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2011年春季中国北方沙尘天气过程及其成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2011年春季,中国共出现了7次沙尘天气过程,其中沙尘暴4次,强沙尘暴2次,沙尘天气频次总体偏少、强沙尘暴偏多,影响范围较广。通过对2010/2011年冬季及2011年春季天气气候特征的分析表明:①2010/2011年冬季,冷空气偏强,气温偏低,有利于土壤冻结,同时新疆大部、内蒙古西部及东北部分地区降水偏少,使得前期地面植被状况偏差,进入2011年春季,中国北方大部地区降水仍偏少,地面植被状况虽未得到改善,但气温仍偏低,土壤解冻较晚,而2011年春季冷空气较常年偏弱,使得2011年沙尘暴发生时间较常年偏晚,且沙尘天气过程偏少;②中国北方沙尘天气常发区域土壤湿度较常年偏高,土壤状况良好,土质不够疏松,是2011年春季沙尘天气偏少的一个重要因素;③2011年春季蒙古国及内蒙古大部地区纬向风为偏西风的负距平区,不利于起沙及沙尘粒子向东输送。  相似文献   
Little information is available on denitrification potential of marsh soils in natural saline-alkaline wetlands. The denitrification potentials of an open wetland in the floodplain(Erbaifangzi wetland) and a closed wetland(Fulaowenpao wetland) in backwater areas in Jilin Province of Northeast China were monitored by an anaerobic incubation at 30℃ for 25 days. Our results showed that the relative denitrification index(RDI) increased gradually with incubation time, and showed a rapid increase in the first 5 days of incubation. The RDI values declined quickly from surface soils to subsurface soils and then kept a small change in deeper soils along soil profiles over the incubation time. Denitrification proceeded much faster in the top 20 cm soils of open wetland than in the closed wetland, whereas no significant differences in RDI values were observed in deeper soils between both wetlands. The RDIs were significantly negatively correlated with bulk density and sand content, while a significantly positive correlation with clay content, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and phosphorous. The maximum net NO–3-N loss through denitrification in 1 m depth were higher in the open wetland than the closed wetland with higher soil pH values. Future research should be focused on understanding the influencing mechanisms of soil alkalinity.  相似文献   
甘肃春季沙尘暴环流特征及其时间尺度诊断分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
根据43a甘肃春季沙尘暴日数距平序列选取了甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年。对甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年前期冬季(12月至翌年2月)和同期春季(3~5月)500hPa环流距平场合成结果表明, 前期冬季东亚大槽、同期春季蒙古气旋是影响沙尘暴发生多少的主要系统。西风指数和东亚北风指数计算结果表明, 沙尘暴多发年与少发年指数差异明显, 沙尘暴与冬季风联系紧密。甘肃春季沙尘暴小波变换分析, 清楚地反映沙尘暴不同频域的变化特征及其交替作用; 不同频域小波系数变化说明21世纪初沙尘暴将趋于增加。  相似文献   

利用江西省83个气象观测站1961—2018年春季(3—5月)逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,对江西春季降水异常的大气环流特征及其对ENSO事件的响应进行了研究。结果表明:江西春季降水异常偏多年,中层500 hPa中高纬地区受欧亚型环流(EU型)影响,乌拉尔山附近阻塞高压系统活动频繁,贝加尔湖地区低槽偏强,西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高,下同)偏强,有利于北方冷空气南下并与偏南暖湿气流在江西上空交汇;低层850 hPa菲律宾以东西太平洋地区为异常反气旋环流控制,造成南海水汽向江西地区输送加强。而江西春季降水异常偏少年,其环流特征表现则与之相反。ENSO是影响江西春季降水的重要强迫信号,厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)衰减年,春季东亚地区低层850 hPa西太副高偏强(弱),有(不)利南海上空水汽向江西地区输送,低层辐合(辐散)和高层200 hPa辐散(辐合)形成的动力抬升条件是造成江西地区降水偏多(少)的主要原因。

