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基于两套模式的大集合试验结果,评估了气候内部自然变率对热带辐合带(ITCZ, Intertropical convergence zone)未来南北移动的影响。研究发现,模式间ITCZ的移动差异源自中高纬度的外强迫模拟差异,而气候内部变率主要通过热带过程调控ITCZ的位置变化。在通用地球系统模式大集合(Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble, CESM-LE)试验中,厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni■Oscillation, ENSO)振幅变化的自然变率会通过中等和极端厄尔尼诺降水的非线性信号调制ITCZ的移动幅度,而在MPI-GE(the Max Planck Institute Great Ensemble)试验中,ITCZ的位置变化主要与大西洋海温梯度信号异常有关,相较而言ENSO振幅对ITCZ的影响很有限。总体而言,全球变暖背景下由于内部自然变率引起的ITCZ南北移动不确定性幅度能解释未来预估模式间的差异约为20%,但对ITCZ移动的模拟不确定性有贡献。  相似文献   
在模拟2009年登陆我国东部沿海的台风"莫拉克"的基础上,利用AVHRR/AMSR和SODA再分析数据和模拟结果,初步评估了GRAPES-ECOM海-气耦合模式(上海台风研究所基于GRAPES-TCM区域台风模式和ECOM海洋模式开发而成)模拟台风期间海洋响应的能力,并分析了台风期间台湾岛周围海域的海温、上升流、中尺度冷涡等的变化特点。分析结果表明,GRAPES-ECOM耦合模式较好地模拟了表层海温对台风的响应,与深水海洋响应比较,揭示了近海对台风响应的一些新特征:(1)在台湾以东海域,台风活动改变了黑潮海域海水的垂直运动,诱导黑潮南部沿岸上升流,而北部先于台风存在的上升流减弱,导致不同水深海温的最大降温位置都出现在路径左侧,与深海偏向路径右侧不同;(2)位于台湾岛东北面的彭佳屿冷涡因其形成与大陆架和黑潮有关,当台风在台湾以东洋面活动时,冷涡位于台风右前方,黑潮表层海水辐合流向大陆架,冷涡中心温度上升,强度减弱,当台风转折北上,冷涡位于台风东南侧,表层海水辐散,加强底层冷水上涌,从而增强了该冷涡的强度;(3)台风不仅加深了台湾海峡的混合层深度,还使得海水的垂直热力结构改变,并使整层海温趋于一致。  相似文献   
The tropopause height and the atmospheric boundarylayer (PBL) height as well as the variation of inversion layer above the floating ice surface are presented using GPS (global position system ) radiosonde sounding data and relevant data obtained by Chinas fourth arctic scientific expedition team over the central Arctic Ocean (86°-88°N, 144°-170°W) during the summer of 2010. The tropopause height is from 9.8 to 10.5 km, with a temperature range between -52.2 and -54.10C in the central Arctic Ocean. Two zones of maximum wind (over 12 m/s) are found in the wind profile, namely, low- and upper-level jets, located in the middle troposphere and the tropopause, respectively. The wind direction has a marked variation point in the two jets from the southeast to the southwest. The average PBL height determined by two methods is 341 and 453 m respectively. These two methods can both be used when the inversion layer is very low, but the results vary significantly when the inversion layer is very high. A significant logarithmic relationship exists between the PBL height and the inversion intensity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.66, indicating that the more intense the temperature inversion is, the lower the boundary layer will be. The observation results obviously differ from those of the third arctic expedition zone (800-85° N). The PBL height and the inversion layer thickness are much lower than those at 870-88° N, but the inversion temperature is more intense, meaning a strong ice- atmosphere interaction in the sea near the North Pole. The PBL structure is related to the weather system and the sea ice concentration, which affects the observation station.  相似文献   
基于组件式GIS的南海热带气旋风、浪场分析系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将现有的计算模型与组件式GIS(地理信息系统)进行有效地整合,建立一个以热带气旋路径和强度的预报结果为主要输入参数的具备可视化功能的风、浪场模型,并形成以GIS为平台的、具有快速诊断和分析能力的决策分析系统.阐述了热带气旋风、浪场的计算模型,解决了将其与组件式GIS集成到应用系统的关键技术.  相似文献   
清欢 《海洋世界》2012,(10):44-46
所有风都有名字吗?如果有,是谁给它们起的名字?它们又是从什么时候开始有了名字呢?为什么它们有的叫艾尔琳,有的却叫海马呢?……  相似文献   
