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采自地中海东部的沉积物岩心均含有多个序列的腐殖泥层。这些腐殖层富含有机碳,主要沉积于深层海水缺氧时期。地中海东部的深层水缺氧事件明显与气候变化有关,这已被该海区的腐殖层厚度与北半球日射峰值和冰川体积缩小存在密切的相关性所证实。  相似文献   
The last twenty-five years of geological investigation of the Mediterranean region have disproved the traditional notion that the Alpine-Himalayan mountain ranges originated from the closure of a single, albeit complex,oceanic domain-the Tethys. Instead, the present-day geological configuration of the Mediterranean region is the result of the creation and ensuing consumption of two major oceanic basins-the Paleotethys and the Neotethys-and of additional smaller oceanic basins within an overall regime of prolonged interaction between the Eurasian and the African-Arabian plates.In greater detail, there is still some debate about exactly what Tethys existed at what time. A consensus exists as to the presence of (i) a mainly Paleozoic paleotethyan ocean north of the Cimmerian continent(s); (ii) a younger late Paleozoic-Mesozoic neotethyan ocean located south of this continent, and finally ; ( iii ) a middle Jurassic ocean, the Alpine Tethys-Valais, an extension of the central Atlantic ocean in the western Tethyan domain. Additional late Paleozoic to Mesozoic back-arc marginal basins along the active Eurasian margin com-plicated somewhat this simple picture. The closure of these heterogeneous oceanic domains produced a sys-tem of connected yet discrete orogenic belts which vary in terms of timing, tectonic setting and internal archi-tecture, and cannot be interpreted as the end product of a single “Alpine“ orogenic cycle.In Neogene time. following prolonged indentation along the Alpine front, a number of small continental microterranes (Kabylies, Balearic Islands, Sardinia-Cor-sica, Calabria) rifted off the Eurooean-lberian continan-tal margin and drifted toward south or southeast, leaving in their wake areas of thinned continental crust (e.g.Valencia Trough) or small oceanic basins (Algerian,Provencal and Tyrrhenian basins). The E Mediterranean is similarly characterized by widespread Neogene exten-sional tectonism, as indicated by thinning of continental crust along low-angle detachment faults in the Aegean Sea and the periaegean regions. Overall, Neogene exten-sion in the Mediterranean can be explained as the result of roll-back of the N-dipping subducting slab along the lonian-E Mediterranean subduction zones. The complex Neogene geologic scenario of the Mediterranean is com-plicated further by the deposition of widespread evapor-ites during Messinian (late Miocene) time.  相似文献   
地中海位于亚、非、欧三大洲之间,是世界最大的内陆海。那里曾是人类文明的发祥地之一,因风光旖旎而闻名于世。然而,眼下这片美丽的水域正在经历着越来越严重的污染。  相似文献   
席会东 《地图》2014,(6):132-133
耶路撒冷位于巴基斯坦中部的犹地亚山,东近死海,西临地中海沿岸平原,是犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教三大宗教的圣城。“耶路撒冷”在希伯来语中的意思是“和平之城”,但历史上的耶路撒冷城去口是一个历经战乱的悲伤之城。耶路撒冷老城始建以来,先后重建和修复过18次之多。3000多年来,以色列人、巴比伦人、亚述人、希腊人、罗马人、阿拉伯人、十字军、土耳其人相继在耶路撒冷上演着战争与和平、摧毁与放逐、重建与祭拜的悲喜故事。面积约1平方公里的耶路撒冷老城今天依然分为东南部的犹太区、东北部的穆斯林区、西北部的基督区和西南部的亚美尼亚区4个区域,因其独特的历史文化景观而被列入《世界文化遗产名录》。  相似文献   
林达 《中国测绘》2011,(1):76-81
我们是从法国南部进入西班牙的。邻近西班牙的时候,火车的一边是白雪盖顶的比利牛斯山.另一边是峭崖之下蓝得迷人的地中海。火车上的旅客都不由自主地站起身来,轮换地看着两边在移动着的景色。这一个动人的开端.似乎在预示着前方将会出现别具色彩的风光。  相似文献   
每一件海底沉宝都有它传奇而又坎坷的经历.根据历史与地理的研究,我们发现很多宝船的分布是有明显的区域特点的.准备好一支笔、一张世界地图,让我们来画一张自己的海洋藏宝图吧!波罗的海公元8世纪到11世纪的300年间,来自北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛的维京人乘船出海,以海盗的身份抢劫掠夺,席卷了整个西欧.他们的足迹甚至到了俄罗斯的基辅...  相似文献   
龙夫 《海洋世界》2004,(8):29-30
历史总留给人们无数的难以争开的谜团,美洲大陆,这片古老而又充满传奇的土地。至今,没有人敢肯定到底是谁先征服了它。  相似文献   
杜莉 《海洋世界》2004,(11):42-43
马耳他位于地中海中部,有“地中海心脏”之称,是闻名世界的旅游牲地,被誉为“欧洲的乡村”。马耳他有着悠久的历史和世界闻名的独特彩绘,同时也是艺术、建筑、历史、考古爱好者向往的地方。从航海到帆板冲浪,还有一些地中海最好的潜水场所。马耳他海边的景色如诗如画.有着数不尽的港口、海湾、沙滩和岩洞。  相似文献   
本文研究发现太平洋–日本遥相关型(PJ)和地中海–欧亚北部遥相关型(MnE)对东亚夏季气温存在显著的协同影响。当PJ和MnE处于同位相时,两者相关的大气环流在东亚中部地区相互叠加抵消,从而对该地区气温的影响较弱,而此时显著的气温异常主要位于东亚北部。相反,当PJ和MnE处于反位相时,两者相关的大气环流在东亚地区相互叠加增强,从而对东亚中部和亚洲北部地区的气温产生显著影响。因此,在东亚夏季气温变化的理解与预测中需要考虑这两个遥相关的协同作用。  相似文献   
杨爱国 《地理教学》2013,(18):17-18,30
正一、基础过关1.在下图中相应位置填出全球性气压带与风带,并完成下表。极地高气压带极地高气压带气压带风带90。S60。S30。S30。N0。60。N90。N极地东风带极地东风带该图及下表的设计只是让学生选填部分重点的气压带与风带,没有让学生每个都填出,这不仅节省了课堂时间,提高容量,同样可以检测出学生对气压带与风带基础知识的掌握情况,强化了学生对基础知识的巩固。并通过典型例题1引导学生对"气压带、风带随太阳直射点移动"的灵活迁移运用。  相似文献   
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