张瑜  邓永飞  陈长胜 《极地研究》2020,32(2):151-163
作为北极海洋要素的重要来源之一,白令海峡区域的太平洋入流水在北冰洋表层海洋环流和物质能量输运过程中发挥着重要作用,对区域乃至全球气候和生态系统产生深远影响,然而现今的研究对太平洋入流水出现的新变化以及其如何参与北冰洋的海洋–大气过程了解得还不够深入。本文梳理了目前国内外有关太平洋入流水流量、环流与水团等主要特征的相关研究进展,总结了太平洋入流水的流量变化和驱动机制、环流路径和影响因素,以及与太平洋水有关的水团特征,并在前人研究的基础上对未来的研究方向予以展望。  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the sand-storm frequency data fi'om 37 weather stations in the Tarim Basin for the period 1961-2009, the relationship between the frequency of spring sandstorms in the Tafim Basin and the associated atmospheric circu- lation pattems is analyzed in this study. We found significantly negative correlations between sandstorm frequency and the 500-hPa geopotential height over the Paris Basin and midwestem Mongolia, while there were positive correlations over the Ural River region. The rising of the 500-hPa geopotential height in midwestem Mongolia and its falling over the Ural region corre- spond to a weakening of the large-scale wave patterns in the Eurasian region, which directly causes the frequency of the sand-dust storms in the Tarim Basin to decline. Also, the abrupt decline in the spring sandstorm frequency in the Tarim Basin observed in the last half-century is associated with profound changes in the atmospheric circulation in these key regions. At the interannual scale, the strengthened cyclonic atmospheric circulation patterns in the western part of Mongolia and the anticyclonic patterns over the East European plains at 500-hPa geopotential height, are responsible for frequent sandstorm occurrences in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   
中国半干旱区城镇众多,风沙灾害频发,开展城镇风沙灾害防治研究势在必行。以毛乌素沙地的乌审旗达布察克镇为例,对其周边沙尘源地和植被进行实地调查;在此基础上,结合单项植物、机械沙障防风原理的风洞模拟结果,提出各种沙尘源地亚类防沙治沙措施的合理配置。根据建立半干旱区城镇防沙工程体系的原则以及城镇周边不同下垫面的防沙治沙措施配置,达布察克镇防沙治沙模式可以概括为城镇周边的“三圈模式”。第一圈是以达布察克镇为核心的绿化景观带,这一圈层大致位于达布察克镇以外600~900 m宽度范围内。第二圈层为沙丘(地)封禁与农牧业生产区,包括两个次级圈层:设施农业次级圈层的宽度约为1 km;远郊沙丘(地)封禁与农牧户独立生产次级圈层的范围较大,这一次级圈层的显著特点是大面积用于生态环境建设和保护,小面积用于农牧业生产。第三圈层是沙丘(地)封禁保护圈。该圈层位于乌审旗的西北位置,圈层内主要包括流动、半流动沙丘链以及平坦流沙地,是达布察克镇上风向主要的沙尘源地,应按照防沙治沙原理对其进行封禁与保护。  相似文献   
对于"大气环流",教师多采用"提出假设-推翻假设-逐步逼近-得出结论"的"推翻假设"式教学逻辑进行教学设计并实施教学。调查表明,"推翻假设"式教学逻辑在实际教学中效果并不十分理想,学生在学习时会遇到一系列思维障碍。科学家在对大气环流规律的探索过程中,采用的是"考虑新要素-提出新理论"的"要素增加"逻辑。经实践验证表明,对于"大气环流"部分内容,在教学中借鉴地理学家的发现逻辑,采用"要素增加"教学逻辑设计并实施教学,能更加接近科学家的思维方式,也更符合学生认知规律,能有效避免学生思维障碍的产生。  相似文献   
Ocean circulation in the Yellow and East China Seas is very rich in mesoscale phenomena, such as eddies, fronts, upwellings, river plumes, etc. Among others, having drawn tremendous attention from oceanographic community in the past for nearly 50 years are mainly the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and its related circulation, the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), the East China Sea  相似文献   
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