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In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development(DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Dhlphi Method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used to count the weight of each component of the DSTD.It has been found that the attraction subsystem is the most important one of the three subsystems at the first hierarchical level of DSTD,which means that tourist attractions are always the principal factors for regional tourism development,even in developed regions.But it is also noteworthy that the significance of the attraction subsystem is not dominant in the DSTD.At the second hierarchical level,the physical attraction subsystem rand No.1,while the weight of the non-physical attraction subsystem is just a little larger than the weight of the hardware subsystem and that of software subsystem.And the weights of the three components in the medium subsystem are similar.The top 3 factors at the third hierarchical level are scenic spot,location and regional economic impact.The result verifies the conclusions of qualitative analysis,which depends on the market research and the study of historical date,that the most important compo-nent of the DSTD in Foshan is the impact of the developed economy.Knowing the weight of each component of the DSTD can be helpful to make out the most useful force,furthermore to determine the future orientation for regional tourism develop-ment.  相似文献   
1 Introduction “Tourism is advanced by businesses and governments alike as a development mechanism which can lift people out of poverty and make them equal partners in society. But regardless of how altruistic this claim may sound, it is doubtful whether those who are intended to benefit— at least according to the rhetoric—have gained nearly as much as those promoting tourism through corporate globalization… The tourism sector is tied closely to the globalizing force which pursues profit o…  相似文献   
权威前瞻敏锐《地球》杂志创刊于1981年7月,由国土资源部主管,中国地质博物馆、中国地质学会科普委员会主办。《地球》是国土资源行业一本集前瞻性、权威性与科普性为一体的综合类期刊,是向社会公众普及和传播地球科学知识、深度报道国土资源(土地、矿业、新能源)开发、宣传生态保护、推介地学旅游的重要窗口,在社会上和行业内具有较大影响力,为弘扬国土文化、提高公众环保生态意识、普及地学知识、发展地学旅游事业等发挥着积极而良好的作用。  相似文献   
胡瑛 《浙江测绘》1998,(2):19-22
随着人们生活水平的日益提高,旅游事业的蓬勃发展,地图作为一种旅行必备工具,已越来越受到人们的青睐,市场上各种各样的旅游地图也穷出不尽。为参与激烈的市场竞争,  相似文献   
1 舟山旅游业的发展现状 1987年建市以来,舟山市委、市政府一向将“渔、港、景”列为振兴舟山的三大自然资源优势,把发展旅游事业与开发建设港口、重振海洋渔业放在同等重要的位置上,作为舟山经济的支柱产业和新的增长点来抓,使舟山旅  相似文献   
2007年4月,由姜建军、赵逊、陈安泽主编的《旅游地学与地质公园建设——旅游地学论文集第十三集》在中国林业出版社正式出版发行。编者在文集的附录中特别收录了“1985年旅游地学研究会(筹备)成立大会”上的两份珍贵资料。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTION Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone (called the Golden Quadrangle) among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand is one of the most isolated and troublesome re- gionsinthe world. It hasa longhistoryasone ofthe most politicallysensitive spotsin the world. Wars, refugee mi- grations, drug, closed national borders and lack ofinfras- tructurehavelongbeenconstantbarrierstothisarea. Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone is now the focus of Asia. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and China …  相似文献   
20 0 3年 9月 2 6日~ 2 7日四川省老科协地质分会在广汉召开西部大开发信息交流暨献计献策座谈会。四川省老科学技术工作者协会王明东副会长、王再霞副会长、唐宏北副秘书长以及四川省地矿局、四川省煤田地质局、西南石油地质局、四川省治金地质勘查局、成都地质矿产研究所、探矿工艺研究所、成都理工大学、中国建材地质勘查中心四川总队、国家电力公司成都勘测设计研究院、四川省地质矿产公司、四川省地质工程勘查总公司、四川省华地建设工程有限责任公司、四川省地矿局地调院、四川省地矿局 10 1队、915队、物探队、水文队、成测中心等单…  相似文献   
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