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2012年6月30日新源-和静Ms6.6地震前后,新疆北天山地区的泥火山及温泉出现了明显的水化学异常。在地震前后4天内,采集了两批泥火山和温泉水样品,测定了泥火山和温泉水样的水化学参数。资料表明,泥火山喷溢水属于低温、弱碱性咸水或盐水,水化类型为CI-Na,来源于储存在封闭构造中并与干旱海相、河湖相沉围岩发生了漫长而复杂水岩作用的大气降水。温泉水为中温、弱碱性SO4·CI-Na型淡水,形成于地表水沿断裂深循环过程中的水岩作用。安集海泥火山出现同震喷溢,震后泥水温度(T)、总矿化度(TDS)、K+、Na+及Ca2+大幅上升;独山子、白杨沟及AM02泥火山为震前喷溢,独山子、白杨沟泥火山表现为T.TDS、EC、Na+、CI的升高和K+、Ca2+、Mg2+的降低;AM02泥火山K+、Mg+明显降低,Ca2+上升达223%。震后沙湾25号泉T降低7℃, TDS、电导率(EC)、K+、Na+、 Ca2+、 .Mg2+、CI-及$SO_{4}^{2-}$升高。研究结果可用于北天山地区的地震趋势分析和改进利用各泥火山、温泉进行北天山地区地震活动性监测的水化学方法。  相似文献   
中国地震2012年第28卷1-4期总目次  相似文献   
利用日降水资料(08—08时)和常规天气图资料,以1981—2010年30 a平均降水量为气候态,统计2012年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程,概述各主要暴雨过程的重要影响系统、出现时段、范围及累积降水量。结果表明:2012年4—10月我国共出现190个暴雨日,34次主要暴雨过程,单站最大日降水量487mm,过程最大降水量631mm;4月华南、江南大暴雨过程比常年偏多,7月中下旬长江流域强降水频繁,长江三峡出现建库以来最大洪峰;汛期登陆我国的台风偏多且时间集中,北上台风偏多;汛期北方降水量比常年偏多,多个大中城市出现严重内涝。  相似文献   
 2006年10月,英国推出的由著名经济学家斯特恩爵士领导编写的《斯特恩回顾:气候变化经济学》,从经济学的角度着重论述了全球应对气候变化的紧迫性,强调只有尽快大幅度减少温室气体排放,才能避免全球升温超过2℃可能造成的巨大经济损失,且减排成本并不高。2008年4月,斯特恩爵士再次推出一份报告,提出为实现上述目标构建2012年后国际气候制度的基本要素,这对后续国际谈判可能会产生一定的影响。通过比较分析两份报告的关系和不同特点,对新报告中国际气候制度设计和评价的基本原则,全球减排的长期目标和减排义务的分担,通过资金、技术、市场、适应等国际政策措施吸引发展中国家参与,减少毁林排放,以及政策执行和制度建设等问题进行了评述和解读,其中内涵对深入开展国际气候制度的研究和我国参与国际气候谈判有重要启发。  相似文献   
The climate change issue faces a big challenge, perhaps the biggest challenge of all—politics. Pakistan has taken many noticeable steps in relation to climate change: (1) it is the only country in which the Prime Minister is heading an inter-ministerial task force on climate change, (2) it is the first developing country to establish a specialized, self-financed scientific centre to research the impact of climate change, and (3) it is the lead country to earmark budgetary funds for a national carbon sequestration programme. Pakistan, together with many developing countries, has much to offer the climate change issues. The author proposes five approaches to build consensus among climate policy negotiators: (1) reinforcing the polluter pays principle and ‘common but differentiated responsibility’, (2) active partnership by developing countries, (3) recognizing the voluntary actions taken by developing countries, (4) reinforcing the issue of adaptation, and (5) considering the option of equal per capita entitlements.  相似文献   
The temporal variability and severity of pre-instrument record summer droughts in the Ohio River Valley (Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, USA) are not well understood. This study attempts to help fill this gap in Ohio Valley drought knowledge by using tree-ring chronologies from Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio to reconstruct summer (June through August) PDSI. We found that recent meteorological droughts of 1988 and 2012 are not unusual in the context of those reconstructed for the interval of 1680–2012. Droughts prior to 1895 (when the instrument-based record began) were more severe and lasted, on average, 1.5 times longer than those after 1895. The North American Drought Atlas represents droughts well for this region, but we found that drought severity was not homogeneous across the three sites. This indicates drought in the Ohio River Valley should be examined at a sub-regional level and suggests a need for a finer spatial representation of tree-ring chronologies in the Ohio Valley. Given the context of historical drought variability, the reconstructions suggest this region should be prepared for droughts that may be more severe and longer lasting than those recently observed.  相似文献   
