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天津市大气环境污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
结合环境监测资料和同步气象资料分析了天津市大气污染的分布规律,结果表明,在气象条件和污染源排放综合作用下,天津市大气污染物的地面浓度具有明显的时空分布规律:时间上,冬强夏弱,早晚污染严重;年际上SO2趋势减弱,NO2呈增强趋势,TSP趋势基本趋于增强同时也存在波动.空间上,污染物浓度分布不均.  相似文献   
城市大气环境边界层观测试验工程提出了城市区域大范围大气污染"空气穹隆"动力过程三维结构,首次揭示出北京周边地形"山谷风"与城市"热岛"效应相互作用对城市大气环境影响的综合特征.试验采用卫星遥感-地面观测相结合的技术方案,揭示北京周边地区污染贡献及其气溶胶远距离输送轨迹特征,提出建立北京及其周边地区点-面结合、卫星遥感-地面观测相结合立体综合监测网的设计新方案.该项目被世界气象组织专家组工作会议评为国际城市大气环境观测优秀示范计划,项目研究成果于2002年作为特邀撰稿发表于美国<环境与健康>(SCI),研究成果在北京市及有关省市推广应用.  相似文献   
New field measurement techniques are allowing researchers to better understand how surficial properties affect the temporal and spatial variability of dust emissions. In this paper we review the current understanding of the dust emission process and present new field measurements that examine how three surface properties: roughness, crust strength, and temporal changes of surface properties affect dust emissions. These data were collected using three unique measurement systems developed by our team. Roughness exerts considerable control on the entrainment threshold and emissions of dust from a surface. We have carried out a series of experiments designed to quantify roughness effects on aeolian sediment entrainment and transport in a shear stress partitioning framework. Our results show that the model of Raupach et al. (1993) provides very good agreement with available data to predict the amount of shearing stress on the intervening surface among roughness elements, relatively independent of their size and distribution. However, element size affects the aeolian sediment transport process beyond that attributable only to the reduction of surface shear stress caused by the roughness. Additional interactions of the elements with the saltation cloud appear to reduce the transport efficiency and potentially dust emissions as well. The effect of crust strength on dust emissions was assessed using a newly-developed pin penetrometer, which can measure crust strength in-situ. Previous researchers suggested that variation in crust strength even within a small area could lead to considerable spatial variability in dust emissions. Our measurements showed that crust strength is highly variable over a scale of centimeters. This variability may help to explain some of the observed scatter in field measurements of dust emissions for what appear to be homogeneous surfaces. Variability of dust emissions in time and space was also evaluated using a new instrument, the Portable In-Situ Wind Erosion Lab (PI-SWERL) developed to measure dust emissions from soil surfaces.  相似文献   
针对区域大气污染物排放量与空气质量在时空分布上存在不完全协同、匹配的现象,论文选择SO2、NOX、PM2.5、CO和VOCs作为大气污染物指标,选择气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)表征颗粒物环境空气质量,以武汉市为例,综合应用耦合模型和空间错位指数模型研究2类指标之间的空间非协同耦合规律。主要结论如下:① 武汉市大气污染物排放量与颗粒物空气质量具有不同空间分布特征,大气污染物排放量呈现由城市中心城区向远城区递减的趋势,其中SO2、PM2.5和VOCs的排放具有明显的中心聚集现象,而NOX和CO聚集现象不显著,且与道路分布明显相关;AOD分布具有明显的空间差异性,总体上呈由西北向东南依次递减的趋势。② 武汉市大气污染物排放与颗粒物空气质量的空间非协同耦合规律:越靠近城市中心城区,空间协同耦合现象越显著,空间错位现象越弱;越远离主城区,空间非协同耦合现象越显著,空间错位现象越显著;SO2排放量与AOD在武汉市远城区的空间错位指数均大于0.7,且耦合度指数小于0.3,呈现较强的非协同耦合特征,NOX、VOCs、PM2.5的排放量与AOD在武汉中心城区的空间错位指数均小于0.5,且耦合度指数大于0.5,协同耦合现象较为显著。③ 基于时空非协同耦合分析城市大气环境污染治理建议:针对污染物与AOD空间错位不显著的城市中心城区,以本地减排治理为主;针对污染物与AOD空间错位显著的远城区,应在污染溯源分析的基础上进行区域协调综合治理。  相似文献   
