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张茉楠 《地球》2010,(5):54-55
所谓“3E”模式,是日本最早为应对能源(Energy)、环境(Environment)与经济(Economy)发展的三重矛盾而提出的。传统经济是由“资源→产品→污染排放”单向流动形成的线性经济,生态经济则是“资源→产品→再生资源”的反馈式流程。面向环境友好型社会的基本目标可分解为资源目标、环境目标、经济增长目标,即所谓的“3E’,增长模式。  相似文献   
刘锴 《地球》2010,(6):60-61
距离中国第一家民营矿业公司——中川国际矿业控股有限公司(下称“中川矿业”)走出国门,已是整整一年。一年前,这家公司与加拿大萨斯喀彻温省KP488钾矿项目论证会在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行。  相似文献   
李宏博  于怀 《地球》2010,(1):38-39
化石能源是指经地质作用形成的、可用作燃料的碳氢化合物的通称.包括石油、煤炭、天然气、煤层气和可燃冰等。化石能源对人类生活的重要性不言而喻。吃穿住行都离不开它的身影。自工业革命以来的二百多年,人类社会高度现代化和文明的实现是以化石能源为主要推动力的。  相似文献   
陈剑 《地球》2010,(1):46-46
白皮书的起因及颁布 2008年8月金融危机之际,我参加了科技部的一个科技大会.讨论科技当前的重大问题。当时,我被点名发言。我说要从根本上解决金融危机不能仅靠金融手段,而要靠科技。搞金融的把金融搞得乱七八糟.最后解决问题时还是要靠科技。  相似文献   
The species diversity at the regeneration stage, inflenced by different water levels, is important for community composition in the later growing season. Regeneration diversity of Carex lasiocarpa community under different water levels was studied at two stages, recruitment and adult, in the Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang Province, China. The results showed that, at the two growing stages, important value of C. lasiocarpa population and species richness of the community decreased with the increasing water level, while the Simpson and Shannon-Wiener diversity indexes and Pielou evenness index increased. Under different water levels, community diversities were higher at the recruitment stage, while population important values of C. lasiocarpa were higher at the adult stage. Indexes in vegetation evaluation must be chosen prudentially for successful restoration and effective management of wetlands, and especially for wetland restoration, the optimal time should be selected according to the restoration objectives and costs.  相似文献   
As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies, the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geography. Based on a consumer behavior analysis, this study explores the relationship between consumption space and the social strata of consumers in typical shopping malls in Guangzhou where the first shopping mall in China was built. The result shows that shopping malls have performed significant constructive functions of organizing consumers from different social classes into different consumption space. For middle- and upper-class consumers, the function of shopping malls centers on utilitarian consumption, identity recognition, and identity construction; whereas for lower-class consumers, its function revolves around pleasure and enjoyment. The symbolism of consumption space is the underlying reason for shopping malls to have their social constructive function. The findings of this research suggest that: 1) a shopping mall is a productive consumption space and a geographical space with subjectivity; 2) the micro-location of a shopping mall has social construction function; and 3) symbolic consumption is the core of social construction.  相似文献   
Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development. China is a country with high stocks of social capital. Using several different indicators of social capital, this study tries to research the regional disparities in social capital and the influence of social capital on economic growth of China in 1978–2004. Measuring social capital with indicators of associations, charities and blood donation rates, this study finds significant regional disparities in social capital at provincial level in China. Those indicators for social capital are highly correlated with regional economic performance. Statistical analysis shows that social capital has a significant and positive effect on a long-term provincial economic growth. This relationship exists after controlling policy, macro location factors, and per capita GDP in the initial year. The empirical findings indicate that institutions, culture and social relations are critical for regional development in China. Therefore, the creation and support of social capital should be paid more attention to when making regional policy.  相似文献   
薄洋 《中国地名》2010,(9):74-74,78
随着社会经济文化的不断发展,地名档案工作的规模日益扩大,其社会作用也日益凸显。档案作为改革开放、促进经济发展、加快社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的重要服务载体,发挥着越来越重要的作用。档案是由文件转化而来的,文件是档案的前身,档案是文件的归宿。档案是单位各项工作的真实记录,是各项事业持续发展的重要依据,既能指导现实工作又能为查考历史提供重要的凭据。如何做好档案管理工作是档案管理人员的历史责任。  相似文献   
细菌性痢疾是常见疾病,也是备受关注的公共健康问题。近年来,京津唐地区的细菌性痢疾发病率相对较高。本文首先分析了2012年京津唐地区细菌性痢疾的季节性和人群特征;其次,使用热点分析模型,探索了京津唐地区细菌性痢疾发病率的时空聚集性;最后,运用地理探测器模型研究了细菌性痢疾的发生和社会经济因素之间的量化关系。结果表明:① 细菌性痢疾发病的峰值时间是8月;发病率最高的年龄段是0-9岁,其次是80岁以上;农民群体发病率最高,其次是散居儿童。② 京津唐地区细菌性痢疾在空间和时间上都存在聚集性。空间上,细菌性痢疾发病率的高聚集区主要分布于北京市的房山区及门头沟区和天津市的滨海新区,低聚集区主要分布于唐山市的滦县,时间上,细菌性痢疾发病率的高聚集区在12个月均有发生,低聚集区主要发生在1-4月以及6月。③ 影响细菌性痢疾发病率空间分布的主要社会经济因素为农村人口占总人口的比例、人口密度和各区县的人均GDP,它们的解释力分别为61%,37%和20%,并且发现它们的交互作用都大于独自影响的作用。本研究通过对京津唐地区细菌性痢疾发病情况的人群特征、时空特征以及影响因素的分析,为本地区细菌性痢疾的预防和控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   
在全力应对全球经济危机的严峻考验中,我们迎来了第40个世界地球日。“认识地球,保障发展——了解我们的家园深部”是2009年4月22日地球日的宣传主题。  相似文献   
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