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On the Polyps of the Common Jellyfish Aurelia aurita in Kagoshima Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is the natural habitat of polyps of the common jellyfish Aurelia aurita in the Taniyama area, Kagoshima Bay. We examined the attachment substrata, density, colony structure and strobilation of the polyps. The polyps were observed only on the horizontal undersurface of floating piers. They attached specifically to Mytilus shells, solitary ascidians, calcareous polychaete tubes, muddy amphipod tubes and the gap space that fouling animals peeled off the substrata. The polyp colonies were distributed in patches. Spatial distribution patterns of the polyps within their colonies were uniform. Strobilation occurred during late December to March, when water temperatures were 16–17°C, and a large number of ephyrae were released. An increase in man-made structures such as floating piers in coastal areas may lead to bloomings of Aurelia aurita medusae. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
福建沿海养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平的分布特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
钟硕良 《海洋通报》2005,24(6):33-40
对福建沿海6种主要养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平的分布特征进行了探讨.结果表明:福建沿海6种养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平范围在2.57 mg/kg.wet~61.5 mg/kg.wet之间,总平均10.5 mg/kg.wet其受测样品石油烃总量水平的频率分布,含量在5.00mg/kg~15.0mg/kg范围的样品占81.3%;其石油烃污染指数范围在0.2~4.0之间,总平均0.7,总体属轻度污染.福建沿海6种养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平的种间分布,缢蛏〉僧帽牡蛎〉翡翠贻贝〉太平洋牡蛎〉泥蚶〉菲律宾蛤子.其石油烃总量水平的空间分布,由闽南海区向闽中海区和闽东海区呈明显递减之势;其石油烃总量水平的时空分布,在2002-2004年间总体呈微弱上升之势,但缢蛏和僧帽牡蛎体石油烃含量的年际升幅比其它4种养殖贝类体的升幅大且较明显.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionIt is well known that interaction between the trop-ical ocean and atmosphere produces the largest inter-annual climate signal, El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In past decades many efforts have been madein understanding and predicting ENSO: such as the hy-pothesis of Bjerknes (1969) that ENSO arises as aself-sustained cycle in which SSTA in the Pacific O-cean causes the trade winds to strengthen or slackenand that this in turn drives the ocean circulation changesthat …  相似文献   
研究了海域使用类型遥感监测的分类系统,探索建立了各类海域使用类型的卫星遥感监测方法。在此基础上,以葫芦岛试验区为例,对该验区海域使用格局进行了卫星遥感监测与评价。结果表明:卫星遥感技术结合地理信息系统技术与全球定位系统技术可以较好地对海域使用空间格局进行监测和评价。葫芦岛试验区海域使用类型以工矿业用海和渔业用海为主,工矿业用海以大斑块的集中用海为主要特征,而渔业用海则以小斑块的分散用海为主。在海域使用空间格局上,葫芦岛区块海域以工矿业用海为主,兴城区块海域以工矿业和渔业用海为主,绥中区块海域则是以渔业用海为主,葫芦岛试验区海域使用空间格局具有明显的空间分异特征。  相似文献   
The phenomenon of rows—straight features in the spiral patterns of galaxies, which was discovered by Vorontsov-Velyaminov, is investigated. The rows are not artifacts; in several cases, they outline regular spiral arms almost over their entire lengths. The galaxies M 101, M 51, and a number of more distant spirals are used as examples to demonstrate major geometrical and physical properties of these structures. It is shown that the row lengths increase nearly linearly with distance from the disk center, and that the angle between adjacent rows is almost always close to 2π/3. The galaxies with rows generally belong to moderate-luminosity Sbc-Sc systems with low rotational velocities, regular spiral patterns (Grand Design), and an H I content normal for these types of galaxies. Two types of rows are shown to exist, which differ in thickness and appear to be evolutionarily related. The formation mechanism of the rows should probably be sought in the peculiar behavior of the gas-compression wave in spiral density waves.