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As a new method, the ultraviolet spectrum technique is applied to studying the connectivity of biode-gradable heavy oil reservoirs. The similarity of crude oils can be judged according to the extinction coefficient (E) because aromatic hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons have conjugated bonds and obvious absorption in the ultraviolet range, and different materials have different characteristics and additives. The relationship diagram is made in terms of the extinction coefficients (E) of the samples by taking E as the Y-axis and wavelength as the X-axis. The connectivity of oil reservoirs is estimated according to the curve positions and characteristic fingerprints of the sampies. The connectivity of part of the reservoirs in the western part of the QHD32-6 oilfield was studied with this method. The results showed that the connectivity of samples from wells F7 and F8 in the Nm-2 oil reservoir zone is good, that of samples from wells F17 and F20 in the Nm-1 oil reservoir zone also is good, and that of samples from wells F17, F19, and F20 is poor.  相似文献   
本文研究Ti(Ⅳ)-氨三乙酸(NTA)-对氯苯基荧光酮(p-ClPF)-CTMAB四元配合物的显色条件。结果表明,在pH5.8—6.6形成了摩尔比为Ti(Ⅳ):NTA:p-ClPF:CTMAB=1:1:3:3的四元配合物,借此反应测定钛,灵敏度高,其ε_(573nm)=2.1×10~5L·mol~(-1)·cm~(-1)。Ti(Ⅳ)浓度在0—1.4μg/10ml范围服从比耳定律。已用本法直接测定了岩矿和铝合金中的Ti,结果满意。  相似文献   
Many unicellular cyanobacteria were isolated from different places: fields, ponds, polluted water, and soils from Muredkey and Kasur tannery areas, near Lahore, Pakistan. Different media like BG 11 medium, Bold Basal medium, Chu's # 10 medium and Gotham's medium, in standard forms and with slight variations of ingredients, and different pH, temperature and light regimes were checked for the optimum growth of the isolates. The isolation pro- cedure was repeated with different concentrations of chromium to select the resistant strains. These selected strains grew on chromium of the range 100-200 μg/ml in BG 11 medium. Cyanobacteria were maintained in solid and liquid media with/without shaking. Cyanobacterial strains were collected from natural habitats that were accompanied by a diversified group of organisms including bacteria, protozoan, and rotifers etc. In order to eliminate these agents termed as contaminants, we used several methods including phenol treatment, use of antibiotic and careful manual picking of unicellular cyanobacteria. Resistance of these strains against different heavy metals (ZnSO4, MnSO4, NiSO4, COCl2, Pb(NO3)3, CuSO4, HgCl2, AgNO3 and CdCl2) and antibiotics (erythromycin, streptomycin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, neomycin) was evaluated. Optimum temperature was 30℃ with variable pH for the reduction of Cr^6+ in to Cr^3+ in majority of strains.  相似文献   
介绍了新水溶性显色剂 2 - ( 2 ,3,5 -三氮唑偶氮 ) - 1 ,8-二羟基 - 3,6-萘二磺酸与钴的显色反应及应用 ,建立了测定钴的新方法。在 pH 9.9的Na2 B4O7 NaOH缓冲液中该试剂与钴形成 1∶1蓝色稳定络合物 ,λmax为 5 88.8nm ,Co的质量浓度在 0~ 1 .0mg/L内符合比尔定律 ,表观摩尔吸光系数为 3.46× 1 0 4 L·mol- 1 ·cm- 1 。所拟方法用于环境水样及维生素B1 2 注射液中的微量钴测定 ,结果与原子吸收法相符 ,5次测定的RSD <1 %。  相似文献   
Recent field prospecting in the Cretaceous sequences of the lower Narmada valley has led to the discovery of three isolated archosaur teeth from the upper part of marine Cretaceous rocks of the Bagh Group. The specimens were recovered by surface prospecting from an oyster‐bearing green sandstone bed occurring at the top of the Coralline Limestone (Coniacian) from a site near Phutibawri village, Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Of the three teeth recovered from this horizon, two are identified with abelisaurid dinosaurs and the third one with an indeterminate crocodile. The abelisaurid teeth conform to the premaxillary and maxillary tooth morphology of Majungasaurus and Indosuchus. Earlier reports of abelisaurid dinosaurs from India are from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lameta Group of Jabalpur, Pisdura (Central India) and Balasinor (Western India) and Upper Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) Kallamedu Formation (South India). As no associated age diagnostic fossils are found, the specimens described here are considered to represent pre‐Late to Late Maastrichtian age based on the known ages of the underlying and overlying formations. The new finds, therefore, document stratigraphically the oldest occurrence of abelisaurid dinosaurs known from the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   
