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刘辰生  郭建华  苏娟 《新疆地质》2005,23(3):288-291
阿克库勒地区卡拉沙依组碎屑岩储层的成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低.储层的次生溶蚀孔隙所占比例远高了:原生孔隙,次生孔隙是储层的主要储集空间.样品数据统计显示,卡拉沙依组储层属于低孔、低渗储层类型.根据岩石薄片、铸体薄片观察及储层样品的扫描电镜和阴极发光分析结果,本区石炭系储层主要经历的成岩作用有压实(压溶)作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用和交代作用,其中碳酸盐矿物的沉淀和溶蚀作用是本区卡拉沙依组储层所经历的最重要的成岩作用.成岩作用已达到晚成岩B期,早期方解石交代石英颗粒并发生大量溶蚀,生成大量次生孔隙,晚期方解石没有发生溶蚀.  相似文献   
绿片岩三轴流变力学特性的研究(II):模型分析   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:29  
首先,基于在岩石全自动流变伺服仪上得到的绿片岩三轴流变试验曲线,采用五元件线性粘弹性模型对表现为粘弹性流变特性的曲线进行了辨识,获得了绿片岩的粘弹性流变参数;然后,提出了一个新的非线性粘性元件,并将其与塑性体并联起来,得到一个新的非线性粘塑性体(NVPB),该体能充分反映岩石的加速流变特性:同时,将NVPB模型与五元件粘弹性模型串联起来,建立了一个新的岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型。采用绿片岩加速流变全过程曲线,对提出的岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型进行了辨识,得到了岩石七元件非线性粘弹塑性流变模型的材料参数。流变模型与试验结果的比较,显示了所建模型的正确性与合理性。  相似文献   
石方 《贵州气象》2005,29(3):24-25
分析研究习水县气候特点与黔北麻羊养殖之间的关系,总结出当地影响麻羊养殖的有利和不利的气候条件,为发展当地麻羊养殖提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
用逐步回归预测棉铃虫发生期和发生量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集了1973年至2000年的气象,农作物、棉铃虫虫害等196年因子,以运城、汾阳和临汾为山西省代表站,利用最优二分割法把发生量分为10级,5级和不分级3种情况;使用逐步回归计算了219个模型,从中选出27个棉铃虫二、三代发生期,发生量最优模型,在农气服务中应用,预报准确率为95%,效果良好。  相似文献   
According to the basic characteristics of the activities of summer monsoon in the South China Sea,Standardized index,Is,has been designed that integrates a dynamic factor(southwesterly component) and a thermodynamic factor(OLR) for the indication of summer monsoon in the South China Sea,With the index determined for individual months of June,July and August and the entire summertime from 1975 to 1999,specific months and years are indicated that are either strong or weak in monsoon intensity,The variation is studied for the patterns and Is‘s relationship is revealed with the onset of summer monsoon and the precipitation in Guang-dong province and China.The results show that there are quasi-10 and quasi-3-4 year cycles in the interannual variation of the monsooon over the past 25 years.When it has an early(late)onset,the summer monsoon is usually strong (weak),In the strong(weak)monsoon,years,precipitation tends to be more(less)in the first raining season of the year but normal or less(normal)in the second,in the province,but it would be more(less) in northeastern China and most parts of the northern china and south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River and less(more)in the middle and lower reaches of the river,western part of northern China and western China.  相似文献   
Quartz samples collected from the Jinman vein copper deposit in the Lanping Basin of western Yunnan were determined by40Ar/39Ar fast neutron activation techniques, and the spectra are characterized as being saddle-shaped. The samples yielded a plateau age of 58.05 ± 0.54 Ma, a minimum appearance age of 56.76 ±0.81 Ma and an isochron age of 54.30 ± 0.15 Ma, the three ages being close to each other, indicating that the ages of the quartz samples so far determined are true and reliable. The plateau age represents the time of formation of Cu-bearing quartz veins, which is corresponding to Early Himalayan. This age is also consistent with the time at which a tectonically thermal event (60 Ma) took place within the Lanping Basin, Yunnan Province. In consideration of the fact that copper ore and other ore types in the vast area of western Yunnan are concentrated mainly in the Early Himalayan strata, the authors believe that there must have existed some indispensable key factors leading to metallogenesis on a large scale during the Early Himalayan period in western Yunnan and also constraining in union the formation of ore deposits there.  相似文献   
2002年2月23日,河南省地质学会在郑州召开了第七届七次常务理事扩大会议。段子清理事长主持了会议。姚公一副理事长致开幕词。张克伟秘书长作了关于学会2001年度工作总结和2002年度工作计划的报告。学会21个分支和地方机构也分别作了汇报。王志光副秘书长代表秘书处提出了关于吸收新会员、增补理事、调整学会机构的建议。  相似文献   
川西北马脑壳金矿床载金矿物特征及其成因意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川西北部九寨沟县的马脑壳金矿床的主要载金矿物有黄铁矿、毒砂、辉锑矿、雄黄和褐铁矿。有两种不同类型的黄铁矿,分别形成于沉积成岩期和热液成矿期。前者具草莓状结构,后者以环带结构为特征。粒度小晶形不规则的黄铁矿具有较高的含金量,而晶形完整和晶产大者含金量相对较低。辉锑矿和雄黄以细粒浸染状分布者含金量高,而以块状产出者金含量低甚至不含金。褐铁矿为表生氧化作用的产物,含有显微-超显微单质金。对马脑壳金矿床载金矿物的研究表明,矿床形成于三个成矿期,即沉积-成岩期、热液成矿期、表生氧化期,三个成矿期之间具有内在的联系。热液成矿期含矿流体的演化具有阶段性特征,流体的物理化学性质迅速变化有利于金的沉淀富集。  相似文献   
雷州半岛全新世高温期珊瑚生长所揭示的环境突变事件   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过对南海北部雷州半岛徐闻县灯楼角角孔珊瑚礁剖面(20°14.005′N, 109°55.200′E)的研究, 发现在全新世高温期存在至少9次高频率、大幅度的气候突然变冷事件, 将这一现象命名为“雷州事件”. 这一时期是雷州半岛珊瑚礁发育的适宜期, 至少可分为9个阶段, 每一阶段(即一次气候适宜期)的持续时间约20~50 a, 之后即在冬季突然出现一次低温和(或)相对低海平面事件, 导致角孔珊瑚大量死亡, 并出露遭受磨蚀, 形成间断面; 如此循环往复, 形成厚逾4 m的角孔珊瑚礁坪. 此段时间地壳分阶段性地下沉, 海平面上升. 该珊瑚礁剖面是研究中国南部热带地区全新世高温期年代际气候变化的宝贵的材料, 为全新世高温期的高频气候不稳定性演化模式提供了新的证据, 对传统的全新世大暖期的气候特征提供了新的认识.  相似文献   
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