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional (3D) modeling of coronal loops and filaments requires algorithms that automatically trace curvilinear features in solar EUV or soft X-ray images. We compare five existing algorithms that have been developed and customized to trace curvilinear features in solar images: i) the oriented-connectivity method (OCM), which is an extension of the Strous pixel-labeling algorithm (developed by Lee, Newman, and Gary); ii) the dynamic aperture-based loop-segmentation method (developed by Lee, Newman, and Gary); iii) unbiased detection of curvilinear structures (developed by Steger, Raghupathy, and Smith); iv) the oriented-direction method (developed by Aschwanden); and v) ridge detection by automated scaling (developed by Inhester). We test the five existing numerical codes with a TRACE image that shows a bipolar active region and contains over 100 discernable loops. We evaluate the performance of the five codes by comparing the cumulative distribution of loop lengths, the median and maximum loop length, the completeness or detection efficiency, the accuracy, and flux sensitivity. These algorithms are useful for the reconstruction of the 3D geometry of coronal loops from stereoscopic observations with the STEREO spacecraft, or for quantitative comparisons of observed EUV loop geometries with (nonlinear force-free) magnetic field extrapolation models.  相似文献   
王诺  张进  卢毅可  吴暖 《地理研究》2019,38(5):1253-1264
本文研究了1971—2015年世界铁矿石供需与流动格局的时空变化,结果显示:① 世界铁矿石年产量期末比期初增加了12.26亿t,年均增长2.17%;1992年以前,欧洲曾是世界铁矿石的消费重心,但随后亚洲后来居上。② 研究期内世界铁矿石输出量年均增长达3.7%,大洋洲和南美洲成为铁矿石的主要输出地,2015年占世界的比重分别达53.73%和26.23%;本世纪以来铁矿石输入量最大的是中国、日本和韩国,2015年分别占世界总量的65.07%、8.94%和5%。③ 基于“场”理论,采用位势、“源”、“汇”、迹线等概念审视全球铁矿石流场的基本特征和流场成因,发现世界铁矿石流动的“位势”北半球较低,而南半球较高;亚洲、欧洲是主要的汇流场,大洋洲、南美洲是主要的源流场。本文研究揭示了近半个世纪以来世界铁矿石资源的流动状态及其演变过程,对于我国科学地制定产业政策具有重要价值。  相似文献   
汪宁  许遐祯  王莹  张耀存  吴伟 《大气科学》2017,41(3):461-474
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国地面735站气温和降水资料,首先分析了欧亚遥相关型的时间演变和结构特征,在此基础上探讨了欧亚遥相关型不同位相时东亚大气环流的差异,并进一步研究了欧亚遥相关型影响我国冬季气温和降水过程中东亚高空急流的重要作用。从结构上看,欧亚遥相关型位势高度异常中心位于250 hPa高度,表现出准正压的结构。欧亚遥相关型位于正位相时,东亚温带急流强度偏弱且位置向北移动;副热带急流强度偏强,两支急流在45°N附近有明显分界;西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压强度增强;东亚大槽加深,槽线倾斜不明显。负位相时则相反。欧亚遥相关型与东亚高空急流的联系是其影响我国气温降水的重要原因。正欧亚遥相关型时,偏弱的温带急流区较强的北风分量有利于北方冷空气南下,从而造成我国气温偏低;偏强的副热带急流区增强的南风将副热带地区暖湿空气向北输送,两支急流协同变化,影响我国冬季降水异常的分布。去掉温带急流或副热带急流偏强的年份,欧亚遥相关型与我国温度、降水的相关性显著减弱,说明欧亚遥相关型是通过东亚高空急流协同变化的桥梁,对我国温度和降水异常产生影响。进一步研究发现,欧亚遥相关型与副热带急流的关系不如其与温带急流稳定,导致在欧亚遥相关型同一位相时东亚高空急流存在两种不同的配置,这种高空急流配置的不唯一性使得东亚高空急流能对欧亚遥相关型的气候效应起到调控作用。  相似文献   
以1:5万地质填图和钻探验证为基础,经分析研究塔里木托云盆地的地层特征、聚煤期、古地理环境,从而建立起该区的沉积模式,总结出该盆地煤层发育于下侏罗统康苏组上段地层之中,含煤11层,煤层为不稳定发育,但分布具有一定的规律可寻,对进一步找煤具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
应用Lamb-Jenkinson大气环流分型方法对横断山脉地区的8个经度×10个纬度范围内1948-2012年逐日平均的海平面气压场进行环流分型,由日平均海平面气压场算出6个环流指数(u、v、V、ξu、ξv、ξ),并由此划分出27种不同的环流型。分型结果表明:横断山脉地区主要环流分型为E型、NE型、SE型、N型和C型,其频率分别为:21.4%、14.6%、13.7%、9.8%和9.5%;E和NE型环流频率逐渐增加,C型环流型频率逐渐减少。春季横断山脉地区主导环流比较繁琐;NE、N型为夏季的主要环流型,但E型环流在夏季的频率也相当大;秋季和冬季横断山脉地区的主导环流型都为E型和SE型。夏季主导环流型持续时间较长,冬季也是主导环流持续的时间较长,个别年份主导环流型持续时间超过了一个月,这主要与横断山脉地区复杂的地形有联系。  相似文献   
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