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Kinetic Modeling the Formation of Low-mature Gases and Analysis of the Possibility to Be Accumulated
At present, shallow gases have received much attention due to low cost in exploration and production. Low-mature gases, as one significant origin to shallow gas, turns to be an important research topic. The present understanding of low-mature gases is confined within some geological cases, and few laboratory studies have been reported. Therefore, the potential and characters of low- mature gases are not clear up to now. Here, two premature samples (one coal and the other shale) were pyrolyzed in a gold confined system. The gaseous components including hydrocarbon gases and non-hydrocarbon gases were analyzed. Based on kinetic modeling, the formation of low-mature gases was modeled. The results showed that during low mature stage, about 178 mL/gTOC gas was generated from the shale and 100 mL/gTOC from the coal. Two third to three fourth of the generated gases are non-hydrocarbon gases such as H2S and CO2. The total yields of C1-5 for the two samples are almost the same, 30-40 mL/gTOC, but individual gaseous hydrocarbon is different. The shale has much lower C1 but higher C2-5, whereas the coal has higher C1 but lower C2-5. Hydrocarbon gases formed during low-mature stage are very wet. The stable carbon isotope ratios of methane range from -40‰ to -50‰ (PDB), in good consistence with empiric criterion for low-mature gases summed up by the previous researchers. The generation characters suggest that the low-mature gases could be accumulated to form an economic gas reservoir, but most of them occur only as associated gases. 相似文献
In order to investigate the migration and accumulation efficiency of hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, and to provide new evidence for the classification of its genesis, a source rock pyrolysis experiment in a closed system was designed and carried out. Based on this, kinetic models for describing gas generation from organic matter and carbon isotope fractionation during this process were established, calibrated and then extrapolated to geologic conditions by combining the thermal history data of the Xushen-1 Well. The results indicate that the coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression are typical "high-efficiency gas sources", the natural gas generated from them has a high migration and accumulation efficiency, and consequently a large-scale natural gas accumulation occurred in the area. The highly/over matured coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression generate coaliferous gas with a high δ^13C1 value (〉 -20‰) at the late stage, making the carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases abnormally heavy. In addition, the mixing and dissipation