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运用统计分析方法,对上海沿海3个浮标站的逐小时的2min平均风速和极大风速进行分析,发现两种风速具有很好的线性关系。通过建立两种风速的回归方程,获得了估计极大风速的客观方程,对3个浮标站,单站一元一次回归方程都能很好得反映2 min平均风速和极大风速的关系,实测极大风速与拟合极大风速的平均绝对误差均小于1 m/s;3个浮标的拟合数据都是以正偏差为主;3个浮标拟合偏差2 m/s的样本数都在5%以下。利用WRF模式预报风速进行极大风速试报,结果表明,3个浮标实测极大风速与预报极大风速的平均绝对误差均小于2 m/s,偏差4 m/s的样本数在10%以下,TS评分均在74分以上,建立的极大风速客观预报方程的效果比较理想。  相似文献   
海表风场是海洋水文保障、海洋防灾减灾最为关注的要素之一,统计风速、风向频率可以为科学研究、海洋工程等提供实用的参考价值。风玫瑰作为一种风的专业统计图表,是用来定量分析某地一段时期内风向、风速特征。文章通过分析风玫瑰图的物理实质,设计了一种新型的风玫瑰。结果表明:该新型的风玫瑰能够同时直观表达风向与风速的统计特征,并能直观地给出主导风向上的主体风速以及区域风场的极端状况,具有清楚的物理意义,从风玫瑰图所含的信息看,它扩充了经典风玫瑰的内涵。  相似文献   
渤海的平均余环流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用72个渤海石油平台、站点测流资料,阐明了渤海的平均余环流特征,并用已有的数值计算结果阐明了其形成机制。观测表明在黄河三角洲近海存在一支北-东北向的流动,可抵达秦皇岛附近水域,数值计算表明该支流动主要是潮生的;在辽东湾北部存在一顺时针向的涡旋运动,在冬半年该涡旋是风生的;在渤海湾北部存在潮生的逆时针向的余环流。  相似文献   
同步改正法因其特点和优势被广泛应用于平均海面传递,文中从平均海面的理论定义和实际计算两方面出发,对同步改正平均海面传递法原理进行了论述。利用海南岛周边的长期验潮站数据,按单站传递和多站组网传递分别分析了同步改正平均海面传递的规律。结果表明,单站传递同步观测10 d能满足岛礁测绘对垂直基准面精度的要求,采用多站组网传递能较明显地减少同步时长较短时的极限误差。当采用多站组网平均海面传递同步观测5 d,其极限误差可达10 cm以内,建议在同步观测时间有限时采用该方法。结合海南岛验潮站和岛礁分布情况,同步改正平均海面传递法应用于海南岛礁测绘是可行的。  相似文献   
在无气象数据的条件下,提出一种基于集合经验模态分解(EEMD)和季节性自回归移动平均模型(SARIMA)的对流层延迟(ZTD)预报新方法,并分别选取长春、上海、乌鲁木齐3个地区4个季节的ZTD数据进行预测分析。结果表明,基于EEMD-SARIMA的ZTD改正预报模型能够满足不同地区、不同季节下的ZTD估计需求,是一种高精度的ZTD预报方法。  相似文献   
针对目前GPS软件接收机C/A码捕获信噪比门限高、捕获速度慢的问题,提出一种基于平均分组和叠加相关的GPS弱信号捕获方法。首先,基于平均相关处理技术降低C/A码捕获过程中的自相关损耗,提高对微弱信号的捕获能力;然后,利用叠加相关提高相干运算的运算效率,并采用线性插值提高自相关函数性能;最后,利用频偏校正和内插进一步提高C/A信号的捕获精度。理论分析和仿真实验均验证,该方法能够在较低的信噪比下实现GPS信号捕获,且精度较高、运算量较低。  相似文献   
In coastal environments, fine-grain sediments often aggregate into large and porous flocs. ElectroMagnetic Current Meters (EMCM) and Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST-ST) have been deployed within a Spartina alterniflora marsh of the Luoyuan Bay in Fujian Province, China, to measure the current velocity, the floc size and the settling velocity between 15 and 22 January 2008. During the observations, the near-bed water was collected in order to obtain the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and constituent grain size. Data show that: (1) the nearbed current velocities vary from 0.1 to 5.6 cm/s in the central Spartina alterniflora marsh and 0.1–12.5 cm/s at the edge; (2) the SSCs vary from 47 to 188 mg/dm 3 . The mean grain size of constituent grains varies from 7.0 to 9.6 μm, and the mean floc sizes (MFS) vary from 30.4 to 69.4 μm. The relationship between the mean floc size and settling velocity can be described as: w s =ad b , in which w s is the floc settling velocity (mm/s), a and b are coefficients. The floc settling velocity varies from 0.17 to 0.32 mm/s, with a mean value of 0.26 mm/s, and the floc settling velocity during the flood tide is higher than that during the ebb tide. The current velocity and the SSC are the main factors controlling the flocculation processes and the floc settling velocity.  相似文献   
The results of the new concept of coastal sea circulation are demonstrated by numerical simulations for the first time. The numerical experiments in three types of rectangular model seas illustrate the dependence of circulation on tidal phases due to the convectively nonlinear effect which is estimated by a newly defined drift dispersion in-dex. Then, the present theory is applied in the Bohai Sea of China. At the Bohai Straits and the Huanghe River mouth area the circulation direction even reverses owing to different initial tidal phases which shows that the the-ory copes with nonlinearity well. The calculated M2 tide-induced residual circulation shows that a clockwise gyre exists in the center of an anticlockwise gyre in the central Bohai Sea due to the topographic features. In the Bo-hai Gulf the tide induced circulation shows a 3D structure with outflow at the surface and the inflow at the bottom which can partly explains the spread of the Huanghe River fresh water out of the Bohai Gulf and the inflow of the sediment from the Huanghe River.  相似文献   
Urban expansion is a phenomenon of urban space increase, and an important measuring index of the process of urbanization. Taking Shanghai as an example, the changes of urban average height and built-up area were studied to represent city’s vertical and horizontal increases respectively, and statistical methods were used to analyze the driving forces of urban expansion. The research drew following conclusions: 1) The urban expansion process of Shanghai from 1985 to 2006 had a clear periodic feature, and could be divided into three stages: vertical expansion in dominance, coordinated vertical and horizontal expansion, and horizontal expansion in dominance. 2) The average height and quantity of buildings in core city were significantly bigger than those in suburbs, but the changing speed of the latter was faster. And 3) urbanization process was the major driving force for the city’s horizontal expansion, while industrial structure improvement was the key driving factor for the vertical expansion. Those two driving forces were simultaneously affected by city’s political factors.  相似文献   
Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average concentration of DIN increased and the PO4-P concentration sharply decreased compared to the previous data of corresponding period. The high concentrations of DIN and PO4-P occurred in coastal waters, especially in the bays and some river estuaries, while the high concentrations of SiO3-Si in the surface and middle depth occurred in the central area of the Bohai Sea. The average ratio of DIN/ PO4-P was much higher than the Redfield Ratio (16:1). Apparently, PO4-P was one of the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growing in the sea. The average concentrations of DON and DOP were higher than their inorganic forms. The results of eutrophication assessment show that 22.1% of all stations were classified as violating the concentration levels of the National Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997) for DIN and only 3.9% for PO4-P. The average eutrophication index in the overall area was 0.21±0.22 and the high values occurred in Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and near the Yellow River estuary. This means that the state of eutrophication was generally mesotrophic in the Bohai Sea, but relatively worse in the bays, especially some river estuaries.  相似文献   
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