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Super-active region NOAA 6555 was highly flare productive during the period March 21st–27th, 1991 of its disk passage. We have st udied its chromospheric activity using high spatial resolution Hα filtergrams taken at Udaipur along with MSFC vector magnetograms. A possible relationship of flare productivity and the variation in shear has been explored. Flares were generally seen in those subareas of the active region which possessed closed magnetic field configuration, whereas only minor flares and/or surges occurred in subareas showing open magnetic field configuration. Physical mechanisms responsible for the observed surges are also discussed.  相似文献   
We present radio interferometric observations of the Algol-type binary system RZ Cassiopeiae made with the VLA and MERLIN arrays at 6 cm over an incomplete orbital cycle of the system (1.195 d). We detected RZ Cas with both instruments. The images were unresolved in both cases, with angular extents comparable to the synthesized beams. The peak flux density in the VLA image was 1.14 mJy beam−1 and in the MERLIN image it was 0.93 mJy beam−1. The derived brightness temperatures are  4.02 × 108  and  4.35 × 108 K  and the effective electron energies are 0.347 and 0.346 MeV for the MERLIN and VLA data respectively. The radio light curve shows an interesting modulation centred close to the primary eclipse which seems to correlate with ASCA SIS observations of the system. The results can be interpreted as an emitting region on the outer hemisphere of the cool component aligned along the centroid axis of the binary system.  相似文献   
Summary From the early discovery in 1948 of X-rays from the Solar corona, X-ray spectroscopy has proven to be an invaluable tool in studying hot astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Because the emission line spectra and continua from optically thin plasmas are fairly well known, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has its most obvious application in the measurement of optically thin sources such as the coronae of stars. In particular X-ray observations with theEINSTEIN observatory have demonstrated that soft X-ray emitting coronae are a common feature among stars on the cool side of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, with the probable exception of single very cool giant and supergiant stars and A-type dwarfs. Observations with the spectrometers aboardEINSTEIN andEXOSAT have shown that data of even modest spectral resolution (/ = 10–100) permit the identification of coronal material at different temperatures whose existence may relate to a range of possible magnetic loop structures in the hot outer atmospheres of these stars. The higher spectral resolution of the next generation of spectrometers aboard NASA'sAXAF and ESA'sXMM will allow to fully resolve the coronal temperature structure and to enable velocity diagnostics and the determination of coronal densities, from