Widespread till and moraines record excursions of middle-Pleistocene ice that flowed up-slope into several watersheds of the Valley and Ridge Province along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. A unique landform assemblage was created by ice-damming and jökulhlaups emanating from high gradient mountain watersheds. This combination of topography formed by multiple eastward-plunging anticlinal ridges, and the upvalley advance of glaciers resulted in an ideal geomorphic condition for the formation of temporary ice-dammed lakes. Extensive low gradient (1°–2° slope) gravel surfaces dominate the mountain front geomorphology in this region and defy simple explanation. The geomorphic circumstances that occurred in tributaries to the West Branch Susquehanna River during middle Pleistocene glaciation are extremely rare and may be unique in the world. Failure of ice dams released sediment-rich water from lakes, entraining cobbles and boulders, and depositing them in elongated debris fans extending up to 9 km downstream from their mountain-front breakout points. Poorly developed imbrication is rare, but occasionally present in matrix-supported sediments resembling debris flow deposits. Clast weathering and soils are consistent with a middle Pleistocene age for the most recent flows, circa the 880-ka paleomagnetic date for glacial lake sediments north of the region on the West Branch Susquehanna River. Post-glacial stream incision has focused along the margins of fan surfaces, resulting in topographic inversion, leaving bouldery jökulhlaup surfaces up to 15 m above Holocene channels. Because of their coarse nature and high water tables, jökulhlaup surfaces are generally forested in contrast to agricultural land use in the valleys and, thus, are readily apparent from orbital imagery.  相似文献   
野外露头剖面的岩石学与岩相组合,沉积特征与相标志,古流向测定,室内砂岩的骨架矿物、重矿物组合及其平面分布规律的研究结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西南部上三叠统延长组长8油层组是以线状或点状物源为特征的一套近源快速堆积的冲积扇与扇三角洲沉积体系,形成于盆地由快速拗陷转入逆冲负荷沉降期间。长8沉积期盆地西南部的古水流与物源主要来自盆地西南方向,其次为西北和东南方向。长6油层组沉积期,盆地内部底床下沉作用减缓,湖盆开始收缩,湖盆西岸除北部有少量扇三角洲沉积外,主要为辫状河三角洲沉积:而盆地东北部与东部的沉积作用大大加强,致使在盆地东部形成一系列大型曲流河三角洲沉积体系,至盆地西南部相变为半深湖-深湖相与浊流相沉积。长6沉积期古水流除来自西南、西北和东南方向外.还有来自北东和正东方向的次要物源,它们在盆地西南部悦乐-玄马-板桥-固城-合水-带汇合,使该地带成为混合物源区。  相似文献   
依据IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组报告第四章的内容,对未来全球气候的预估结果进行解读。报告对21世纪全球表面气温、降水、大尺度环流和变率模态、冰冻圈和海洋圈的可能变化进行了系统评估,并对2100年以后的气候变化做了合理估计。评估指出全球平均表面气温将在未来20年内达到或超过1.5℃,平均降水也将增加,但随季节和区域而异,同时变率将增大。大尺度环流和变率模态受内部变率影响较大。到21世纪末,北冰洋可能出现无冰期;全球海洋会继续酸化,平均海平面将持续上升,百年内上升幅度依赖不同排放情景,都在2100年后继续升高。在最新的评估中采用多种约束方法,减小了预估不确定性的范围。AR6对于低排放情景以及“小概率高增暖情节”的关注为应对气候变化提供了更多、更完整的信息。综合报告的评估结果指出,未来需要进一步减小区域,特别是季风区气候预估的不确定性,并从科学研究和模式发展两方面加强我国气候预估能力的建设。  相似文献   
SF6气体的辐射强迫和全球增温潜能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴金秀  肖稳安  张华 《大气科学》2009,33(4):825-834
IPCC(2007)指出, 六氟化硫(SF6) 作为臭氧消耗物质 (ODSs) 的部分替代物质, 近年来排放量大大增加。它作为控制排放的人造长寿命温室气体之一已经被列入《京都议定书》。但是, 目前在臭氧消耗物质替代品中, 对SF6的辐射强迫和全球增温潜能的研究较少, 而且所用的谱吸收资料陈旧。本文采用最新的分子吸收数据库HITRAN2004中的SF6的吸收截面数据, 利用Shi(1981) 的吸收系数重排法, 建立了SF6的相关k分布的辐射计算方案, 在此基础上研究了SF6在晴空大气下的辐射效率和全球增温潜能, 并首次计算了SF6的全球温变潜能, 与其全球增温潜能进行了比较。本文的研究表明: SF6的辐射效率为0.512 W/m2, 经过大气寿命调整之后的辐射效率为0.506 W/m2, 二者差别不大; 根据IPCC (2007) 给出的排放情景, 到2100年, SF6在大气中的体积分数将达到35×10-12~70×10-12, 引起的相应辐射强迫将在0.004~0.028 W/m2之间变化; 相对于二氧化碳的100年全球增温潜能为2.33×104, 比IPCC(2007)的结果大2.2%; 100年的持续排放的全球增温潜能为2.26×104, 与其他长寿命人造温室气体一道, 其对全球变暖的长期影响不容忽视。  相似文献   
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