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The influences of the wintertime AO (Arctic Oscillation) on the interdecadal variation of summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia were examined. An interdecadal abrupt change was found by the end of the 1970s in the variation of the AO index and the leading principal component time series of the summer rainfall in East Asia, The rainfall anomaly changed from below normal to above normal in central China, the southern part of northeastern China and the Korean peninsula around 1978. However,the opposite interdecadal variation was found in the rainfall anomaly in North China and South China.The interdecadal variation of summer rainfall is associated with the weakening of the East Asia summer monsoon circulation. It is indicated that the interdecadal variation of the AO exerts an influence on the weakening of the monsoon circulation. The recent trend in the AO toward its high-index polarity during the past two decades plays important roles in the land-sea contrast anomalies and wintertime precipitation anomaly. The mid- and high-latitude regions of the Asian continent are warming, while the low-latitude regions are cooling in winter and spring along with the AO entering its high-index polarity after the late 1970s. In the meantime, the precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and South China is excessive, implying an increase of soil moisture. The cooling tendency of the land in the southern part of Asia will persist until summer because of the memory of soil moisture. So the warming of the Asian continent is relatively slow in summer. Moreover, the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean which are located southward and eastward of the Asian land, are warming from winter to summer. This suggests that the contrast between the land and sea is decreased in summer. The interdecadal decrease of the land-sea heat contrast finally leads to the weakening of the East Asia summer monsoon circulation.  相似文献   
2005年的“龙舟水”泛滥南粤,6月18-25日持续一周的特大致洪暴雨过程,使广东省遭遇了百年一遇的洪水灾害。受高空槽、切变线和西南季风共同影响,广东省出现了较大范围连续性特大暴雨和强降水,其中,龙门县录得的过程累积雨量1300.2 mm。再加上珠江流域各大江河上游洪水的不断涌入和天文大潮的顶托,西江水位急剧上涨,6月23日中午-24日早晨,西江的封开、德庆、高要分别超警戒水位8.92 m、6.58m、2.68 m,流量达到56300m3/S,北江清远超警戒水位2.18 m。暴洪、泥石流、塌方、洪涝等自然灾害,成片出现在广东的河源、韶关、肇庆、惠州、清远、汕尾、珠海等地区的乡镇,17个市89个县(市、区)762个乡(镇)受灾,受灾人口441.6万人,直接经济损失45.2亿元人民币,特大暴雨造成京九铁路多处地段发生土方溜坍,被迫中断行车10多天。受暴雨和天文大潮夹击,广州珠江最高潮位超过基面2 m。江水漫进广州城,市内低洼地多处水浸超过1 m,南岸的铁轨一度被大水淹没,沿江路、滨江路等大马路水深盈尺,风景如画的小岛沙面顿成水泽。暴雨令著名风景区白云山出现20多处塌方,也令白云机场几度关闭。  相似文献   
遭遇“范围广,时间长,雨势猛,灾种多,影响大”的“05·6”特大致洪暴雨过程,广东气象人显示了积极主动、沉着应对、运作有序,高度负责、善打硬仗的良好精神风貌。以“以人为本,无微不至,无所不在,实现任何人在任何时间以任何可能的方式最及时、最方便地获得所需要的气象信息和服务”为气象服务宗旨,靠前服务,靠前指挥,准确、及时的气象服务为防灾抗灾赢得了先机和主动,得到了中国气象局和广东省委省政府的充分肯定。6月23日,省长签发了《广东省人民政府关于西江和北江抗洪救灾的紧急动员令》,广东各级气象部门即时启动防洪抗灾应急预案,省局余勇局长和杨少杰副局长、许永锞副局长分别带领“突发应急气象服务小组”,奔赴省防总和“广东省北江大堤前线抗洪总指挥部”,靠前指导防洪气象服务。18-25日,广东省气象局向省委、省政府、省防总及时呈送《重大气象信息快报》7期,天气报告《急件》和《特急件》共11份,余勇局长多次率首席预报员等人向张德江书记、黄华华省长、李容根副省长等领导汇报强降水最新动向,并多次打电话汇报降水最新情况。据统计,广东省气象台共发布“暴雨消息”5次、“暴雨警报”9次和“暴雨紧急警报”11次;并及时向政府和公众发布地质灾害气象预报预警产品和珠江流域面雨量预报产品供全省抗洪救灾参考。全省气象部门先后发布黄色暴雨预警信号224次、红色暴雨预警信号75发、黑色暴雨预警信号23次,其中龙门(19-21日)、海丰(21-23日)连续3天发布了黑色暴雨预警信号。  相似文献   
