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An MOM2 based 3-dimentional prognostic baroclinic Z-ordinate model was established to study the circulation in eastern China seas, considering the topography, inflow and outflow on the open boundary, wind stress, temperature and salinity exchange on the sea surface. The results were consistent with observation and showed that the Kuroshio intrudes in large scale into the East China Sea continental shelf East China, during which its water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea water along Ryukyu Island. The Tsushima Warm Current is derived from several sources, a branch of the Kuroshio, part of the Taiwan Warm Current, and Yellow Sea mixed water coming from the west of Cheju Island. The water from the west of Cheju Island contributes approximately 13% of the Isushima Warm Current total transport through the Korea Strait. The circulation in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea is basically cyclonic circulation, and is comprised of coastal currents and the Yellow Sea Warm Current. Besides simulation of the real circulation, numerical experiments were conducted to study the dynamic mechanism. The numerical experiments indicated that wind directly drives the East China Sea and Yellow Sea Coastal Currents, and strengthens the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current. In the no wind case, the kinetic energy of the coastal current area and main YSWC area is only 1% of that of the wind case.Numerical experiments also showed that the Tsushima Warm Current is of great importance to the formation of the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current.  相似文献   
7月18日,国土资源部副部长汪民率领国务院九部委整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序检查验收组,深入灵宝市检查验收整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作。检查验收组一行首先深入灵宝市金源矿业有限责任公司第二分公司,实地查看整顿规范矿业秩序及企业生产情况。在查看整顿规范工作档案资料,听取灵宝市整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作汇报,并与有关乡镇、矿业企业负责人和矿区群众代表进行座谈后,检查验收组一行对灵宝市整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作取得的成效给予了充分肯定。  相似文献   
发展循环经济是我国经济社会发展的一项重大战略任务,是推进生态文明建设的重要途径和基本方式,是加快转变经济发展方式,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,实现可持续发展的必然选择。2013年1月,国务院印发了《循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划》(以下简称《发展战略及行动计划》)。这是我国首部国家级循环经济发展战略及专项规划。记者就此采访了国家发展和改革委员会有关负责人。答:有四个突出的特点:一是前期研究充分、基问:《发展战略及行动计划》有哪些主要特点?  相似文献   
With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous environment, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Bohai Sea(1–19 August, 2010), Yellow Sea(20–30 November, 2010) and East China Sea(3–17 June, 2010 and 1–10 November, 2010) were used to determine the occurrence and distribution of dissolved sulfide by methylene blue spectrophotometric method. Results show that:(1) horizontally, concentration of dissolved sulfide significantly varied from the coastal region to the open sea and profoundly influenced by physical processes. High values occurred in the river-sea boundary zone "marginal filter" due to rich riverine input, frequent upwelling and active exchange in shelf edge. Terrestrial input from adjacent rivers and the current cycling contributed to the high sulfide appeared in western Bohai Sea, eastern Shandong Peninsula, and northeast of Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary. Especially, relative