through the caprock of natural gas can result in the negative carbon isotope sequence (δ^13C1 〉δ^13C2 〉δ^13C3 〉δ^13C4) of organic alkane gases, and the dissipation can also lead to the abnormally heavy carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases. As for the discovery of inorganic nonhydrocarbon gas reservoirs, it can only serve as an accessorial evidence rather than a direct evidence that the hydrocarbon gas is inorganic. As a result, it needs stronger evidence to classify the hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression as inorganic gas. 相似文献
渔塘坝是中国较为典型的高硒地区之一。从该区选取了4个典型的富硒碳质岩样品,并在常温条件下进行了淋滤实验研究(pH=2.0,4.0和6.5)。初步结果表明:随着液固比的增大和淋滤时间的延长,淋滤液中硒含量变化的总体呈降低趋势。不同岩类间硒的淋失量有所差别,但岩石总量硒并不是影响硒淋失的主要因素。淋滤原液的不同pH值对岩石硒的淋失有显著影响,其淋失量的排列顺序是pH=2.0>pH=6.5>pH=4.0。岩石中碳酸盐与黄铁矿含量之比同淋滤液pH的变化有关,并且极可能是影响岩石风化初始阶段硒淋失的重要因素之一。 相似文献
广西来宾蓬莱滩二叠纪瓜德鲁普统一乐平统界线剖面元素和同位素地球化学研究及地质意义 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
广西来宾蓬莱滩二叠系瓜德鲁普统一乐平统界线剖面已被国际地质科学联合会确定为国际界线层型标准剖面,在该界面附近发生了一次重要的全球性生物绝灭事件。蓬莱滩剖面样品采自乐平统合山组底部(由自质岩和透镜状灰岩组成)和瓜德鲁普统茅口组上部来宾灰岩(由硅质灰岩、灰岩和少量硅质岩组成)。它们具有高的SiO2含量(除3个样品低于10%以外,其余样品均大于17%,平均为43.44%)、m值(〉50)与Sr/Ba值(〉1.0)和低自MgO/CaO(绝大部分低于0.2)与V/(V+Ni)值(〈0.46);Ce和Eu亏损明显。这些地球化学特征反映它们是在相月氧化的浅海环境中形成的,硅的来源非常丰富。样品的εNd(f)值(-7.5~-3.3)和(^87Sr/^88Sr)。值(O.70705-0.70739都位于全球大洋Nd、Sr同位素演化曲线晚二叠纪时期区域内。有机碳的δ^13Corg值变化明显(-26.7‰~-23.2‰)尤其是在瓜德鲁普统与乐平统以及茅口组与合山组界线附近发生显著的负漂移(达3.4‰),而且与无机碳的δ^13C值呈现大致平行的变化趋势,证实在该界线附近发生过生物绝灭事件。虽然对瓜德鲁普统一乐平统交替时期发生的自物绝灭事件已提出过包括海平面下降在内的多种假设,但本文认为,由地幔柱上升引起的、以峨嵋山玄武岩喷发为代表的超级火山活动以及由此引起的环境效应是该时期生物绝灭的主要原因。 相似文献
鄂尔多斯深部咸水层CO_2地质封存效果评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国首个陆上咸水层CO_2地质封存全流程示范项目于2010年正式实施。为更加清晰、准确地了解注入场地储层的注入性能和注入封存过程中可能遇到的潜在问题,基于场地储层结构和注入监测数据,采用储层多相流模拟软件TOUGH2-MP/ECO_2N对鄂尔多斯105 t/a CO_2注入1 620 m以深的特低渗砂岩咸水含水层进行数值模拟,对储层的压力积聚和CO_2羽体扩散的动态演化以及储层封存量进行评估。结果表明,所建立的模型比较准确地反映了实际注入过程和注入效果。3a注入引起的最大压力抬升小于15 MPa,CO_2在含水层中总体呈均匀扩散,CO_2注入地下3a和53a后,羽体在刘家沟储层中的横向迁移距离分别为550 m和700 m左右。在目前的统注方案下,CO_2主要封存层位在储层上部的刘家沟组(埋深为1 690~1 699 m),其吸气量占整个储层封存量的80%以上,储层吸气能力具有由浅到深变差的特征。53a模拟期内,进入泥岩盖层的CO_2总量不及注入总量的0.05%。 相似文献
利用△logR技术计算有机碳是一种不同于传统地球化学测试得到的有机碳方法.该方法利用烃源岩有机碳含量在测井曲线(声波时差、电阻率)上的响应特征,建立测井解释模型,计算TOC的连续分布值,从而得到准确的有机碳含量,补充取心资料的不足.本文应用△logR技术,结合实测数据,建立起三湖地区测井资料与有机碳含量之间的定量关系模型,然后利用该模型对三湖地区25口重点探井进行有机碳计算.结果表明:有机碳总体上数值含量偏低,平均值为0.33%;在纵向上,具有2个峰值,其中k5-k6峰值段是第四系最大湖泛期形成的沉积;在平面上,有机碳高值区位于台南—涩北构造以北和台吉乃尔与南陵丘以南区域,而南斜坡和涩南1井以东区域有机碳含量较低.本次研究获取了较为准确的烃源岩评价参数,最终得到该区第四系天然气资源量得到油田认可. 相似文献
世界泥炭地有机碳储量和有机碳密度 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
泥炭地是全球重要的有机碳库,在全球碳循环和气候变化中起着重要作用。在已有的对全球和各大洲泥炭地面积和泥炭储量估算结果的基础上,结合有机碳含量的数据,估算世界、各大洲和主要国家的泥炭地有机碳储量,得到如下结果:世界泥炭地有机碳储量为2 381.34×108t。各大洲泥炭地有机碳储量分布不均,北美洲最为丰富,储量为1 098.64×108t,占总储量的46.14%;其次是欧洲和亚洲,分别占总储量的27.41%和22.89%。由于各国对泥炭地的界定不一致,缺乏泥炭层厚度、泥炭容重等重要指标的基础数据,或者由于这些指标统计核算的口径不同,导致很难对泥炭地有机碳储量进行准确估算。最后分析了影响泥炭地有机碳储量动态变化的主要影响因素,以期为泥炭资源可持续利用和保护泥炭地碳储存功能提供科学依据。 相似文献