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Based on systematized physical, chemical, and biological modules, a multi-species harmful algal bloom (HAB) model coupled with background ecological fields was established. This model schematically embod-ied that HAB causative algal species and the background ecological system, quantified as total biomass, were significantly different in terms of the chemical and biological processes during a HAB while the inter-action between the two was present. The model also included a competition and interaction mechanism between the HAB algal species or populations. The Droop equation was optimized by considering tempera-ture, salinity, and suspended material impact factors in the parameterization of algal growth rate with the nutrient threshold. Two HAB processes in the springs of 2004 and 2005 were simulated using this model. Both simulation results showed consistent trends with corresponding HAB processes observed in the East China Sea, which indicated the rationality of the model. This study made certain progress in modeling HABs, which has great application potential for HAB diagnosis, prediction, and prevention.  相似文献   
华北平原7种人工牧草不同气候条件下的耗水规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要目的是研究华北平原不同气候条件下7种人工牧草的耗水规律。试验于2005-2009年在中国科学院禹城综合试验站进行,牧草品种有一年生牧草黑麦(Secale cereale L.)、小黑麦(× Triticosecale Wittmack)、高丹草(Sorghum biolor × Sorghum Sudanense c.v.)、青饲玉米(Zea mays L.)和籽粒苋(Amaranthus paniculatus L.),多年生牧草苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.) 和串叶松香草(Silphium perfoliatum L.)。结果显示,苜蓿的Kc值为1.08,其他牧草在0.79-0.94。不同气候条件下的Kc值大小规律为,越年生牧草:湿润〉干旱〉平常;一年生牧草:干旱〉平常〉湿润;多年生牧草:平常〉干旱〉湿润。本文建议青饲玉米和高丹草为夏季播牧草的优选牧草,籽粒苋对气候变化最敏感,干旱和平常季节会减产一半以上。黑麦和小黑麦蒸是冬闲田种植的优选牧草,小黑麦因为耗水量较小,优于黑麦。苜蓿在干旱季节的表现优于串叶松香草,但当降雨达592.9mm以上反而会引起减产。该研究的结果能为牧草在华北平原的种植布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the biochemical genetic structure of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis and Hepu mitten crab E. hepuensis. Sixteen putative enzyme-coding loci were examined for forty-nine Chinese mitten crabs and thirty-eight Hepu mitten crabs. Nine loci, AAT-1^*, AAT-2^*, G3PDH^*, GPI^*, IDHP.1^*, IDHP-2^*,MDH-1^*, MDH-2^* and PGM^*, are polymorphic in Chinese mitten crab, and seven, AAT-1^*, AAT-2^*, GPI^*, IDHP-1^*, MDH-1^*, MDH-2 ^* and PGM^*, are polymorphic in Hepu mitten crab. The proportion of polymorphic loci and the expected heterozygosity are 0.5625 and 0.0803 for Chinese mitten crab, and 0.4375 and 0.0754 for Hepu mitten crab. The Nei‘ s genetic distance between two species is 0.0024.  相似文献   
以“粤糖63/237”为对照品种进行新植,宿根共3年的对比试验,结果表明“新台糖10号”的新植,宿根的蔗茎产量及蔗糖份均高于对照品种,“新台糖10号”是适合遂溪县蔗区种植的早熟,高产,高糖以及宿根性好的甘蔗品种。  相似文献   
什么是"电气石",哪些品种的电气石可作宝石?电气石的名称来源于它自身所具有的受热生电和磨擦生电的性质。彩色透明的电气石称为碧玺,是一种中档宝石。  相似文献   
1引言玉米的生长发育与气象条件的关系十分密切,不同品种、不同发育阶段要求不同的光、热、水等环境条件,不同地区、不同年份、不同时间的气象条件对玉米生育的满足程度又不相同,因而,玉米生长发育好坏及产量高低在很大程度上取决于气象环境条件,并且存在十分明显的年际变化及地域变化。气象条件能满足玉米生育的要求,则玉米生长发  相似文献   
各色珠子串成的项链、珍珠项链,适合搭配低领黑衣。衬衫领和高领黑衣,则适合夸张型的金属项链和银项链。粗的金或银项链也可以,搭配钻石耳环、项链亦可。  相似文献   
由于地形的原因,太行山高海拔区气候比同纬度的平原区冷凉,在太行山冷凉区域内建立了若于气象观测站,于每日的8:00、14:00、20:00观测气温、地面温度、地温(5cm、10cm、15cm、20cm)。基于对所采集的气象数据的分析。对实验区内一些传统的农作物种植制度、种植结构、作物品种进行了调整和改革。通过3a的实验和推广,当地农民得到了实惠增加了收益。研究表明。在太行山冷凉区域进行农作物种植制度的调整应主要从以下三方面着手:一是采用新品种;二是改变传统的早播习惯,使作物生理特点与气候变化规律相适应,主要是错过低温和干旱危害;三是开展问作。  相似文献   
洪超  殷波 《海洋信息》2001,(4):15-16
荣成市三面临海,海岸线近500公里,浅海海域和滩涂200多万亩,与陆地面积相当,是耕地面积的2倍多。近年来,荣成市充分发挥这一得天独厚的自然条件优势,大力发展标准化养殖,全面提高水产品质量和产出效益,有力地促进了渔业经济的持续快速发展。全市现有渔业企业400多家,渔业资产近百亿元,渔工10万人。  相似文献   
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