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2008年中国沿岸冬季寒潮激发陆架波的小波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study applies the wavelet analysis to the tidal gauge records, alongshore winds, atmospheric temperature and pressure along the China coast in winter 2008. The analysis results show three events of sea level oscillations(SLOs) on the shelf induced by winter storms. The first event occurred from January 9 to 21. The SLO periods were double-peaked at 1.6–5.3 and 7.0–16.0 d with the power densities of 0.04–0.05 and 0.10–0.15 m2·d, respectively.The second event occurred from February 5 to 18. The SLO period was single-peaked at 2.3–3.5 d with power density of 0.03–0.04 m2·d. The third event occurred from February 20 to March 8. The SLO periods were doublepeaked at 1.5–4.3 and 6.1–8.2 d with the power densities of 0.08–0.11 and 0.02–0.08 m2·d, respectively. The SLOs propagated along the coast from Zhejiang in north to Guangdong in south. The phase speeds ranged about 9–29m/s from Kanmen to Pingtan, 5–11 m/s from Xiamen to Huizhou and 11–22 m/s from Huizhou to Shuidong. The dispersion relation of the SLOs shows their nature of coastal-trapped wave.  相似文献   
过去的几个冬季中,北美、欧洲、西伯利亚和东亚大部分地区经历了冷冬和强降雪,而这与北极海冰的快速减少有关。尽管北极海冰减少在冷冬和强降雪中的作用仍存在争议,但这种新兴的气候反馈在未来变暖背景下是否会持续仍值得关注。中等排放情境下的气候模式模拟结果揭示,欧洲东北部、亚洲中部北部、北美北部的冬季降雪增加会成为贯穿21世纪的一个稳健的特征。21世纪这些区域冬季降雪增加的主要原因是北极秋季海冰的减少(很大的外部强迫),而冬季北极涛动的变化(北半球主要的自然变化形态)对降雪增加的作用很小。这一结果不仅体现在多模式平均上,而且每个单独模式的结果依然如此。我们认为海冰-降雪之间的强反馈作用可能已经出现,并且在接下来的几十年中这种强反馈作用可能会增强,北半球高纬地区的强降雪事件也会增加。  相似文献   
1989~1990年冬季渤海和黄海北部结冰特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了1989~1990年冬季渤海和黄海北部结冰特征,认为大气环流、气温和水温的异常是引起本冬海冰特征的重要因素。另外,对海冰的增长和融化速率、海冰的运动也做了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the multidecadal variation of North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST), exhibits an oscillation with a period of 65-80 years and an amplitude of 0.4℃. Observational composite analyses reveal that the warm phase AMO is linked to warmer winters in East China, with enhanced precipitation in the north of this region and reduced precipitation in the south, on multidecadal time scales. The pattern is reversed during the cold phase AMO. Whether the AMO acts as a forcing of the multidecadal winter climate of East China is explored by investigating the atmospheric response to warm AMO SST anomalies in a large ensemble of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) experiments. The results from three AGCMs are consistent and suggest that the AMO warmth favors warmer winters in East China. This influence is realized through inducing negative surface air pressure anomalies in the hemispheric-wide domain extending from the midlatitude North Atlantic to midlatitude Eurasia. These negative surface anomalies favor the weakening of the Mongolian Cold High, and thus induce a weaker East Asian Winter Monsoon.  相似文献   
The unique survey in December 1998 mapped the entire western boundary area of the South China Sea(SCS),which reveals the three-dimensional structure and huge volume transport of the swift and narrow winter western boundary current of the SCS(SCSwwbc) in full scale. The current is found to flow all the way from the shelf edge off Hong Kong to the Sunda Shelf with a width around 100 km and a vertical scale of about 400 m. It appears to be the strongest off the Indo-China Peninsula, where its volume transport reached over 20×10~6 m~3/s. The current is weaker upstream in the northern SCS to the west of Hong Kong. A Kuroshio loop or detached eddy intruded through the Luzon Strait is observed farther east where the SCSwwbc no more exists. The results suggest that during the survey the SCSwwbc was fed primarily by the interior recirculation of the SCS rather than by the"branching" of the Kuroshio from the Luzon Strait as indicated by surface drifters, which is likely a near-surface phenomenon and only contributes a minor part to the total transport of the SCSwwbc. Several topics related to the SCSwwbc are also discussed.  相似文献   
赵渊明  孙静  漆梁波  张燕燕 《气象》2024,50(1):59-70
利用2019—2021年冬季上海宝山站L波段探空资料对FY-4A云顶温度(CTT)产品进行评估,分析发现,FY-4A的云顶温度产品能够较好地反映单层云的云顶温度,对双层云或多层云的云顶温度则普遍高估(平均高估幅度超过14℃);当探空观测到的云顶高度不超过6 km或云顶温度不低于-20℃时,FY-4A云顶温度产品误差较小,平均偏差约为3℃。根据2021—2022年冬季长三角地区地面站观测的降水现象统计云顶温度与降水相态的关系,并对典型个例进行分析,结果表明,云顶温度低是出现降雪的必要条件之一,绝大部分降雪出现在云顶温度低于-12℃的情况下。FY-4A的云顶温度产品时空分辨率高、精度尚可,可以辅助预报员判识雨雪落区,在雨雪转换过程的预报服务中有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
利用1982—2017年华西南部地区冬季气温和NCEP再分析资料以及CFS模式实时预测资料,通过SVD诊断分析,选取影响华西南部地区冬季气温的同期关键区大气环流和前期海温及OLR因子场,建立预测与观测场相结合的组合统计降尺度预测模型。该统计降尺度预测模型对1982—2017年的回报结果显示:与观测场的空间相关系数较CFS模式原始预测结果有显著提高,多年均值从-0.06提升到0.38,最高可达0.85。同时,此降尺度预测模型可较好地回报出华西南区冬季气温的空间分布型。  相似文献   
天气预报在供暖节能中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天气预报在供暖节能中的应用范玉华,辛晓慧,苍运奇陈万贵(哈尔滨市太平区房管处)1前言改革开放以来,城市住宅建设迅猛发展,锅炉集中供暖面积逐渐递增,但国lfl热水供暖管理水平多数仍处于“经验型”和政府指令阶段,这不仅造成能源的较大浪费,还不时引起公众的...  相似文献   
为防止地温表被土壤冻结,根据地面气象观测规范规定,可事先用等量的凡士林和机油混合物涂抹在表身贴地的一面.然而天气变化并无固定的模式规律.如遇冬季提前结冻或天气骤变,20时观测时常发现地面温度表被结冻的潮湿土壤冻住,无法直接拿起调整。  相似文献   
合肥地区1736—1991年年冬季平均气温序列的重建   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
周清波  张丕远 《地理学报》1994,49(4):332-337
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