The evolution of the Apennines thrust-and-fold belt is related to heterogeneous process of subduction and continental delamination that generates extension within the mountain range and compression on the outer front of the Adria lithosphere. While normal faulting earthquakes diffusely occur along the mountain chain, the sparse and poor seismicity in the compressional front does not permit to resolve the ambiguity that still exists about which structure accommodates the few mm/yr of convergence observed by geodetic data. In this study, we illustrate the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence that is the most significant series of moderate-to-large earthquakes developed during the past decades on the compressional front of the Apennines. Accurately located aftershocks, along with P-wave and Vp/Vs tomographic models, clearly reveal the geometry of the thrust system, buried beneath the Quaternary sediments of the Po Valley. The seismic sequence ruptured two distinct adjacent thrust faults, whose different dip, steep or flat, accounts for the development of the arc-like shape of the compressional front. The first shock of May 20 (Mw 6.0) developed on the middle Ferrara thrust that has a southward dip of about 30°. The second shock of May 29 (Mw 5.8) ruptured the Mirandola thrust that we define as a steep dipping (50–60°) pre-existing (Permo-Triassic) basement normal fault inverted during compression. The overall geometry of the fault system is controlled by heterogeneity of the basement inherited from the older extension. We also observe that the rupture directivity during the two main-shocks and the aftershocks concentration correlate with low Poisson ratio volumes, probably indicating that portions of the fault have experienced intense micro-damage.  相似文献   
2012年7月下旬, 处于内陆干旱-半干旱地带的内蒙古中-西部地区出现了有气象记录以来的极端降水事件, 使该区气象与气候预测面临新问题. 7月20日河套地区出现大范围暴雨天气, 其中两个台站日降水量超历史极值, 一个台站超历史阈值, 属极端天气事件. 利用常规及精细化监测资料和NCEP再分析资料对此次极端降水天气事件进行分析. 结果表明: 从天气背景看, 贝加尔湖低槽内冷空气侵入副高西侧的暖空气中, 在对流层低层激发出低涡系统, 低涡前侧的南风急流使南来水汽到达41°N以北, 并在河套地区聚集. 对流层低层水汽通量维持在8~10g·cm-1·hPa-1·s-1, 大气比湿达12~17 g·kg-1, 为极端降水事件提供了丰沛的水汽. 该事件是通过MCC强烈发展形成的, 河套西北部不断有中尺度对流系统MCS发展东移, 河套南部新生的β中尺度系统发展并入MCS中, MCS系统发展为中尺度对流复合体MCC, MCC中心的TBB值达-40~-83 ℃. 近地面雷达监测显示, 河套东北部、中部存在强雷达回波群, 回波群内对流单体中心的反射率因子均达到50~55 dbz, 构成超级对流单体. 地面上, 不断新生的中尺度辐合线长时间存在于河套东北部并促发对流性暴雨. 暴雨前期对流层低层增温作用显著, 中高层"干侵入"使大气不稳定能量进一步增加. 冷锋前暖空气强烈的上升运动促发了大气不稳定能量释放. 该事件很可能与当前全球变暖密切相关, 随着全球变暖, 北极冰量减少, 夏季风增强, 雨带北移, 使得中纬度内陆干旱-半干旱带发生前所未有的极端降水事件过程.  相似文献   
杨文  刘杰 《地震》2013,33(4):248-256
利用2012年1~6月川滇地区(21°~34°N, 97°~108°E)99个测震数字地震台的连续波形资料, 采用背景噪声层析成像方法反演了2012年4月11日苏门答腊8.6级地震前后川滇地区的波速变化, 同时研究了该地震前后川滇地区地震活动的变化特征。 结果表明, 川滇地区波速结构呈现龙门山断裂带南段至元谋—绿汁江断裂带和安宁河断裂带波速降低而两侧波速升高的特点。 同时, 波速变化与地震活动性变化具有明显的相关性: 在宁蒗—木里和乐山—雅安一带波速增高显著, 地震活动速率也增加; 在龙门山断裂带南段至安宁河断裂带上则表现为明显的波速降低, 而安宁河断裂带也是地震活动速率降低区域。 这表明本研究得到的波速变化的结果有一定的可信度, 也为背景噪声方法应用到地震预测提供了一种可能的途径。  相似文献   
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