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通过对侯马近14a酸雨观测资料分析,发现侯马出现酸雨的概率较大,强度较强,时间变化特征明显,与气象条件关系密切。  相似文献   
基于2014-2018年关中区域西安、咸阳、渭南、铜川、宝鸡等5个主要城市6种大气污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SO2、CO、NO2、O3)的逐日平均质量浓度和气象探空资料,分析了关中地区大气污染物时空分布特征、重污染过程持续性特征及逆温发生频率.结果表明:关中地区大气污染超标日达31%以上,西安最多为47%,其中颗粒...  相似文献   
Mass concentrations of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) and size-segregated particles were obtained from July 2001 to June 2002 in Qingdao to characterize the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols and to show the impact of dust events on the air quality in Qingdao. Data on size-segregated aerosols show that 73.74% of the TSP mass concentration is contributed by particles with diameters less than 11 μm. Particles with diameters less than 1.1μm have a higher concentration during the winter. In spring, larger particles tend to have higher mass concentrations. Bimodal particle size distributions have been observed, with maxima around 4.7-7 μand 0.43-0.65 μm in the winter season, and 7-11 μm and 0.65-1.1 μm in the autumn season. Measurements made during the dust events in March 2002 show high concentrations of particles in the size range 2.1-7μm.  相似文献   
赵彩  李启泰 《高原气象》2001,20(1):41-45
提出了一种利用SO2空中和雨水采样资料和气象资料、云物理探测资料等计算云下SO2降水清除系数的方法,计算了贵阳市冬、夏季不同雨强下的SO2除水清除系数kw,并将所得结果实际用于城市SO2浓度的数值计算。结果表明,这一方法所得结果与实际情况相当一致。  相似文献   
Sulfates are a main constituent of aerosols, which sulfate aerosols, it is necessary to determine what can cause various environmental problems sulfate ions are contained in these aerosols In the evaluation of the influence of In this study, sulfur K-edge XANES was used to determine sulfate species present in size-fractionated aerosol particles based on the post-edge structure after the main absorption peak in the XANES region. Aerosol samples were collected as part of the Japan-China joint project, "Asian Dust Experiment on Climate Impact" using a low-volume Andersen-type air sampler. XANES was measured at Beamline BL-9A at Photon Factory, Japan. A comparison of the XANES spectra of reference sulfate materials and aerosol samples collected in Tsukuba in Japan clearly showed that (NH4)2SO4 was the main sulfur species in particles with a smaller diameter and gypsum was the main sulfur species in particles with a larger diameter. A simulation of the XANES spectra by reference materials allows us to obtain the quantitative mixing ratios of the different sulfate species present in the aerosol samples. The presence of minor sulfur species other than (NH4)2SO4 and gypsum at the surface of mineral aerosols is suggested in our simulations and by a surface-sensitive conversion electron/He-ion yield XANES. In the absence of a contribution from a large dust event, the mole concentration of gypsum in the mineral aerosol fraction determined by XANES is similar to that of Ca which is determined independently using ion chromatography. This shows that the Ca and sulfate in the mineral aerosols are present only as gypsum. Considering that calcite is the main Ca mineral in the original material arising from an arid and semi-arid area in China, it is strongly suggested that gypsum is formed in aerosol during its long-range transportation by a reaction between calcite and sulfate ions.  相似文献   
城市大气污染扩散GIS模拟分析--以福州市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以福州市为例,分析了GIS在环境模型研究中的主要应用范围;剖析了GIS与环境模型结合的三种层次。在 GIS技术支持下建立了城市点源和线源大气污染扩散模型,采用大气污染扩散模型与GIS的嵌入式的紧密集成技术,进行福州市大气污染扩散模拟,直接采用等值线的方式表达大气污染物在不同气象条件下空间分布模拟结果, 为城市大气污染源的管理和时空模拟提供了一个良好的可视化分析环境。模拟结果表明:2000年福州市区工业路附近区域与福新路附近区域出现SO2高浓度;湖东路、八一七路、福新路、六一北路围成区域出现NOx高浓度,为机动车污染严重的区域。污染物浓度分布与污染源的空间分布和排放量密切相关。  相似文献   
大气污染的湖泊响应及其代用标志   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过洱海和阳宗海大气污染的湖泊响应、代用标志提取和原因分析以及地表水酸化理论和自然酸性湖泊的对比研究,揭示湖水总矿化度和S04^2—的同步异常增大是湖泊早期受酸沉降危害的标志.保存于沉积记录中的磁化率、非磁滞剩磁和介形类、硅藻的数值和种群、密度等变化,可灵敏地揭示湖泊受大气污染的起点、过程和环境影响,可作为酸沉降较重湖区的代用标志.  相似文献   
环境磁学在城市环境污染监测中的应用和进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
环境磁学是一门介于地球科学、环境科学和磁学之间的边缘科学,已广泛应用于很多领域.本文在简述了环境磁学参数和不同环境中磁性矿物变迁和演化过程的基础上,介绍了环境磁学在城市环境污染的不同方面所取得的进展,探讨了环境磁学在土壤污染和大气等城市环境污染研究中的不足,提出了环境磁学在城市环境污染研究领域的发展趋势.  相似文献   
北京地区大气污染分布的“南北两重天”现象   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用2006年北京地区空气质量监测站和自动气象站网资料,以及华北地区中尺度气象观测资料,分析了北京地区大气污染分布的“南北两重天”现象.通过对此类现象发生过程中天气形势和北京地区气象要素的分析,指出了造成该现象的天气学成因和气象要素特征.研究结果表明,2006年北京共发生47次“南北两重天”现象,其中大部分发生在秋、冬季的午夜至次日上午,且多为南差北好的污染物分布情景.该现象的发生与北京地区中-α尺度天气系统活动的一些特征有关,特别是与干冷空气进入北京地区的路径以及移动速度的区域差异有关.另外,在弱天气系统控制下,北京西南部地区经常出现的小尺度辐合型流场,也是形成北京地区“南北两重天”现象的重要原因.  相似文献   
本文采用数值方法求解平流扩散方程,对太原市的一次示踪物实验进行了大气扩散的数值模拟。模拟结果表明:采用数值方法准确地反映出了由于风的切变而导致的污染物烟羽的转向,能较好地模拟复杂地形下太原市污染物的输送扩散过程。  相似文献   
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