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我国冬季气温与影响因子关系的年代际变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1951—2012年冬季全国160个站月平均气温以及NCEP/NACR再分析资料和海温、北极海冰等资料,分析了我国冬季气温及其关键影响因子的年代际变化特征,重点研究了关键影响因子对我国冬季气温影响关系的年代际变化。研究表明:我国冬季气温在1985年之前处于冷期,之后为暖期; 我国冬季气温异常与影响因子的关系发生了显著的年代际变化,而且影响因子之间的关系也发生了显著的年代际变化。针对这种年代际变化的基本事实,提出针对冷期和暖期中不同影响因子与冬季气温的关系分时段建立冬季气温的多因子回归预测模型,可以反映冬季气温及其影响因子关系的年代际变化特征。正确的预测策略是利用相同年代际背景下预测对象与预测因子的时间序列资料建立预测模型,以确保预测模型中反映的预测对象与预测因子关系的稳定性,进而保持较高的拟合及预测水平。  相似文献   
在贵州,每当冬天来临,人们都会禁不住谈到有关凝冻的话题,有的甚至感觉有些神秘,为什么只有贵州等少数省份有?为何又叫低温雨雪冰冻天气?其实,凝冻作为一种天气现象并不神秘,它是贵州冬季常见的天气现象。  相似文献   
利用1951-2011年中国160站降水资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了中国东南部冬季降水的年际变化及与之相关的环流和水汽输送特征。结果表明:中国东南部冬季降水年际差异较明显,当降水异常偏多(少)时,蒙古高压及中国广大南方地区海平面气压异常偏低(高),而亚洲附近的洋面上则异常偏高(低);500 hPa上,巴尔喀什湖附近的高压脊和东亚大槽均偏弱(强);高层东亚西风急流异常偏弱(强),中东地区急流异常偏强(弱);中国东部20~30°N出现显著异常上升(下沉)运动,低纬度地区出现异常下沉(上升)运动。影响中国东南部冬季降水的水汽输送主要有两支:来自西风带绕高原的南支气流,经过阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾向华南的输送水汽;来自低纬西太平洋,经南海向中国西南的水汽输送。此外,东亚冬季风与中国东南部冬季降水关系密切。  相似文献   
北京冬季降水粒子谱及其下落速度的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了深入探讨北京冬季云降水的微物理特征,提高雷达反演冬季固态降水的精度和冬季降水的预报水平,利用PARSIVEL(Particle Size and Velocity)降水粒子谱仪所观测的冬季降水粒子谱,结合地面显微镜粒子图像和云雷达数据,对比分析了北京海坨山地区冬季过冷雨滴、霰粒、雪花、混合态降水的粒子谱和下落速度特征,得到主要结论如下:(1)霰粒降水过程的云顶最高,整层的含水量最大,低层的退偏振比(LDR)最小,粒子更接近于球形;降雪过程的云顶最低,云中含水量最少,低层的退偏振比较大;混合态降水过程的雷达回波强度和高度特征介于两者之间,但低层的退偏振比最大;(2)在云中上升或下沉气流及湍流的影响下,过冷雨滴、霰粒和雪的下落速度均对称分布于各自理论下落末速度曲线的两侧。因此可根据粒子浓度相对于其直径和速度分布的中轴线位置,判断出该段降水过程中的主要粒子形态;(3)冬季雪花、霰粒和混合态降水粒子下落速度分布的散度较雨滴更大,其原因是由于冷云降水过程的粒子形态复杂,且固态粒子下落过程中更容易受破碎、聚并和凇附等微物理过程影响;(4)在4种降水类型中,雪的平均直径和离散度最大,雨滴最小;混合态降水粒子的总数浓度最大,雨滴的总数浓度最低,并且4种降水类型的粒子数浓度、平均直径和离散度均随降水强度的增大而增大。   相似文献   
利用1979—2016年北疆冬季49个气象站日降水资料和ERA-Interim再分析资料(0.5°×0.5°),对北疆冬季降水的时空特征、水汽输送及环流形势进行研究。结果发现,北疆冬季降水的水汽输送通道有2条:地中海-黑海-里海-咸海-巴尔喀什湖-北疆为西方路径,红海-波斯湾/里海南侧-巴尔喀什湖-北疆为西南路径,其中以西方路径为主。500 hPa高纬高(低)压、西伯利亚瞬变低压(高压)和伊朗高原脊(槽)的异常活跃促使北疆一致降水偏多(少),500 hPa斯堪的纳维亚半岛正(负)距平、西伯利亚-伊朗高原负(正)距平的活跃和地中海低压槽(高压脊)的异常活跃导致北疆西北部降水偏多(少),500 hPa巴尔喀什湖西南侧西南-东北负(正)距平的活跃和西伯利亚正(负)距平的活跃造成北疆西部降水偏多(少),其中全区降水一致型是北疆降水的主要分布型。  相似文献   
利用北京和张家口地区气象站建站至2016年历年11月至次年3月气象资料,研究2022年北京冬奥会人工造雪地面气象条件,结果表明:降水相态与地面气温(T)和相对湿度线性组合关系密切,通过计算不同温度对应降水相态频率,发现北京T≤-0.2℃,张家口市T≤-0.8℃时,降水相态为雪的频率≥95%;估算了冬奥会和残奥会举办地区域自动气象站2014—2016年赛事期间可造雪时数,发现冬奥期间造雪时数较为充足,残奥期间造雪时数较少,可以采用造雪和储雪结合保证赛事用雪。  相似文献   
东亚副热带急流的空间结构及其与中国冬季气温的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
姚慧茹  李栋梁 《大气科学》2013,37(4):881-890
本文利用1950~2012 年NCEP/NCAR 逐月再分析风场资料和中国542 个台站逐日观测资料研究东亚副热带急流(EAJ)的空间结构及其与中国冬季气温的关系。结果表明,东亚副热带急流在空间呈不规则管状结构,冬季急流体积最大,垂直厚度范围自500 hPa 至100 hPa;夏季急流体积最小,仅存在于200 hPa 附近。急流管在秋、冬、春季略呈西南—东北走向,在夏季呈西—东走向。不同高度上的最大风速轴线在南北方向的移动不尽一致,春、秋季低层风速轴比高层偏北。东亚急流管不同区域下方的垂直运动及其年变化存在差异。冬季东亚副热带急流强度与同期中国气温关系密切,特别是高原上空的急流越强时,中国大部分地区冬季气温偏低。  相似文献   
The trends and fluctuations of observed and CMIP5-simulated yearly mean surface air temperature over China were analyzed.In general,the historical simulations replicate the observed increase of temperature,but the multi-model ensemble (MME) mean does not accurately reproduce the drastic interannual fluctuations.The correlation coefficient of the MME mean with the observations over all runs and all models was 0.77,which was larger than the largest value (0.65) from any single model ensemble.The results showed that winter temperatures are increasing at a higher rate than summer temperatures,and that winter temperatures exhibit stronger interannual variations.It was also found that the models underestimate the differences between winter and summer rates.The ensemble empirical mode decomposition technique was used to obtain six intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) for the modeled temperature and observations.The periods of the first two IMFs of the MME mean were 3.2 and 7.2,which represented the cycle of 2-7-yr oscillations.The periods of the third and fourth IMFs were 14.7 and 35.2,which reflected a multi-decadal oscillation of climate change.The corresponding periods of the first four IMFs were 2.69,7.24,16.15 and 52.5 in the observed data.The models overestimate the period of low frequency oscillation of temperature,but underestimate the period of high frequency variation.The warming rates from different representative concentration pathways (RCPs) were calculated,and the results showed that the temperature will increase by approximately 0.9℃,2.4℃,3.2℃ and 6.1℃ in the next century under the RCP2.6,RCP4.5,RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 scenarios,respectively.  相似文献   
