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In this paper, the numerical simulation bias of the non-hydrostatic version GRAPES-Meso (Mesoscale of the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) at the resolution of 0.18o for a torrential rain case, which happened in May 31st to June 1st 2005 over Hunan province, are diagnosed and investigated by using the radiosondes, intensive surface observation, and the operational global analysis data, and the sensitivity experimental results as well. It is shown in the result that the GRAPES-Meso could reproduce quite well the main features of large-cale circulation and the distribution of the accumulated 24h precipitation and the key locations of the torrential rainfall are captured reasonably well by the model. However, bias exist in the simulation of the mesoscale features of the torrential rain and details of the relevant systems, for example, the simulated rainfall that is too earlier in model integration and remarkable underprediction of the peak value of rainfall rates over the heaviest rainfall region, the weakness of the upper jet simulation and the overprediction of the south-west wind in the lower troposphere etc. The investigation reveals that the sources of the simulation bias are different. The erroneous model rainfall in the earlier integration stage over the heaviest rainfall region is induced by the model initial condition bias of the wind field at about 925hPa over the torrential rainfall region, where the bias grow rapidly and spread upward to about 600hPa level within the few hours into the integration and result in abnormal convergence of the wind and moisture, and thus the unreal rainfall over that region. The large bias on the simulated rainfall intensity over the heaviest rainfall region might be imputed to the following combined factors of (1) the simulation bias on the strength and detailed structures of the upper-level jet core which bring about significant underpredictions of the dynamic conditions (including upper-level divergence and the upward motion) for heavy rainfall due to unfavorable mesoscale vertical coupling between the strong upper-level divergence and lower-level convergence; and (2) the inefficient coupling of the cumulous parameterization scheme and the explicit moisture in the integration, which causes the failure of the explicit moisture scheme in generating grid-scale rainfall in a certain extent through inadequate convective adjustment and feedback to the grid-scale. In addition, the interaction of the combined two factors could form a negative feedback to the rainfall intensity simulation, and eventually lead to the obvious underprediction of the rainfall rate.  相似文献   
介绍了自动气象站系统中各种传感器、采集器、通讯线路、电源系统、计算机等硬件在日常维护中的维护方法.  相似文献   
Recent Advances in Predictability Studies in China (1999-2002)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Since the last International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly (1999), the predictability studies in China have made further progress during the period of 1999-2002. Firstly, three predictability sub-problems in numerical weather and climate prediction are classified, which are concerned with the maximum predictability time, the maximum prediction error, and the maximum allowable initial error, and then they are reduced into three nonlinear optimization problems. Secondly, the concepts of the nonlinear singular vector (NSV) and conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) are proposed,which have been utilized to study the predictability of numerical weather and climate prediction. The results suggest that the nonlinear characteristics of the motions of atmosphere and oceans can be revealedby NSV and CNOP. Thirdly, attention has also been paid to the relations between the predictability and spatial-temporal scale, and between the model predictability and the machine precision, of which the investigations disclose the importance of the spatial-temporal scale and machine precision in the study of predictability. Also the cell-to-cell mapping is adopted to analyze globally the predictability of climate,which could provide a new subject to the research workers. Furthermore, the predictability of the summer rainfall in China is investigated by using the method of correlation coefficients. The results demonstrate that the predictability of summer rainfall is different in different areas of China. Analysis of variance, which is one of the statistical methods applicable to the study of predictability, is also used to study the potential predictability of monthly mean temperature in China, of which the conclusion is that the monthly mean temperature over China is potentially predictable at a statistical significance level of 0.10. In addition,in the analysis of the predictability of the T106 objective analysis/forecasting field, the variance and the correlation coefficient are calculated to explore the distribution characteristics of the mean-square errors.Finally, the predictability of short-term climate prediction is investigated by using statistical methods or numerical simulation methods. It is demonstrated that the predictability of short-term climate in China depends not only on the region of China being investigated, but also on the time scale and the atmospheric internal dynamical process.  相似文献   
根据中澳双边协议,我于2004年4月8日至8月14日到澳大利亚气象研究中心(BMRC)进行了为期4个多月的短期访问。澳大利亚气象研究中心是澳大利亚气象局下属的研究机构,下设6个研究组,研究内容包括模式发展、数据同化、天气预报、气候预测、  相似文献   
辽宁夏季气温降水气候分区研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用聚类分析方法,以气候平均为辅,对1961~2000年辽宁53个测站的夏季气温和降水资料进行标准化处理,并根据各站之间的相关程度差异和气候特点,对辽宁夏季平均气温和平均降水进行气候分区。结果表明:辽宁夏季气候特点为,降水东部多西部少;气温中北部偏高,南部沿海凉爽。  相似文献   
1引言随着计算机的普及与发展,气象部门各项业务已离不开计算机。由于计算机业务操作系统的不稳定性,运行一段时间后,会发现速度越来越慢,其原因是经常安装和卸载软件产生的大量垃圾文件造成的。如果任其发展,会导致系统文件丢失,乃至系统崩溃。当然,最终解决这类问题的方法就是重新安装系统。这样即费时,又费力。如果能在第一次装完操作系统和各种软件时做一次系统和软件的备份,只要遇此情况,只需10几分钟可解决。这里介绍一种功能齐全的硬盘分区备份软件GHOST6.0。有了这个软件,就会解除系统崩溃后的烦恼。2GHOST6…  相似文献   
通过CCCma、CCSR、CSIRO、Gfdl和Hadley气候模式对黑龙江省其中包括齐齐哈尔、佳木斯、哈尔滨、牡丹江等4区未来50年(2005~2050年),在GG、GS情景下数值模拟。结果表明(采用GS结果),未来2030、2050年气温均有较大增高。其中2030年年平均气温可增高1.94℃;春季提高2.06℃:;夏季提高1.29℃;秋季提高1.79℃;冬季提高2.66℃,2050年又继续增加.年平均气温将提高2.42℃;春季提高2.13℃;夏季提高1.68℃;秋季提高2.56℃;冬季提高3.21℃。冬季是四季中增幅最大的季节,其次秋季、春季和夏季。如果按GG情景下,未来气温还要高出1℃。增温中心在西部齐齐哈尔,增温较小为牡丹江。从哈尔滨年蒸发量来看,2030年可增加11%,2050年可增加13%。  相似文献   
利用鲁西南地区雾日与同期、前期全球500hPa高度资料,统计得出欧亚大陆槽脊位置,亚洲南北两支锋区的位置、强度、走向等与鲁西南地区雾日密切相关,并选取优势因子建立鲁西南地区月、旬、候雾日预测方程,试报结果表明,用前期全球500hPa高度资料预测雾日具有一定的效果。  相似文献   
面向全国2000多个台站,应用数值预报产品释用MOS技术制作温度、降水、相对湿度、风、云量及能见度等要素预报,并实现了预报业务运行。通过建立MOS预报系统,表明预报因子和预报对象的处理、建方程前的参数选择以及预报因子的选取都会影响要素预报的质量,需要做大量的细致工作。预报检验结果显示,降水预报尚未达到可用程度.温度和相对湿度的短期预报在大多数情况下是可用的或是可参考的,但还有待进一步改进。降水预报尚需在预报因子和充分运用多种探测信息方面加以改进。  相似文献   
周洪祥 《浙江气象》2004,25(3):13-20
利用浙北地区的气象资料,分析了厄尔尼诺现象与长江中下游气象灾害的关系和厄尔尼诺现象与它的前期一些特定的气候条件的关系.分析结果表明,后者有很好的对应关系,它为预测厄尔尼诺现象提供一个科学的依据.  相似文献   
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