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It is important to find a reliable method to estimate maximum sustainable yield(MSY) or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management, especially when the data availability is limited which is a case in China. A recently developed method(CMSY) is a data-poor method, which requires only catch data, resilience and exploitation history at the first and final years of the catch data. CMSY was used in this study to estimate the biological reference points for Largehead hairtail(Trichiurus lepturus, Temminck and Schlegel) in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, based on the fishery data from China Fishery Statistical Year Books during 1986 to 2012. Additionally,Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model(BSM) and the classical surplus production models(Schaefer and Fox) performed by software CEDA and ASPIC, were also projected in this study to compare with the performance of CMSY. The estimated MSYs from all models are about 19.7×104–27.0×104 t, while CMSY and BSM yielded more reasonable population parameter estimates(the intrinsic population growth rate and the carrying capacity). The biological reference points of B/BMSY smaller than 1.0, while F/FMSY higher than 1.0 revealed an over-exploitation of the fishery, indicating that more conservative management strategies are required for Largehead hairtail fishery.  相似文献   
Microsatellite markers have become one kind of the most important molecular tools used in various researches. A large number of microsatellite markers are required for the whole genome survey in the fields of molecular ecology, quantitative genetics and genomics. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to select several versatile, low-cost, efficient and time- and labor-saving methods to develop a large panel of microsatellite markers. In this study, we used Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) as the target species to compare the efficiency of the five methods derived from three strategies for microsatellite marker development. The results showed that the strategy of constructing small insert genomic DNA library resulted in poor efficiency, while the microsatellite-enriched strategy highly improved the isolation efficiency. Although the mining public database strategy is time- and cost-saving, it is difficult to obtain a large number of microsatellite markers, mainly due to the limited sequence data of non-model species deposited in public databases. Based on the results in this study, we recommend two methods, microsatellite-enriched library construction method and FIASCO-colony hybridization method, for large-scale microsatellite marker development. Both methods were derived from the mi-crosatellite-enriched strategy. The experimental results obtained from Zhikong scallop also provide the reference for microsatellite marker development in other species with large genomes.  相似文献   
将地球沉积盖层作为统一的系统,对全球常规可采石油资源进行概率估计,并对21世纪末之前的全球石油产量进行预测。结果表明全球石油产量最有可能在2020—2030年间达到高峰,每年42~47亿吨。届时主要的产区将在波斯湾、西西伯利亚和东西伯利亚,上游部门的注意力将转向北极陆架。至少到2040年前,年产量将维持在42—45亿吨水平。  相似文献   
张莉  罗鹏 《海洋科学》2009,33(10):59-62
为了准确地研判日本珍珠产业发展势态,科学地确立中国珍珠产业发展目标,有效地制定中国珍珠产业发展政策,采用EVIEWS5.0软件构建了指数平滑模型,并对日本2008~2015年的珍珠产量进行了预测,预测结果显示日本的珍珠产量持续下降,到2015年日本的珍珠产量达到12.35 t.  相似文献   
经过3年努力,安徽省通过矿产资源整合关闭小矿山643个,矿石产量增加54%。  相似文献   
研究基于垄断厂商收益最大化的特定折扣率的定价问题,给出解的具体表达式,同时解决原有文献中需求函数为非线性函数时,最优固定折扣率的解的问题。  相似文献   
黑龙江省现有大小煤矿1600多个。2006年的煤炭产量已过亿吨,其中,大中型煤矿40多个,2006年煤炭产量约0.6亿吨。随着国际石油价格的上涨和国家大力推广节能减排,煤炭在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,煤矿回采率也越来越受到政府和煤矿企业的重视。由于大中型煤矿回采率统计资料较齐全,小型矿井一般无回采率统计资料,因此,本文只收集了鹤岗、双鸭山、七台河等3个煤矿城市的25座大中型生产矿井1996年至2005年的煤炭回采率数据,并按煤层厚度分为厚煤层、中厚煤层、薄煤层进行分析。  相似文献   
近几年来,尽管山东东部属较好的养虾地区,但仍有一部分低产池子产量常在50kg/亩以下,纠其原因直接表现在一是成活率低,如有的池子成活率仅有百分之十几,甚至更低;二是病害。本文就造成病害的外源因素谈谈看法。  相似文献   
西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼,Illex argentinus,巴塔哥尼亚南部群体是重要的经济种类。海洋环境因子在柔鱼资源分布中起着重要的作用。本研究利用基于环境因子的动态产量模型评估2000-2010年的滑柔鱼的资源量。假设海洋环境因子(滑柔鱼产卵场最适宜海表温度占比)影响动态产量模型的参数K,DIC值表明在正态分布和均匀分布下均是基于环境因子的评估模型优于基本的动态产量模型。阿根廷滑柔鱼的最大可持续产量(MSY)在351600吨到685 100吨之间,资源生物量在1322400吨到1 803 000吨之间,其捕捞死亡系数均小于F0.1FMSY,资源处在良好状态,没有遭受过度捕捞。本研究为应用环境因子在柔鱼类的资源评估与管理提中供了科学的参考方法。  相似文献   
广宁青皮竹已有二千多年的历史。青皮竹竹材流通,竹节平滑,出技位高,刚柔适度,是最好的蔑用竹,每年都有大量出口。本文专门对广宁青皮竹生产与气候生态环境的关系作了一些分析,仅供参考。1青皮竹生长发育与气候生态环境的关系青皮竹又称青竹、黄竹、篾竹。其地下茎合轴丛生,竹杆直立,先端下垂,根系和竹杆非常密集,生长快,生长量大,蒸腾作用强,较散生竹能耐水湿,而对土壤、水肥的要求则高于散生竹。出笋期5~9月,花期2~9月[1]。青皮竹需要温暖湿润的气候条件:①年平均温度18~22℃,1月平均温度在10℃左右(可耐-3℃低温)…  相似文献   
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