On the basis of the random amplified polymorphic DNA-fingerprinting (RAPD) method, 10 morphospecies of scuticociliates from 7 genera, including 15 clones of 13 strains, Uronema marinum, Uronema cf marinum, Parauronema virginianum, P. longum, Metanophrys similis, M. sinensis, Paralembus digitiformis, Mesanophrys carcini, Paranophrys magna and Cohnilernbus verrninus were analysed using 8 oligonucleotide primers. The genetic similarity among the clones of the same strain measured by a band-sharing index is 0.97~0.98,while 0.40-4).52 among strains. This value measured is 0.39~0.46 among congeners of the same genus, whereas 0.16~0.47 between different genera. A distance tree was constructed based on 8-primer analysis, in which the scuticociliates investigated were separated into two clusters: one consists of 2 genera, Uronema and Parauronema, and the other was composed of five, Metanophrys, Mestmophrys,Paranophrys, Paralembus and Cohnilembus. It is demonstrated also that the morphospecies Parauronema virginianurn may be a species-complex, i. e., it contains different genospecies.  相似文献   
There exists a tongueshaped swelldominance pool known as Swell Pool (SP) in the Eastern Pacific region. The monthlymean wave transports (WT) for each month of 2000 is computed using the wave products of ECMWF reanalysis data. By comparing the 2000 monthlymean WT and monthlymean wind field from QUICKSCAT, large differences are found between the wave transport direction and the wind direction over the Eastern Pacific. This may serve as an evidence for the existence of the SP in this region. The work done in this study indicates that the sources of swell in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) are in the westerly regions of the Southern and Northern Pacific.  相似文献   
利用中国气象局(CMA)和美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)两套西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)资料集,对比分析了两者在1951—2005年TC定位和定强方面的差异。结果表明:两套资料定位差在20世纪50年代至60年代初及1988年至90年代差异较大;地理分布上主要是在TC登陆后所在的地区及高纬度洋面上差别较大。定强方面,CMA资料在20世纪50年代及60年代末至70年代初TC强度明显大于JTWC资料,JTWC资料则在80年代末以后的时段TC强度显著大于CMA资料;地理分布上定强差大的区域在80年代以前分布较零散,之后随着JTWC资料定强增大,其在西北太平洋洋面上强度显著偏强,CMA资料同期则在亚洲大陆沿岸部分地区强度较强。进一步分析显示,两套资料集之间的差异和TC观测技术的变化之间存在密切关系。在气象卫星使用以前(1951年至60年代初),以及美国空军飞机观测终止之后(1988年以后),两者无论是在定位还是定强上都存在很大差异;而两者定强差最小的时期(1973—1987年)则正好对应了飞机观测和Dvorak技术在TC观测上同时被使用的时段。两套西北太平洋TC资料集总体差异明显,却又各具特点,目前很难判断哪一套资料集更加可靠。但对于影响中国TC,CMA资料集具有明显优势。  相似文献   
舒锋敏  林良勋 《海洋预报》2007,24(4):102-108
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料,着重对8903号"BRENDA"和0601号"珍珠"两个同源地进入南海后不同路径的典型热带气旋的大尺度环境场进行对比分析。结果表明:西风槽的强弱和东移的快慢、西太平洋副高的形状变化和东退西进、冷空气的强弱和南下路径及热带气旋内部的不对称结构是造成二者移动路经差异的主要原因。另,印缅槽的变化也对其路径差异有一定的作用。  相似文献   
The seasonal variability of tropical cyclones (CTCs) generated over the South China Sea (SCS) from 1948 to 2003 is analyzed. It peaks in occurrence in August and few generate in late winter (from January to March). The seasonal activity is attributed to the variability of atmosphere and ocean environments associated with the monsoon system. It is found that the monsoonal characteristics of the SCS basically determine the region of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in each month.  相似文献   
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