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In the present paper, a hydroelastic model is developed to deal with surface gravity wave interaction with an elastic bed based on the small amplitude water wave theory and plate deflection in finite water depth. The elastic bottom bed is modelled as a thin elastic plate and is based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation. The wave characteristics in the presence of the elastic bed is analyzed in both the cases of deep and shallow water waves. Further, the linearized long wave equation is generalized to include bottom flexibility. A generalized expansion formula for the velocity potential is derived to deal with the boundary value problems associated with surface gravity waves having an elastic bed. The utility of the expansion formula is illustrated by demonstrating specific physical problems which will play significant role in the analysis of wave structure interaction problems. Behavior of the wave spectra are discussed in the case of closed basin having a free surface and an elastic bottom topography.  相似文献   
本文分析研究了大兴规划新城地面沉降发育特点、成因机理及影响因素,建立模型预测了地面沉降发展趋势,为未来新城建设规划以及地质灾害防治,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
民勤大气边界层特征与沙尘天气的气候学关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地沙尘气候形成的影响, 利用民勤2006—2008年3—6月逐日08时和20时探空资料、降水和日最高气温,计算和分析了最大混合层厚度、逆温层特征和垂直风场及其对沙尘气候形成的影响。结果表明,民勤沙尘天气的大气边界层有显著的昼夜变化,白天厚、逆温强而多;沙尘天气的最大混合层厚度在2 600 m左右,介于无降水与有降水天气之间;扬沙主要由锋面中的冷空气引起,而沙尘暴主要由低层风场的剧烈扰动和500 m以上高层冷锋入侵引起。沙尘暴发生前近地面风场有明显的扰动,沙尘暴发生时在500 hPa以下有显著的冷空气活动,白天较强。能见度小于100 m的强沙尘暴夜间风速大,冷空气较强。  相似文献   
利用内蒙古东南部通辽、赤峰两站1992—2012年的地面和探空数据,针对两地雨、雨夹雪和雪等不同的降水相态进行对比分析,结果表明:通辽站降雨或雨夹雪时850hPa气温特征较为接近,赤峰站降雨夹雪或雪时850hPa气温特征较为接近;通辽站850~700hPa两层之间的厚度降雨夹雪或雪时特征相近,赤峰站降雨或雨夹雪时特征相近,在箱线图中两层之间的厚度与850hPa温度分别对3种相态出现完全相反的叠加。在850、925hPa气温的判别指标中,赤峰较通辽站:降雨时分别高1.5℃和1.7℃、降雪时分别高2.4℃和3.8℃。气温(T)统计表明:降雨时通辽站气温在4.0℃以上、赤峰站气温在6.0℃以上,降雪时两站均T≤0.0℃,两站气温在0.0℃T≤4.0℃(通辽站,赤峰站为6.0℃)为雨、雨夹雪和雪共同出现的温度区间。虽然两站阈值大小有较大差异,但3种降水相态的出现均与中、低层厚度和低层气温密切相关,与中层的气温关系甚小,说明该地区中、低层厚度和低层气温高低决定地面降水相态。  相似文献   
During the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu earthquake in Kobe, the ground motion at the filled man-made islands in the Kobe harbor was not as severe as that at the mainland. The building damage was also less compared to that on the mainland. It was found by comparative study of earthquake records that the magnitude of acceleration response on the ground surface decreases at the islands as opposed to the mainland. One dimensional effective stress analysis is adopted in this study. Input data has been generated from test results, e.g. the SPT N-value by standard penetration test and shear wave velocity Vs by PS logging. Results obtained by the analyses showed good agreement with the observed records, which is an indication of the suitability of the adopted analysis procedure. From this study, the followings are concluded. By the increase of SPT N-value of the filled layers, liquefaction near ground surface is restrained and damage modes such as ejection of water and soil can be prevented. Since the ground profile at the islands is that considerably soft filled layer and marine clay layers, etc. are present and the thickness of the surface layer is large, the initial natural period of the ground is above 1 s and the natural period is elongated further under the earthquake excitation, which is deemed to be the principal reason for the reduction of the earthquake motion at the ground surface.  相似文献   
大气臭氧层,紫外辐射与人类健康   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文首先评述了近数十年来大气O3层的演变,其中包括全球与中国地区及南极臭氧洞的情况,之后,评述了由此引发的达地面太阳紫外辐射强度的变化,以及对人类健康与环境的影响。  相似文献   
针对塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏目前储量动用程度低、开发效果变差的特点,以纵向岩溶分带、油井分段开采特征为基础,首次提出缝洞型油藏致密段定义,利用岩心、测井、单井纵向岩溶带分布特征和开发动态特征及地震波阻抗反演等,建立缝洞型油藏高阻致密段划分标准.采用点、线、面相结合技术流程,研究塔河油田6、7区不同致密段分布.该方法已应用到塔河油田开发中,效果较好,成为“十二五”缝洞型油藏精细描述和提高储量动用主要方法之一.  相似文献   
沙漠地区春季近地层气象要素分布规律的观测研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
程穆宁  牛生杰 《中国沙漠》2008,28(5):955-961
利用2005年1月至2006年4月朱日和地区20 m气象塔的风向、风速、气温、相对湿度的观测资料,分析沙漠地区春季近地层气象要素的分布规律。结果表明: 春季温度回升,风速最大,相对湿度最小,利于起沙,故沙尘天气频繁。风速满足幂指数率分布规律,并且幂指数m能够很好的反映出风速梯度的变化情况;在沙尘暴、扬沙、背景、浮尘的天气条件下,春季近地面层风速梯度依次增大,湍流动量、热量交换系数依次减小;风向以西南为主。浮尘、扬沙天气各气层平均增温率分别大于或小于同时段的背景大气;沙尘暴期间温度下降,平均降温率为0.61 ℃\5h-1。春季相对湿度的平均递减率(递增率)与平均增温率(降温率)的大小正相关。浮尘天气相对湿度的平均递减率大于同时段的背景大气;扬沙天气相对湿度的平均递减率小于同时段的背景大气;沙尘暴天气相对湿度增大,平均增大率为2.80%\5h-1。  相似文献   
为了明确软土层厚度对地铁车站结构地震反应的影响规律,本文中对常见的两层三跨岛式地铁车站结构侧向和底部地基中存在不同厚度软土层时9种软场地条件下地铁车站结构的地震反应进行了数值模拟分析。由本文和作者之前对软土层埋深影响地铁车站结构地震反应的共同研究结果来看:软土层位于地铁车站结构侧向地基时对地铁车站结构的抗震是非常不利的,尤其是软土层位于地铁车站结构侧向地基底部时最为不利,而当软土层位于地铁车站结构底部地基中时对其抗震性能一般是有利的,起到消能减震的作用;当软土层位于地铁车站结构侧向地基顶部时,随着软土层厚度的变大,对地铁车站结构抗震性能的影响越是不利且影响程度越大,而当软土层位于地铁车站结构侧向地基底部和底部地基中时,软土层厚度的变化对地铁车站结构抗震性能的影响规律并不具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
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