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Land use changes are known to alter soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial properties, however, information about how conversion of natural forest to agricultural land use as well as plantations affects SOC and microbial properties in the Changbai Moun- tains of Northeast China is meager. Soil carbon content, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration and soil carbon mineraliza- tion were studied in five selected types of land use: natural old-growth broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest (NF); spruce plantation (SP) established following clear-cutting of NF; cropland (CL); ginseng farmland (GF) previously under NF; and a five-year Mongolian oak young forest (YF) reforested on an abandoned GF, in the Changbai Mountains of Northeast China in 2011. Results showed that SOC content was significantly lower in SP, CL, GF, and YF than in NF. MBC ranged from 304.4 mg/kg in CL to 1350.3 mg/kg in NF, which was significantly higher in the soil of NF than any soil of the other four land use types. The SOC and MBC contents were higher in SP soil than in CL, GF, and YF soils, yielding a significant difference between SP and CL. The value of basal respiration was also higher in NF than in SP, CL, GF, and YF. Simultaneously, higher values of the metabolic quotient were detected in CL, GF, and YF soils, indicat- ing low substrate utilization of the soil microbial community compared with that in NF and SP soil. The values of cumulative mineral- ized carbon and potentially mineralized carbon (Co) in NF were significantly higher than those in CL and GF, while no significant dif- ference was observed between NF and SP. In addition, YF had higher values of Co and C mineralization rate compared with GF. The results indicate that conversion from NF into agricultural land (CL and GF) uses and plantation may lead to a reduction in soil nutrients (SOC and MBC) and substrate utilization efficiency of the microbial community. By contrast, soils below SP were more conducive to the preservation of soil organic matter, which was reflected in the comparison of microbial indicators among CL, GF, and YF land uses. This study can provide data for evaluating soils nutrients under different land use types, and serve as references for the rational land use of natural forest in the study area.  相似文献   
An artificial oyster shell reef was deployed in Rongcheng Bay, East China. However, the effects of this reef on the surrounding macrobenthic communities were unknown. We compared sedimentary factors, macrobenthic biomass, abundance, and community composition and ecological indicators between the reef and non-reef areas over a one year period. The mean values for chlorophyll a (Chl a), total organic matter (TOM), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) content in surface sediments in the reef area were slightly higher than those in the non-reef area. The Chl a levels differed significantly between the two areas, but the TOM, TOC, and TN were not significantly different. The abundance of crustaceans was significantly different between the two areas, but the abundance and biomass ofpolychaetes, echinoderms, mollusk did not differ significantly. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly through time and analysis of similarity multivariate analyses (ANOSIM) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly in some months. The ecological indicators revealed that the environmental quality of the reef area was slightly better than that of the non-reef area. Overall, our results suggest that the artificial oyster shell reef may change the macrobenthic community and the quality of the environment. Despite the lack of an effect in the short term, long-term monitoring is still needed to evaluate the effects of artificial oyster shell reefs on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   
