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龚梅  吴寿江  杨凯迪 《贵州地质》2014,31(2):128-131
本次研究采用SP0T5数据源,基于最大似然法进行盘县煤矿区矿山地物类型自动分类研究,并利用误差矩阵统计方法对分类结果进行精度评价,发现煤堆及采场分类效果较好,总分类精度较高。  相似文献   
以中国区域89个探空站2017年资料为参考值,对ERA5和MERRA-2再分析资料积分计算的Tm的精度进行评估,并分析2种资料计算的Tm的bias和RMSE的时空变化特性。结果表明:1)以探空站资料为参考值,ERA5和MERRA-2再分析资料计算的Tm的年均bias分别为0.41 K和0.10 K,年均RMSE分别为1.26 K和1.34 K。2)2种资料计算的Tm的bias和RMSE具有相似的时空变化特性,时间上总体表现为夏季精度高、冬季精度稍低,但ERA5再分析资料计算的Tm的bias在全年均表现为正值,而MERRA-2再分析资料计算的Tm的bias在夏季表现为负值,其余时间表现为正值;在空间上,2种资料计算的Tm的bias和RMSE在高程上无明显变化特性,但在纬度上RMSE均表现出随纬度增加而逐渐变大的趋势,总体保持在2.5 K以内。  相似文献   
Precipitation-surface temperature relationship in the IPCC CMIP5 models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precipitation and surface temperature are two important quantities whose variations are closely related through various physical processes. In the present study, we evaluated the precipitation-surface temperature (P-T) relationship in 17 climate models involved in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) for the IPCC Assessment Report version 5. Most models performed reasonably well at simulating the large-scale features of the P-T correlation distribution. Based on the pattern correlation of the P-T correlation distribution, the models performed better in November-December-January-February-March (NDJFM) than in May-June-July-August-September (MJJAS) except for the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and the performance was generally better over the land than over the ocean. Seasonal dependence was more obvious over the land than over the ocean and was more obvious over the mid- and high-latitudes than over the tropics. All of the models appear to have had difficulty capturing the P-T correlation distribution over the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in MJJAS. The spatial variability of the P-T correlation in the models was overestimated compared to observations. This overestimation tended to be larger over the land than over the ocean and larger over the mid- and high-latitudes than over the tropics. Based on analyses of selected model ensemble simulations, the spread of the P-T correlation among the ensemble members appears to have been small. While the performance in the P-T correlation provides a general direction for future improvement of climate models, the specific reasons for the discrepancies between models and observations remain to be revealed with detailed and comprehensive evaluations in various aspects.  相似文献   
The progress made fi'om Phase 3 to Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3 to CMIP5) in simulating spring persistent rainfall (SPR) over East Asia was examined from the outputs of nine atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). The majority of the models overestimated the precipitation over the SPR domain, with the mean latitude of the SPR belt shifting to the north. The overestimation was about 1mm d-1 in the CMIP3 ensemble, and the northward displacement was about 3°, while in the CMIP5 ensemble the overestimation was suppressed to 0.7 mm d-i and the northward shift decreased to 2.5°. The SPR features a northeast-southwest extended rain belt with a slope of 0.4°N/°E. The CMIP5 ensemble yielded a smaller slope (0.2°N/°E), whereas the CMIP3 ensemble featured an unre- alistic zonally-distributed slope. The CMIP5 models also showed better skill in simulating the interannual variability of SPR. Previous studies have suggested that the zonal land-sea thermal contrast and