受高空槽和低层低涡的共同影响,2004年7月10日凌晨起,广西钦州市普降大暴雨到特大暴雨,9日20时至10日20时,钦州、灵山、浦北日雨量分别为:318、172、17mm,造成了很大的经济损失。暴雨等强对流天气是在稳定的大尺度环流形势和有利的环境条件下,中小尺度系统不断发生、发展作用的结果,在降水时间、强度和空间分布上存在不均匀性,具有明显的中尺度天气系统特征。对经过高通滤波的700hPa高度场和流场分析可知,9日08时,在26.7°N,105.8°E有低涡生成。500hPa有西风槽东移,该高空西风槽与低层的低涡系统恰呈“北槽南涡”的有利配置。对流层中低层流场图上,西南气流与偏南气流在钦州至东兴一带汇合。中低层的水汽通量散度负值区最大值位于云南与广西交界处,钦州的大暴雨可能与西部的辐合区东移有关。通过对7月9日20时θse图的分析可知,700hPa层上有一条呈东北~西南向的低能舌,从梧州伸向钦州一带,低能舌顶在钦州附近,而其下850hPa层是θse高值区即暖湿气流控制的高能区,高层相对干冷的气流叠加在其下暖湿气流之上,上干下湿的中尺度位势不稳定在这一区域建立。对垂直速度场的分析可知,暴雨期间,西南地区一直存在着明显的上升运动和下沉运动偶。暴雨发生区的整个对流层场为上升运动,在上升运动的右侧广东省一带为下沉运动,与最大上升运动区构成了一个强的中尺度垂直环流,为强降水天气的发生提供了动力机制。对700hPa的涡度场的分析可知,钦州沿海一带及北部湾海面,涡度9日08时为负值,到9日20时至10日08时变为正值,到10日20时又变为负值,表明这段时间内钦州沿海一带有中尺度的正涡度扰动,暴雨就发生在这段时间的扰动区内。而在对流层高层对应着负的涡度扰动区,有利于在暴雨区上空形成强的上升运动区,它为暴雨的发生提供了所需的动力条件。10日00时,北部湾北部海面有较强的一小块对流云系(云顶温度≤-72℃)的“先兆云”生成,预示着该地区周围存在不稳定天气条件,钦州未来24h内容易发生强对流天气。  相似文献   
Water soluble components of PM10 Chongqing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of water soluble ions (Na+, NH4 +, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO3 -, Cl-, and SO 4 2- ) in PM10 samples collected on cellulose filters by a medium-volume cascade impactor were determined, which were obtained from three kinds of areas in Chongqing: industrial area (Jiulongpo district), commercial and residential area (Jiangbei district) and background area (Jinyun Mountain in the Beibei district). The results showed that except for the background site, the annual average values of PM10 are 23% – 61% higher than the national air quality standard (GradeII) (0.1 mg/m3), even that the value of the control site is still 20% higher than American standard (0.05 mg/m3). This implied that serious pollution of fine particles occurred in Chongqing. Nine kinds of soluble ions in water of PM10 were analyzed by ion chromatography (IC) and the annual average concentrations follow the order of [SO 4 2- ] > [NO3 -] > [Cl-] > [F-], and [Ca2+] > [NH4 +] > [K+] > [Na+] > [Mg2+]. Their values were different in these areas: the industrial area > the commercial and living area > the control area. As for NH4 +, K+, Ca2+, NO3 - and SO 4 2- , their seasonal average concentrations show a similar variation trend: the values in spring and fall were higher than those in summer and winter. The seasonal average concentrations of [Cl-], [F-], [Na+] and [Mg2+] are much lower than those of other ions. However, the concentrations of [Na+] changed more greatly in different seasons than those of the other three ions. Correlation coefficients showed that the three areas have been polluted by coal smoke and dust to different extents, while some local resources of pollution should be taken into consideration as well.  相似文献   
原定为青白口纪的龙潭河组时代应属早南华世;在志留系顶部发现一套岩层,认为存在中泥盆统云台观组;万县与通江两地层小区的下-中侏罗统存在相变过渡关系;城巴断裂以北分布较小型侵入岩体.重点调查研究了具重要控矿作用的城巴断裂和直接影响三峡库区稳定性的七曜山断裂带新构造运动.  相似文献   
杨建才  汪治桂  王建兵 《干旱气象》2011,(4):466-471,487
通过对造成舟曲"8.8"暴雨的对流云团特征进行分析,发现2010年8月7日20时700 hPa上位于平凉—定西—甘南中部一线的切变线对造成这次暴雨过程的对流云团的形成、发展和维持有十分重要的作用,同时对流云系的发展、加强与2次对流云团的合并有密切关系;舟曲"8.8"暴雨是在对流云团减弱南移的过程中发生的,具有明显的局地...  相似文献   
中尺度对流系统是造成暴雨的重要影响系统.为了加深对暴雨中尺度对流系统的认识,有必要总结和继续研究中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的组织模型、结构以及发生发展机制.因此,对产生暴雨的MCSs的相关研究进展进行简要综述,主要包括MCSs的定义、分类、时空分布、平均生成环境、组织模型和演变,MCSs的结构特征和发生发展机制,MCS...  相似文献   
2010年7月甘肃一次区域性暴雨分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用甘肃省自动站降水、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料、FY-2C卫星云图等资料,对2010年7月22~24日甘肃东部发生的区域性暴雨天气过程进行分析。通过对高空天气形势、多种物理量场以及卫星云图等数据从不同角度对此次暴雨过程进行分析。研究表明:此次暴雨天气过程是由于大陆高压的快速发展西进,切断高原东部的短波槽...  相似文献   
重庆市是滑坡灾害高发的城市,滑坡灾害每年都会造成大量的人员伤亡和经济损失。本文结合历年滑坡统计资料,基于GIS平台,分析重庆市滑坡灾害的时空分布特征。自1980年起,重庆发生滑坡的次数明显增加,且集中发生在5~9月,尤其是7月。80%以上的滑坡为降雨引发,其次是自然灾害和人类活动,人类活动诱发滑坡灾害增长速度最快。重庆滑坡密度大的地区为市区以及万州区、忠县等三峡库区核心地带,滑坡高发地区有东北向西南方向变化的趋势。  相似文献   
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