Abstract Zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentrations were determined in the tissues (muscle, stomach, liver, gills, skin, and gonads) of five commercial fish species (mullet Liza haematocheilus, flathead Platycephalus indicus, mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, silver pomfret Pampus argenteus, and sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus) from Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea. Metal bioaccumulation was highest in the metabolically active tissues of the gonads and liver. Bioconcentration factors for Zn were higher in all tissues (gonads 44.35, stomach 7.73, gills 7.72, liver 5.61, skin 4.88, and muscle 1.63) than the corresponding values for Cu (gonads 3.50, stomach 3.00, gills 1.60, liver 5.43, skin 1.50, and muscle 0.93). Mackerel tissues accumulated metal to higher concentrations than did other fish species, but bioaccumulation levels were not significantly correlated with the trophic levels of the fish. Zn and Cu concentrations in the tissues were generally negatively correlated with fish length, except for a few tissues of sea bass. Risk assessment based on national and international permissible limits and provisional tolerances for weekly intake of Zn and Cu revealed that the concentrations of these two metals in muscle were relatively low and would not pose hazards to human health.  相似文献   
为了提高短期和中小尺度灾害性天气可降水汽预报的准确性和实时性,利用西安地基GPS数据和MODIS遥感影像,采用NMF、GMF和VMF1映射函数设计了4种获取天顶干延迟初始值的方案,探讨了映射函数对计算天顶总延迟的影响。结果表明:在卫星高度角为10 时,VMF1映射函数反演效果和精度最佳,GMF映射函数次之,NMF映射函数最弱,而在卫星高度角为15 时,上述3种映射函数效果相当。最后,结合综合水汽含量与可降水汽的关系,通过计算地基GPS和MODIS遥感影像综合水汽含量,得到了地基GPS和MODIS遥感影像可降水汽(PPWV-GPS,PPWV-MODIS),并拟合了二者之间的线性关系,结果为PPWV-MODIS=1.421 7PPWV-GPS-2.143,相关系数为0.952 1。  相似文献   
以巴西棕榈蜡、川蜡、蜂蜡、石蜡等为原料,利用有机概念图原理,设计了珍珠抛光用蜡乳液的配方,探讨了乳化温度、乳化时间、相同配方时不同乳液类型等对乳化蜡的稳定性的影响,制作出了适合珍珠抛光的蜡乳液。结果表明:利用均质机乳化,在乳化温度95℃、乳化时间30 min、转速为1 000~2 000 r/min时,所配制的珍珠抛光乳液稳定性较好,对提高珍珠光泽具有明显效果。  相似文献   
327处,这是湖南省已发现达标饮用天然矿泉水点的数量,广泛分布在全省14个市州县、71个县(市),包括部分饮用以及160多处医疗矿泉水,但不包括新发现的矿泉水,湖南省地质环境监测总站对其评价是水质好,是我国矿泉水资源大省,具有很好的开发前景。那么,这些矿泉水开采点现状如何,它们的特色何在,对人体又有哪些作用,含相同物质的矿泉水哪种矿物质含量最高,人体吸收最好,有哪些益处或者疗效,将来的开发方向或前景如何?这,便是此次策划的由头。从8月份起,本刊记者及湖南省国土资源厅相关专家奔赴全省各地,一亲湖南省各个矿泉水点的"芳泽"。  相似文献   
英国政府因空气污染遭欧盟起诉3月20日,欧盟委员会宣布,因为治理空气污染不力。决定对英国政府提起诉讼。英国政府由此面临每年超过3亿欧元巨额罚款的风险。欧盟委员会表示,因为英国空气中的二氧化碳含量未能达到欧盟的标准,他们正在对英国提起诉讼。英国因此成为第一个因为空气质量未达标而被欧盟起诉的国家。  相似文献   
致密砂岩储层脆性评价对于“甜点”区预测和压裂改造都有重要作用。针对目前脆性评价力学机理不足、脆性矿物组分分析准确性不高的问题,提出了一种考虑岩石力学性质、脆性矿物组分和岩石成熟度的Adam-神经网络脆性综合评价方法。根据南堡凹陷高北边坡27块岩样的三轴力学实验结果,分析了岩石应力-应变曲线和破坏形态得出Rickman脆性指数,根据全岩矿物X-衍射实验分析得到反映成熟度的黏土矿物和反映脆性组分的非黏土矿物的含量,然后以反映力学性质的Rickman脆性指数为目标函数,以黏土矿物和非黏土矿物含量为训练参数,通过改进的Adam算法建立神经网络脆性评价模型,最后用测井曲线验证模型的准确性。研究表明,该地区脆性矿物以石英、长石为主,中等脆性程度,岩石区域各向异性较强,测井动态力学参数计算的脆性指数与模型相吻合。该Adam-神经网络算法结合力学、地质和矿物学因素, 可以快速得到更加准确的区域脆性指数,对指导选井选层,压裂施工都有很好的指导意义。   相似文献   
溶解性有机碳(DOC)是地下水中砷释放过程的关键因素,为查明江汉平原高砷地下水稳定碳同位素特征,识别有机质的降解过程对砷富集的影响,采用稳定碳同位素分析测试技术并结合地下水化学特征,对江汉平原典型砷中毒病区的浅层地下水进行了区域采样分析。结果表明:浅层承压水的砷质量浓度为0.23~2 621 μg/L。地表水较地下水具有更负的δ13CDOC、δ13CDIC值。地下水中溶解性无机碳(DIC)的δ13CDIC值在-11.9‰~-3.99‰之间,溶解性有机碳的δ13CDOC值在-28.5‰~-19.6‰之间。地下水的δ13CDIC-δ13CDOC差值与ρ(As)呈一定负相关关系,表明微生物作用下有机质的降解促进了As的富集。δ13CDIC-δ13CDOC差值与δ13CDIC和ρ(DOC)均具有较显著的正相关关系,表明地下水中有机质的氧化分解是导致δ13CDIC贫化的重要过程,微生物作用下溶解性有机质的降解是地下水中无机碳的重要来源。此外,江汉平原少数高砷地下水呈现较大的δ13CDIC值,推断江汉平原高砷含水层强还原环境下可能存在的产甲烷过程导致了明显的碳同位素分馏。   相似文献   
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