Soil respiration is a main dynamic process of carbon cycle in wetland. It is important to contribute to global climate changes. Water table and nutritious availability are significant impact factors to influence responses of CO2 emission from wetland soil to climate changes. Twenty-four wetland soil monoliths at 4 water-table positions and in 3 nitrogen status have been incubated to measure rates of CO2 emission from wetland soils in this study. Three static water-table controls and a fluctuant water-table control, with 3 nitrogen additions in every water-table control, were carried out. In no nitrogen addition treatment, high CO2 emissions were found at a static low water table (I) and a fluctuant water table (IV), averaging 306.7mg/(m2·h) and 307.89mg/(m2·h), respectively, which were 51%–57% higher than that at static high water table (II and III). After nitrogen addition, however, highest CO2 emission was found at II and lowest emission at III. The results suggested that nutritious availability of wetland soil might be important to influence the effect of water table on the CO2 emission from the wetland soil. Nitrogen addition led to enhancing CO2 emissions from wetland soil, while the highest emission was found in 1N treatments other than in 2N treatments. In 3 nutritious treatments, low CO2 emissions at high water tables and high CO2 emissions at low water tables were also observed when water table fluctuated. Our results suggested that both water table changes and nutritious imports would effect the CO2 emission from wetland. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90211003) and the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KACX3-SW-332) Biography: YANG Ji-song (1978-), male, a native of Chengwu of Shandong Province, Ph.D. candidate, specialized in environmental ecology and wetland biogeochemistry. E-mail: yangjisong@neigae.ac.cn  相似文献   
于文革  王体健  杨诚  孙莹 《气象》2008,34(6):97-101
将基于主成分分析(PCA)的BP神经网络预报方法引入大气污染预报,建立SO2浓度预报模型.结果表明:应用主成分分析对数据进行前处理,以原始预报因子的主成分作为BP神经网络的输入,降低了数据维数,消除了样本间存在的相关性,大大加快了BP神经网络的收敛速度.对模型进行预报验证,预报值与实际值之间的绝对误差为0.0098,预报值与实际值的相关系数达到0.885,得到较好的预报效果.并且比一般的BP神经网络模型具有较高的拟合和预报精度.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐市低空温度层结与采暖期大气污染的关系   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
为了找出乌鲁木齐市低空逆温对大气污染的影响规律,为治理和预测大气污染提供科学依据,利用2000年6月至2006年4月的乌鲁木齐市空气污染监测资料和气象站的探空、地面资料,分析了大气污染与逆温的对应特征。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市低空逆温的出现频率与大气污染指数具有相似的时间分布特征。采暖期空气污染指数API值越大,相对应出现逆温日的比例越高,以贴地逆温多;在污染源排放量一定的情况下,大气中污染物浓度与低空逆温层厚度、逆温层底高、逆温层顶底温差有显著的统计关系,而与逆温层中的逆温强度统计关系不显著。随着逆温层底高度降低,逆温层平均顶高、厚度、逆温层顶底温差的增大,日平均气温、最低气温、最高气温的降低,污染级别呈增加趋势;在采暖期同一时段内,要达到同样的污染级别,悬浮逆温日污染物容纳量比贴地逆温大,贴地逆温更容易造成空气污染;在污染物排放量相同的情况下,污染的程度主要取决于悬浮逆温层的底高和厚度及持续日数。  相似文献   
应用勘探层分析及石油资源专家系统对XH凹陷下第三系勘探目的层的三个勘探层烃资源量作出了综合预测,结果表明,凹陷内各勘探层,尤其是渐新统勘探层,烃资源量相当可观。提出在渐新统内的地层圈闭中可进一步作详细的勘探工作。  相似文献   
基于2014-2018年关中区域西安、咸阳、渭南、铜川、宝鸡等5个主要城市6种大气污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SO2、CO、NO2、O3)的逐日平均质量浓度和气象探空资料,分析了关中地区大气污染物时空分布特征、重污染过程持续性特征及逆温发生频率.结果表明:关中地区大气污染超标日达31%以上,西安最多为47%,其中颗粒...  相似文献   
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