2020,39(10):1747-1757
土壤侵蚀是中国严峻的环境问题之一。土壤侵蚀模型是诊断和防治土壤侵蚀问题的有力工具。降雨随机模拟模型可以弥补观测资料在时空尺度上的不足,满足土壤侵蚀模型对降雨过程数据的需求。论文总结了降雨过程基本特征、随机模拟的研究进展以及未来的发展方向。主要结论有:① 最小降雨间歇(Minimum Inter-event Time, MIT)为分割次降雨的最小时间间隔,当干期小于该临界值,则合并为1次降雨;否则分割为2次独立的次降雨事件。采用指数方法计算得到中国中东部最小降雨间歇变化于7.6~16.6 h 之间,平均值为10.7 h;当MIT值较小时,次降雨过程参数如次雨量、历时、平均雨强与峰值雨强等对MIT的变化敏感。② 降雨的时程分配特征反映次降雨量在降雨过程中的分配,是降雨过程随机模拟的重要方面。采用Huff雨型分析方法得到中国降雨以峰值出现在前期的降雨为主,峰值出现在前1/2时段的降雨占65.1%;峰值出现在前期的降雨事件,与峰值出现在后期的降雨事件相比,历时较短、雨强较大。③ 美国农业部水蚀预报项目WEPP中自带的天气随机模型CLIGEN能较好地模拟日雨量,整体上低估次降雨历时,高估峰值雨强;且对于不同大小的日雨量等级,次降雨历时和峰值雨强的偏差方向和程度不一致。④ CLIGEN的参数输入需要降雨过程观测资料,难以获取,小时降雨观测资料相对更易获取,基于此,发展了使用小时降雨数据计算CLIGEN中2个与降雨过程相关的参数TimePk和MX.5P的方法。未来需加强随机模型对极值的模拟能力,以及建立多站点、多气象要素相关的天气条件约束型随机模型。  相似文献   
Artificial planting is an important measure to promote the restoration of degraded grassland and protect the ecological environment. The objectives of the current study were to investigate the allocation pattern between aboveground biomass(AGB) and belowground biomass(BGB) in different seeding types of artificially-planted pastures. We explored the variation in biomass and the relationship between above-and belowground biomass in four artificiallyplanted pastures with one species from Elymus nutans Griseb(EN, perennial), Elymus sibiricus Linn(ES, perennial), Medicago sativa Linn(MS, perennial), and Avena sativa Linn(AS, annual) and in six artificially-planted communities with mixtures of two species by seeding ratio 1:1 from the abovementioned grasses(EN + AS, MS + AS, EN + ES, MS + EN, MS + ES, AS + ES) in 2015 and 2016. The results showed that E. nutans is the most productive species with the highest biomass production among the single crops. MS + ES was the most productive group in 2015, while the group with the highest biomass production changed to AS + ES in 2016. AGB was positively correlated to BGB in the surface soil layer in the first year, but positively related to BGB in the subsoil layer in the second year. In the early stageof artificial grassland succession, plants allocated more biomass to aboveground parts, with a root to shoot(R/S) ratio of 1.98. The slope of the log-log relationship between AGB and BGB was 1.07 in 2016, which is consistent with the isometric theory. Different sowing patterns strongly affected the accumulation and allocation of biomass in artificiallyplanted grassland, E. sibiricus was the suitable plant in the alpine regions, which will be conducive to understanding vegetation restoration and plant interactions in the future.  相似文献   
Improved rice crop and water management practices that make the sustainable use of resources more efficient are important interventions towards a more food secure future. A remote sensing-based detection of different rice crop management practices, such as crop establishment method (transplanting or direct seeding), can provide timely and cost-effective information on which practices are used as well as their spread and change over time as different management practices are adopted. Establishment method cannot be easily observed since it is a rapid event, but it can be inferred from resulting observable differences in land surface characteristics (i.e. field condition) and crop development (i.e. delayed or prolonged stages) that take place over a longer time. To examine this, we used temporal information from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter to detect differences in field condition and rice growth, then related those to crop establishment practices in Nueva Ecija (Philippines). Specifically, multi-temporal, dual-polarised, C-band backscatter data at 20m spatial resolution was acquired from Sentinel-1A every 12 days over the study area during the dry season, from November 2016 to May 2017. Farmer surveys and field observations were conducted in four selected municipalities across the study area in 2017, providing information on field boundaries and crop management practices for 61 fields. Mean backscatter values were generated per rice field per SAR acquisition date. We matched the SAR acquisition dates with the reported dates for land management activities and with the estimated dates for when the crop growth stages occurred. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to identify significant differences in backscatter between the two practices during the land management activities and crop growth stages. Significant differences in cross-polarised, co-polarised and band ratio backscatter values were observed in the early growing season, specifically during land preparation, crop establishment, rice tillering and stem elongation. These findings indicate the possibility to discriminate crop establishment methods by SAR at those stages, suggesting that there is more opportunity for discrimination than has been presented in previous studies. Further testing in a wider range of environments, seasons, and management practices should be done to determine how reliably rice establishment methods can be detected. The increased use of dry and wet direct seeding has implications for many remote sensing-based rice detection methods that rely on a strong water signal (typical of transplanting) during the early season.  相似文献   
The initial factors that cause a decline in the survival of in situ settled corals remain poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrated through field experiments that the design of artificial grid plates may influence the initial survival of Acropora corals, with narrower grids being the most effective. In fact, grid plates with a 2.5-cm mesh presented the highest recorded survival rate (14%) at 6 months after settlement (representing approximately 50 corals per 0.25 m2 of plate). This is the first study where such high survival rates, matching those of cultures under aquarium conditions, were obtained in the field without using additional protective measures, such as guard nets against fish grazing after seeding. Therefore, our results provide a foundation for establishing new and effective coral restoration techniques for larval seeding, in parallel to clarifying the details of the early life stages of reef-building corals.  相似文献   
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