sensible heat flux over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau are important for the existence of SPR. These two ther- mal factors were captured well in the CMIP5 ensemble, but underestimated in the CMIP3 ensemble. The variability of zonal land-sea thermal contrast is positively correlated with the rainfall amount over the main SPR center, but it was found that an overestimated thermal contrast between East Asia and South China Sea is a common problem in most of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Simulation of the meridional thermal contrast is therefore important for the future improvement of current AGCMs.  相似文献   
极端波浪对沿海地区基础设施有着深远的影响,了解它们的变化规律是进行海岸带风险分析和灾害预防的基础。文章基于欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting,ECMWF)第五代再分析数据集(ECMWF reanalysis v5,ERA5),对中国邻近海域1979~2018年间极端波高展开时空特征分析,并统计了40 a厄尔尼诺系数,利用广义极值分布(generalized extreme value,GEV)函数探究了近40 a厄尔尼诺现象对我国海域极端波高的影响,结果显示:统计1979~2018年整个研究区域前2%极端波浪年均值在6~10 m间浮动,且整体趋势递增,在四季趋势变化中,春夏极端波高增长趋势较秋冬高,且波动明显,在年际极端波高变化趋势中有较大波动时大多伴随着厄尔尼诺或是拉尼娜现象的发生,结合厄尔尼诺现象对GEV分布中位置参数的影响分布图和极端波高年、季节际趋势变化分布图,厄尔尼诺现象影响大的地区极端波高大多呈现增长趋势,表明厄尔尼诺现象对极端波高有较高影响。  相似文献   
梅铁  高志 《岩矿测试》1994,13(2):131-133
在PH4.5-6.5条件下,Zn与3,5-diBr-PADAP及SDS形成可溶性紫红色络合物,利用此体系以3,5-diBr-PADAP为指示剂,锌盐回滴法测定铁矿中的Al2O3溶液颜色由亮黄变为紫红,络点突跃敏锐,Fe^3+的黄色不影响终点观察。  相似文献   
北极地区不同冰龄的海冰厚度变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, changes in Arctic sea ice thickness for each ice age category were examined based on satellite observations and modelled results. Interannual changes obtained from Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite(ICESat)-based results show a thickness reduction over perennial sea ice(ice that survives at least one melt season with an age of no less than 2 year) up to approximately 0.5–1.0 m and 0.6–0.8 m(depending on ice age) during the investigated winter and autumn ICESat periods, respectively. Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System(PIOMAS)-based results provide a view of a continued thickness reduction over the past four decades. Compared to 1980 s, there is a clear thickness drop of roughly 0.50 m in 2010 s for perennial ice. This overall decrease in sea ice thickness can be in part attributed to the amplified warming climate in north latitudes. Besides, we figure out that strongly anomalous southerly summer surface winds may play an important role in prompting the thickness decline in perennial ice zone through transporting heat deposited in open water(primarily via albedo feedback) in Eurasian sector deep into a broader sea ice regime in central Arctic Ocean. This heat source is responsible for enhanced ice bottom melting, leading to further reduction in ice thickness.  相似文献   
在pH4.0的HAc-NaAc介质中,Pb(Ⅱ)与1-苯基-3-基-4-苯甲酰基-吡啉酮-5(PMBN)生成络合物,于一0.56V(vs.SCE)处出现一尖锐、灵敏的极谱峰。Pb浓度在4.83×l0 ̄-9~1.69×10 ̄-6mol/L与峰高呈线性关系。用多种电化学方法研究了极谱波的性质及反应机理,证明-0.56V处的极谱波为络合物吸附波,峰电流由中心离子Pb(Ⅲ)还原产生。用直线法测得络合物组成比为l:l。试验了30多种离子对峰电流的影响。方法已用于矿石中痕量pb的测定。  相似文献   
基于ERA5的黄渤海附近海域波浪能资源时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
波浪能资源是一种重要的海洋可再生能源,开发利用波浪能资源可以有效的缓解常规能源短缺问题带来的能源问题以及环境污染问题。对波浪能资源进行科学评估是进行海洋能资源利用的前提条件,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting,ECMWF)第五代再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5 ERA5),采用新的波浪能评估公式,对黄渤海海域1980—2018年间波浪能资源展开评估,主要计算指标包括波浪能可开发量频率、富集量频率、变异系数以及可利用波高占比等,结果显示:黄渤海区波浪能资源具有明显的季节性,秋冬季节较高,春夏季节较低,冬季是波浪能资源开发的最佳季节;波浪能富集区域主要集中在渤海海峡外侧、成山头东部以及长江口外海区域。在此基础上确定了波浪能资源的重点开发利用区,为后续的波浪能开发提供参考。  相似文献   
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