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<正>近年来,青田县国土资源局在规范设施农用地管理中,严把宣传、准入、审批、监管"四关",积极引导农村土地承包流转经营权有序流转,为促进农业规模经营,农村稳定发展和农民持续增收奠定良好的工作基础。一是营造氛围,把好宣传关。不断创新宣传方式,充分利用广播、电视、网络等媒体和设立宣传专栏、举办知识讲座、开展送法下乡等形式,加大设施农用地相  相似文献   
炎热的夏天,广东东莞一个服装厂的老板在为频繁停电影响生产担忧。而此时,广西天峨县副县长王迪也在为发电量减少无奈。虽然两地相隔甚远,但水利发电、西电东送将两省(区)紧密联系起来。  相似文献   
Design equations for minimum area or maximum velocity canal-sections for transport of bulk sediment carried by water have been obtained. Such canals are economically feasible in the terrain where large slopes are available. The design procedure is illustrated by a practical example.  相似文献   
上海市发奶网络空间结构模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭柏林 《地理科学》1993,13(2):113-120
The Kushiyara and Monu rivers are two of the major river systems in the northeast region of Bangladesh. Analyzing satellite images of the Kushiyara and Monu rivers between 1990 and 1997, it was found that significant changes occurred at five distinct locations; i.e., Ahmadpur, Monumukh, Raysrr, Kaprangibari and Telibil. The amount of change was measured as 168.34 ha by using a plani-meter. Transportation of sediment was the major contributing factor of morphological change. The total average sediment concentration of Kushiyara and Monu rivers was found to be 16889.6 ppm per year during the study period by applying the Engelund and Hansen equation approach. Protection work has been suggested at the vulnerable locations.  相似文献   
马雪瑶  李钢  周俊俊  石金龙  胡敏  王娟  陈诺 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1462-1474
中国民间抱养行为由来已久,家庭送养的决策将完全改变儿童的生存和发展的轨迹。囿于送养的隐蔽性和复杂性,且相关研究匮乏,亟需系统性的剖析。文章基于公益平台寻亲数据,运用社会网络、空间分析、数理统计以及地理探测器的方法,探究1981—2010年家庭送养的时空分异特征,并进一步归纳送养决策的流程及原因机制。结果表明:1)送养主体为未满1周岁女童。2)送养人数在时间上呈现“先增后减”的倒“U”型分布,在空间上主要分布在中国东部、中部以及川渝地区。3)家庭送养原因以经济贫困为主,违反生育政策的影响次之。当家庭面临狭小的生育空间时,重男轻女的思想会被强化。4)地理探测器结果揭示,人口因素是影响送养空间分异最主要的原因,自然灾害、计划生育和经济因素在不同时期产生较大影响。5)基于理性选择理论提出了多尺度下的家庭送养的影响机制,认为家庭在作理性送养决策时,往往遵循生存理性、经济理性、制度理性以及社会理性的原则。  相似文献   
Soil erosion in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin is a serious concern over sustainable crop production and sound ecosystem. A 3-year experiment was conducted using the method of runoff plots to examine the effects of terracing and agroforestry in farmland systems on soil and water conservation of slope fields in the hilly areas in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, Southwestern China. A power function (Y = aX^b) can statistically describe the relationship between water runoff (Y) and rainfall (X). The regression equation for the treatment of sloping terraces with crops (Plot 2) is remarkably different from that for the treatment of sloping terraces with grasses and trees (Plot 1) and the conventional up- and down-slope crop system (Plot 3) regarding equation coefficients, while regression equations are similar between Plot 1 and Plot 3. Water runoff amount and runoff coefficient of slope fields increased by 21.5-41.0 % and 27.5 - 69.7 % respectively, compared to those of sloping terraces, suggesting that terracing notably reduced the water runoff in the field. In the case of sloping terraces, lower amount of water runoff was observed on sloping terraces with crops than on sloping terraces with grasses and trees. Sediment yields on the slope fields in the normal year of rainfall distribution were notably higher (34.41 - 331.67 % and 37.06-403.44 % for Plot 1 and Plot 2, respectively) than those on sloping terraces, implying that terracing also plays a significant role in the reduction in soil erosion. It is suggested that terracing with crops is significantly effective for soil and water conservation in cultivated farmland, while the conventional practice of up- and down- slope cultivation creates high rates of water runoff and soil sediment transport. Terracing with grasses and fruit trees shows a less reduction in water runoff than terracing with crops, which was observed in the 3-year experiments.  相似文献   
闫保永 《探矿工程》2016,43(6):64-67
本文结合全液压动力头式地面煤层气钻机的结构特点,根据给进机构数学模型及钻压控制经验公式,建立钻压控制模型,设计模糊PID控制器并进行了仿真分析。通过改变门限钻压值和岩石可钻性系数值大小,模拟钻进过程中地层变化和被控对象参数变化对系统的影响,经过仿真分析得出系统的响应速度快,超调量小,具有较好的适应能力和抗干扰能力。因此,用模糊控制来实现恒钻压控制是可行的,对实现钻机的自动化、智能化控制具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
为了精准查明拟建隧道沿线地质情况,通常采用水平孔绳索取心钻探技术。在超深涌水水平孔绳索取心钻进中,投放、打捞内管总成钻具和打捞器是施工中的难题。因此从研制专用水平钻机、选择大功率泥浆泵、封隔分流涌水、设计绳索取心钻具送绳器、定制专用内平绳索取心钻杆等几方面开展研究。全面分析了泥浆泵压力、钻杆内径大小、钻孔深度、钻杆的密封性、钻孔涌水量、涌水压力、孔壁间隙等因素对投送内管总成钻具和打捞器速度的影响,实现了高效、低成本、绿色钻探技术集成。经过精心组织,成功完成了千米级的大涌水水平孔绳索取心钻探施工,精准查明了隧道洞身段工程地质条件,取得了满意的技术效果,为隧道设计和施工提供了安全保障,也为超深涌水水平孔钻探提供了经验。  相似文献   
6月15日,栾川县国土资源局办公大院驶出一辆装载着电脑、打印机、传真机的"送科技下乡"车,送往全县14个乡(镇)国土资源所。  相似文献   
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