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The detailed kinematic structure of a heavy rain event that occurred in the middle reaches oi the Yangtze River was investigated using dual-Doppler radar observation. A variational analysis method was developed to obtain the three-dimensional wind fields. Before the analysis, a data preprocessing procedure was carried out, in which the temporal variation with the scanning time interval and the effect of the earth curvature on the data position were taken into account. The analysis shows that a shear line in the lower and middle levels played an important role in the rainfall event. The precipitation fell mainly on the south end of the shear line where southerly flow prevailed and convergence and updraft were obvious. With the movement and decay of the shear line, the precipitation moved and decayed correspondingly.  相似文献   
利用常规实况资料,对2008年8月19日晚发生在青海省东部的大雨天气的环流背景、影响系统以及造成降水与多个物理量场的对应关系进行了分析。结果表明:西南暖湿气流与西压槽底分裂冷空气在青海省东部交绥是导致青海省东部地区大雨的主要原因,各物理量场的高低空合理配置和高能、高湿是此次降水出现必备的动力和能量条件。  相似文献   
2007年10月5—6日,北京地区在通常干爽的秋季出现了大雨过程。采用WRF模式进行数值模拟和敏感性试验发现,北京这次大雨天气在很大程度上受到东南沿海“罗莎”(0716)台风的远距离影响。主要表现在:(1) 台风外围环流波动在对流层顶向北传播,在北京上空与西风带波动叠加,形成对流层上层强辐散;(2) 台风北侧东风环流将东海和黄海的水汽汇聚于长江中下游地区,之后沿着副高边缘向北输送至40 °N附近的北京地区;(3) 受“罗莎”台风影响对流层中低层水汽辐合带向北推移1.5个纬距,形成北京地区的水汽辐合。动力分析显示,北京地区上空对流层500 hPa以下强辐合,500 hPa以上尤其是300~200 hPa强辐散,形成几乎整层的上升运动和600 hPa以下水汽的辐合,对大雨的产生十分有利。此外,大雨期间对流层顶长时间强的冷平流和对流层中低层的暖平流,在一定程度上对降水的维持起到了积极作用。敏感性试验同时表明,没有“罗莎”台风的影响,北京地区上空上述动力条件基本不存在。   相似文献   
Analysis of a heavy rainfall in a lower latitude plateau and characteristics of water vapor transportation have been conducted by using conventional data and denser surface data. The results show: (1) the heavy rainfall was caused by a series of mesoscale systems under favorable large-scale conditions when the warm moister air and cold air interacted with each other. At the same time, the coupling between the upper- and lower-level jets was revealed. It is also found that there exists some different characteristics among the main influencing systems of heavy rainfalls in Yunnan, such as the Indian-Myanmar trough and the path of the cold air, compared with those in East and South China. (2) The interaction between mesoscale convergence lines near the ground may be a possible triggering mechanism for the occurrence of mesoscale systems, and the dynamical and thermal dynamical structure of the mesoscale systems was very obvious. The convergence lines may relate closely to the terrain of Yunnan, China. (3) The computation of the water vapor budget reveals that the primary source of water vapor supply for heavy rainfall was in the Bay of Bengal. In this case, the water vapor could be transported into Yunnan even though the amount of water vapor was less than that in the lower troposphere in East and South China. In addition, the analysis for three-dimensional air parcel trajectories better revealed and described the source location and the transportation of water vapor to Yunnan.  相似文献   
应用常规气象资料、卫星云图,对2009年4月23日苏尼特左旗对流性大雨天气的成因进行了诊断。分析了产生大雨的天气系统特征,大气垂直稳定度,产生大雨的水汽条件和动力触发机制。给出了产生大雨的对流云团演变特征。研究结果表明:对流性大雨是由高空冷涡、蒙古气旋共同影响产生的。低层强盛的偏南气流建立起水汽通道,把水汽源源不断地向大雨区输送。低涡槽结构和低层增温增湿气流侧向汇合,垂直涡度增大,辐合上升运动增强,对流不稳定能量释放,继而产生对流性大雨天气。  相似文献   
从1991年汛期开始,我们先后引进了中尺度数值模式MM2和MM4,并连续三年进行了定量降水预报试验。经对两模式试验结果的检验和对比分析表明,对大雨和暴雨这类灾害性天气,MM4的预报效果明显优于MM2。  相似文献   
南方气旋是东北地区对江淮气旋、黄河气旋、渤海气旋和北上台风的总称,是东北地区产生大到暴雨的主要天气系统之一,受它的影响产生的雷雨称为南方气旋雷雨。有关资料研究表明:大雨造成的飞行性能损失大于风切变,因大雨发生的飞行事故接连不断。据不完全统计,1970~1976年,仅美国固大雨造成机毁人亡事故5起。1993年,世界民航因大雨造成的飞行事故占总事故的14%。而南方气旋雷雨多数伴有大到暴雨,产生雷雨的Cb云直接威胁飞机的安全。  相似文献   
城市天气预报随着社会经济的发展有日益重要的趋势,而且对服务质量的要求也越来越高,我们采用近期历史资料和天气学分类、特征量分析等方法,建立南宁市大雨以上降水预报工具并形成准自动化的业务系统,是提高预报水平的重要一环,而发展短期、短时预报方法将会进一步改善预报服务质量。  相似文献   
本利用实况资料、ECMWF、T213数值预报产品等资料,对2004年7月24日~26日玉树地区大降水天气进行了分析。结果表明:这次大降水过程是发生于大的环流系统(中亚大槽、东亚大槽和西太平洋副热带高压)由强转弱的背景之下,由高原低涡、切变线与高原槽共同作用的结果。另外,分析表明,中尺度对流云团的活动对局地大雨的产生有重要贡献。  相似文献   
陈峪 《气象知识》2014,(3):46-47
暴雨的量级 人们常用“倾盆大雨”“滂沱大雨”来形容雨大,也会用直观感觉来称“疾风暴雨”“狂风暴雨”。因此,人们对“暴雨”的理解就是一场来势猛、雨量大的雨。  相似文献   
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