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望滨 《中国地名》2014,(3):70-71
天津滨海新区地处于华北平原北部,位于山东半岛与辽东半岛交汇点上、海河流域下游、天津市中心区的东面,渤海湾顶端,濒临渤海,北与河北省丰南县为邻,南与河北省黄骅市为界。是亚欧大陆桥最近的东部起点,也是中国邻近内陆国家的重要出海口。  相似文献   
惠州,广东省历史文化名城,自古是东江流域的政治、经济、军事和文化中心,有“岭南名郡”、“粤东门户”之誉。惠州,历史悠久,人文底蕴深厚。早在先秦时期,就有缚娄古国在罗浮山下的东江之畔开创岭南文化之风气。两千年来,先后有400多位历史名人客寓或履临惠州,这其中包括中国山水诗鼻祖谢灵运,中国古代医学家、化学家、将道家学派宗教化的重要人物葛洪,一代文豪苏轼等;辛亥革命时期孙中山在此领导过革命活动;第一次国共合作期间,周恩来在此指挥过国民革命军东征战役。  相似文献   
正12月6日,"青海省湟水流域高标准农田整治重大项目可行性研究报告调整方案修改稿"及部分规划设计调整通过了由青海省国土资源厅组织的专家评审,认为北干渠片区、湟水河片区和大通河片区规划水平年可供水量大于总灌溉需水量,水土资源完全达到供需平衡。这是根据此前国土资源部领导和专家组应邀来青海调研咨询时就修改、完善重大项目可行性研究报告等申报资料、进一步加强前期准备工作提出的意见建议所进行的修改完善,为进一步推进湟水流域重大项目前期工作奠定了良好  相似文献   
张丽  赵茹  郭菲 《河南气象》2014,(1):98-102
近年来黄河中游径流量表现出强烈的减少趋势,治理黄土高原水土流失重要水保措施的骨干坝是影响径流量的众多因素之一。为研究骨干坝对黄河径流的影响,首先要确定骨干坝的蓄水比例。以黄河流域第二大河汾河为例,从骨干坝的概念和运行方式出发,通过到水土保持部门调研、利用Google Earth软件对调研获取的骨干坝蓄水数据进行查询校对及实地查勘Google Earth未找到的部分骨干坝等方法,研究了汾河流域骨干坝的蓄水比例。结果表明:水土保持部门的调研结果、Google Earth软件历史查询功能对蓄水骨干坝的查询结果结合实地查勘结果证明了汾河流域确实存在蓄水骨干坝,蓄水骨干坝一旦蓄水,一般即为常年蓄水,且水位基本保持稳定。汾河流域160座骨干坝中蓄水骨干坝有13座,骨干坝蓄水比例为8.13%,蓄水比例较低。依据上述研究成果,支流骨干坝蓄水比例可根据水土保持部门调研、Google Earth软件查询结合实地查勘确定,黄河流域其余各支流可参考汾河流域研究骨干坝蓄水比例的方法进行研究。  相似文献   
Land-use change is intertwined with tourism because land is used as a resource for human activities.Land-use change also provides an opportunity to evaluate the status of the ecoenvironment.Understanding the relationship between tourism and land use change would help to predict the effect of tourism on land use and encourage sustainable tourism development.Using the Li River Basin as a case study,a hybrid approach using multilevel modeling and logistic regressions was employed to analyze the distribution of land-usechange between 1989 and 2010 to examine potential driving factors.Results reveal that rapid tourism development and construction expansion expose this area to risk of deforestation and forest degradation.Construction increased by 141% between 1989 and 2000 and by 195% between 2000 and 2010.The primary driving force for construction expansion shifted from population growth between 1989 and 2000 to investment growth after 2000.New construction primarily occurred on crop and woodlands areas,with shares of 81.25% and 6.38%,respectively,between 1989 and 2000,and with shares of 57.79% and 15.29%,respectively,between 2000 and 2010.Moreover,these drastic increases in construction also led to frequent transitions between croplands,woodlands,and grasslands.Traits including distances to urban areas and roads and scenic locations exerted significant effects on land-use change.Woodland regrowth in the areas thatsurround scenic locations consisted of fluctuating woodlands,whereas stable woodland regrowth was often absent in these areas.Likewise,permanent woodland clearing tended to be closed to near scenic locations.That is,construction at scenic locations negatively affected forest conservation in the Li River Basin.  相似文献   
A case study is presented of a regional development model for valley economies in the mountain areas of Beijing, China. The nature and framework of the valley economy model are described and the development of the model, which is specific to the mountain areas of Beijing, is analyzed. Five different valley economy models applied in the Beijing mountain areas are compared. The major purpose of the valley economy model is to develop the regional economy, including the selection of appropriate industries, the allocation of industrial space, the establishment of supply chains and the integration of various industries. Pilot experiments using the valley economy model have been conducted in seven counties(districts) in Beijing: Pinggu, Huairou, Changping, Mentougou, and Fangshan districts, and Yanqing and Miyun counties. Five models for developing the Beijing mountain areas have been explored, including: creative cultural industries, characteristic industry clusters, the promotion of large tourist areas, natural scenic tourism and folk cultural tourism. Each model has its own unique features and potential to help in the regional development of mountain areas.  相似文献   
流域植被对径流调节作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔光建  成淑敏 《水文》2011,(4):50-54
根据河北省邢台市西部山区两个小流域实验站的水文监测资料,研究了不同流域内的不同植被对径流的影响。分析了流域植被对径流的年内分配、径流系数、削减洪峰以及枯季径流量等的影响。结果表明,流域植被对涵养水源、调节径流量、增大枯季径流量起到重要作用。  相似文献   
分水岭(Water divide,dividing crest,dividing range)是相邻两个流域之间的山岭,当降水形成的地表径流分别流入山岭两侧的河流。  相似文献   
本文简要分析了HYDRO1K、SRTM3-2、ASTER GDEM 3种数据源基本特征,对数据的水平空间分辨率、现势性、覆盖范围、误差来源进行了比较;阐述了Arc Hydro Tools提取数字河网、划分流域及子流域方法的关键步骤;并以洮儿河流域为研究对象,分析了有(无)河网辅助条件下,3种初始DEM在不同地貌类型中数...  相似文献   
澜沧江及周边流域TRMM3B43数据精度检验   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
曾红伟  李丽娟 《地理学报》2011,66(7):994-1004
在地形复杂的澜沧江及周边流域,利用相关系数法、散点斜率法,以研究区内35个国家基准与基本站观测数据为“真值”对1998-2009年之间月尺度的TRMM 3B43降水数据精度进行检验,采用泰森多边形法、K-Means聚类法分析了高程与坡度对检验结果的影响,借助主成分法比较了高程与坡度对TRMM 3B43的影响程度.研究表...  相似文献   
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