Daily output from the hindcasts by the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2(CFSv2) is analyzed to understand CFSv2's skill in forecasting wintertime atmospheric blocking in the Northern Hemisphere.Prediction skills of sector blocking,sector-blocking episodes,and blocking onset/decay are assessed with a focus on the Euro-Atlantic sector(20°W-45°E) and the Pacific sector(160°E-135°W).Features of associated circulation and climate patterns are also examined.The CFSv2 well captures the observed features of longitudinal distribution of blocking activity,but underestimates blocking frequency and intensity and shows a decreasing trend in blocking frequency with increasing forecast lead time.Within 14-day lead time,the Euro-Atlantic sector blocking receives a higher skill than the Pacific sector blocking.Skillful forecast(taking the hit rate of 50%as a criterion) can be obtained up to 9 days in the Euro-Atlantic sector,which is slightly longer than that in the Pacific sector(7 days).The forecast skill of sector-blocking episodes is slightly lower than that of sector blocking in both sectors,and it is slightly higher in the Euro-Atlantic sector than in the Pacific sector.Compared to block onset,the skill for block decay is lower in the Euro-Atlantic sector,slightly higher in the Pacific sector during the early three days but lower after three days in lead time.In both the Euro-Atlantic and the Pacific sectors,a local dipole pattern in 500-hPa geopotential height associated with blocking is well presented in the CFSv2 prediction,but the wave-train like pattern that is far away from the blocking sector can only maintain in the forecast of relative short lead time.The CFSv2 well reproduces the observed characteristics of local temperature and precipitation anomalies associated with blocking.  相似文献   
One of the major high-latitude circulation systems in the Southern Hemisphere is the Southern Annular Mode(SAM). Its effect on the Somali Jet(SMJ), which connects the Southern and Northern hemispheres, cannot be ignored. The present reported results show that time series of both the Southern Annular Mode Index(SAMI) during the preceding winter and the summertime Somali Jet intensity Index(SMJI) display a significant increasing trend and have similar interdecadal variation. The latter was rather strong around 1960, then became weaker up to the mid-1980 s, before starting to strengthen again. The lead-lag correlations of monthly mean SAMI with the following summertime SMJI showed significant positive correlations in November, December, and January. There are thus connections across two seasons between the SAM and the SMJ. The influence of the winter SAM on the summer SMJ was explored via analyses of SST anomalies in the Southern Indian Ocean. During strong(weak) SAM/SMJ years, the SST east of Madagascar is colder(warmer) while the SST west of Australia is warmer(colder), corresponding to the positive(negative) Southern Indian Ocean Dipole-like(SIODL) event. Subsequently, the SIODL excites an anticyclone located over the Arabian Sea in summer through air-sea coupling from winter to summer, which causes an increase in the summer SMJ intensity. The anticyclone/high branch of the SAM over the Southern Hemisphere subtropics and the cyclone/low over the east coast of Madagascar play an important role in the formation of Southern Indian Ocean "bridge" from winter to summer.  相似文献   
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