higher sulfide values occurred in Yellow Sea, which is consistent with the variation of salinity largely due to the hydrodynamic feature;(2) vertically, measurement of dissolved sulfide in bottom water was higher and more variable than that in surface water caused by the wind-induced resuspension and dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Moreover, nutrient-type profile clearly identified that oxidation plays a major role in the biogeochemistry cycle of sulfide in water;(3) seasonally, investigation for East China Sea in June and November reflected seasonal variation of Changjiang River Diluted Water, Kuroshio Current, and Taiwan Warm Current. Concentration in June was much higher than that sampled in November at most stations. Mean concentration of dissolved sulfide varied seasonally from 2.26 μg/L(June) to 1.16 μg/L(November) in surface and 3.00 μg/L(June) to 1.56 μg/L(November) in bottom. Progress in the field is slow and more effort is needed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of determination and estimate the natural or anthropogenic contribution of dissolved sulfide in ecosystems.  相似文献   
由地下水补给、径流和排泄过程构成的地下水循环运动,是水文循环的重要组成部分,也是水文地质学的基本研究对象。地下水循环在空间上表现为不同结构单元的组合,存在以含水层特性为依据的介质结构和以渗流场为依据的动力结构2种划分方法。地下水流系统是动力结构意义上的地下水循环单元。近10年来,区域地下水流系统理论取得了显著进展,更加全面深入地揭示了地下水循环结构的动力学特性。通过对河间地块地下水流系统的研究,发现潜水面最高点并非地下水分水岭的准确位置。在盆地尺度上,系统研究了沟谷地貌、降水入渗强度、渗透性随埋深变化和盆地厚度等因素对潜水面波形与地下水循环动力结构的影响,初步发现了动力结构的周期性或趋势性演化特征。通过大规模流线路径的精细识别或驻留时间的统计分析,提出了三维地下水循环单元的划分方法。在水文地质效应方面,发现地下水循环的动力结构对地下水年龄的分布有重要影响。地下水循环的动力结构反映了不同补给区和排泄区之间的水力联系,在盆地尺度地球化学过程、流域尺度生态水文过程中发挥着关键作用,未来的研究重点是三维地下水循环的动力特性和演变规律。  相似文献   
【目的】探讨蛋白核小球藻采收后培养液是否能循环再用于小球藻的培养。【方法】采用小球藻分批培养完成采收细胞后所得培养废液来配制培养基,重新进入下一批次小球藻培养。以藻类BG11培养基配方为基准,按照配方全部或部分补充营养盐,通过测定藻液的光密度值间接反映藻生物量,比较小球藻在循环培养中的生长情况。【结果】在连续循环利用回收水至第4批次培养收获时培养液的光密度D(600 nm)为9.9,比生长速率为0.80 d-1,与第1批培养收获时培养液的光密度D(600 nm)和比生长速率相比,小球藻细胞产量和生长速率均未受影响。经过4个轮次的循环培养,用水量可减少约75%。在连续循环培养中仅补充N、P、S盐,至第3个循环小球藻收获时的生物量变化在10%以内。【结论】在加糖混养、保持连续光照、按照BG11配方补全营养盐的培养条件下,至少可对蛋白核小球藻进行4个周期的循环培养。按照BG11配方量补充相应的N、P、S盐,减少其他营养盐的投放,在2个循环周期内可以维持蛋白核小球藻的正常生长。利用培养废液实现小球藻循环经济培养和减少生产排放方法可行。  相似文献   
王猛  杨庆  聂影  张小玲 《岩土力学》2009,30(4):926-932
针对非饱和重塑黏土,利用改进的非饱和土静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪,在固结排水(CD)条件下进行了应力控制式分级加载的循环三轴试验,通过对试验结果的对比分析,探讨了初始固结压力和基质吸力(孔隙气压力Ua与孔隙水压力Uw之差)对非饱和土动应力-动应变关系特性的影响。以此为基础,将Hardin-Drnerich等价黏弹性模型和Masing加卸载准则进行了改进,并得到了可以考虑基质吸力的非饱和黏土的等价黏弹性模型。进而对试验数据与模型预测结果进行比较,结果表明这种改进的非饱和土等价黏弹性模型能较好预测各种基质吸力下非饱和土的动应力-动应变关系。  相似文献   
周期性循环载荷作用下岩石声发射规律试验研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
声发射是岩石等脆性材料内部损伤的伴生现象。在周期性循环载荷作用下通过改变不同应力幅度和不同加载速率对细粒砂岩进行声发射试验研究,探讨了声发射在周期性载荷作用下的声发射规律。研究结果表明,改变上限应力对声发射现象的影响显著,而改变下限应力的影响主要在循环末期,提早了每个循环声发射产生时间;加载速率的增加提高了声发射率,特别是循环过程中主裂纹的形成和扩展阶段,加快了岩石破坏进程;不同应力幅度和加载速率下声发射表现出不同的发展模式,不同模式预示着不同的岩石变形破坏速率。  相似文献   
正如果人力是顺应自然规律的、与天地和谐参用的,其变化的结果当是田地自然元气的培正扶持,是人类生存环境的改善与进步,像都江堰;如果反其道而行之,结果就很危险了。"沧海桑田"一词,道出了中国人对大千世界奇异变化认识的极致。诗文曲赋中关于土地变化的就多有精妙震撼之作。最经典的莫过于杜牧《阿房宫赋》中的两句:第一句是"蜀山兀,阿房出"。蜀山山势连绵围裹,百里千里不绝,极高极大。但是,因为要造"覆压三百余里,隔离天日"的阿房宫,蜀山上的树木都被砍光了,山变秃了。这是第一层变化,显尽了人的能  相似文献   
基于小流域抽样单元的中国FROM-GLC30数据精度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地覆盖数据是全球环境变化相关研究和应用的重要数据基础,在诸多领域中被广泛运用.FROM-GLC30 2017数据是最新的全球高分辨率(30m)公开土地覆盖数据集之一.土地覆盖数据集的精度是其在不同领域应用中的重要问题.本研究旨在探讨FROM-GLC30 2017数据集精度在全国范围内的空间分布,并比较不同土地覆盖类型...  相似文献   
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