which the loop geometry (i.e. surface filling factors and loop lengths) can be derived. In this paper various diagnostic techniques are reviewed and the spectral results fromEINSTEIN andEXOSAT are discussed. A number of spectral simulations forAXAF andXMM, especially high-resolution iron K-shell, L-shell, and2s-2p spectra in the wavelength regions around 1.9 Å, 10 Å, and 100 Å, respectively, are shown to demonstrate the capabilities for temperature, density, and velocity diagnostics. Finally, iron K-shell spectra are simulated for various types of detectors such as microcalorimeter, Nb-junction, and CCD.  相似文献   
气球携带碘化银焰弹技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
秦长学 《气象》1997,23(11):11-13
主要介绍在北京地区开展气球携带碘化银焰弹雨雪作业的作业技术,经济效益等问题。通过各种增雨雪技术比较,认敢球携带碘化银焰弹增雨雪作业在北方干旱地区的抗旱工作中或作为收音机增雨雪作业的补充手段具有应用价值  相似文献   
对2018年飞机人工增雨作业时的77个天气样本进行分析,以大气环流形势配合冷空气入侵青海的不同路径将人工增雨降水过程分为4种环流型:两槽一脊型、东高西低型、纬向环流型、横槽转竖型。作业云系以层状云和积层混合云为主;主要作业层风速在16 m·s-1左右;作业层主导风向在230°~280°。雷达回波强度和雷达回波顶高在4种环流型中没有明显区别。卫星反演云顶高度中东高西低型云系平均发展较深厚,纬向环流型和横槽转竖型中云系发展较高但并不深厚;云顶温度最低在-40℃;最大光学厚度在13左右;过冷层厚度在2.7 km左右。云内微观条件中:有效粒子半径在13 μm左右;液水路径在东高西低型中较高在209 μm左右。  相似文献   
金华  张蔷  何晖  马新成  黄梦宇  田海军  刘力威 《气象》2012,38(11):1443-1448
人为引发的下沉气流可以抑制对流云的发展,这一现象已在试验中得到验证。用“人工下沉气流法”实施人工消云试验时,需在云顶大剂量的播撒粉剂催化剂。北京市人工影响天气办公室研制了能完成此类大剂量播撤任务的设备,并通过外场飞行试验对设备进行检验和改进。这是国内人工影响天气领域首个采用空投播撒法的粉剂催化剂播撤设备;可减少催化剂对飞机和播撤设备的污染。分析发现,新设备能够满足人工消云作业中播撒大剂量粉剂催化剂的需要。该设备在北京奥运会、残奥会开闭幕式当日的消云试验作业中投入使用,共实施消云飞行作业9架次,累计利用新设备播撒吸湿性粉剂催化剂34吨。  相似文献   
利用以色列特拉维夫大学二维面对称分档云模式(two-dimensional slab-symmetric detailed spectral bin microphysical model of Tel Aviv University),对2016年9月4日16:00(北京时)前后我国华东地区的一次暖性浅对流云降水过程进行模拟,模式模拟的强回波中心高度和最大回波强度范围与观测基本一致。并在此基础上进行了小于1 μm的吸湿性核的播撒减雨试验,分别考虑了不同播撒时间、不同播撒高度以及不同播撒剂量的敏感性测试。结果表明:在云的发展阶段早期播撒能起到更好的减雨效果,播撒时间越早对大粒子生长过程的抑制作用越强,随着播撒时间向后推移,受抑制作用最显著的粒径段向小粒径端偏移;在云中心过饱和度大的区域下方进行播撒,减雨效果更加明显,当播撒剂量为350 cm-3时,地面累积降水量减少率可达23.3%;另外,随着播撒剂量的增加,减雨效果更加显著,甚至能达到消雨的效果。因此,在暖性浅对流云中合理地播撒小于1 μm的吸湿性核能达到较好的减雨或消雨效果。  相似文献   
一次层状云飞机播云试验的云微物理特征及响应分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
于丽娟  姚展予 《气象》2009,35(10):8-24
根据2005年3月21日在河南进行的层状云飞机播云试验的探测资料,对人工增雨催化前后层状云的宏微观物理量进行对比分析.结果表明,播云前在4200m高度平飞中观测到的小云粒子数浓度最大值为1.36×108个/m3,相应平均直径在5μm左右;小云粒子数浓度和云液态水含量在催化后均减小,播撒层下方变化较之播撒层变化更加显著;5000m高度小云粒子平均直径由催化前的17.32μm增加到催化后的18.07μm,平均直径明显增大,这些作业前后微观物理量的变化表明了人工催化层状云的物理响应.不同高度飞行具有相似的粒子谱分布.  相似文献   
胡世明  胡珀 《气象科技》2015,43(4):750-753
根据湖北江夏国家农业气象观测一级站在最近几年水稻观测中实际遇到的情况以及调查发现,直播水稻已形成不推而广的迅猛发展趋势,作为农业气象观测已不可回避地会遇到直播水稻的生育进程观测问题。由于种植方式的改变,大田植株分布形式也发生了根本的变化,仅以传统的移栽水稻制定的现行《农业气象观测规范》已无法处理好直播水稻的观测问题。为此,笔者依据《农业气象观测规范》,结合实际观测经验,分析直播水稻与移栽水稻的差异以及由此引出的新问题,提出了新的观测处理方法,以供同行探讨。  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、MICAPS资料和NECP/NCAR再分析资料,结合高斯模拟,分析了2012年11月10日唐县大茂山地基碘化银发生器增雪作业的作业条件。结果发现,此次天气背景为自西南向东北移动的冷涡云系,根据帕斯奎尔(Pasquill)稳定度分类法得出作业时间段大气处于中性层结状态;高斯模式模拟得出,有效的AgI浓度向上扩散范围高达3.0 km;作业点作业时段上空至3.2 km均处于上升气流区,计算出作业点发生器出口温度1.0℃。因冬季人工观测云底高度多为2.5~3.0 km,综合分析认为,该作业点的选址是合适的,此次作业条件较好,可以将催化剂输送到云中,起到催化作用。  相似文献   
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