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电接风故障检测与修理经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现用的地面常规仪器中,电接风担负着昼夜监测、记录风向、风速的任务。由于该仪器插头多,触点多,且其感应器,电缆常年露天工作,风吹沙打、日晒雨淋,使电接风故障率较高。在各种介绍检修电接风仪器故障的材料中,都有电路部分故障的检修方法和机械部分的调整方法,对电缆故障也有少量介绍.但对于一些远离盟市的艰苦台站来说,学过电接风仪器故障排除的维修人员很少,作者在实际工作中就曾多次遇到这种情况,在实践中也走了许多弯路,但也积累了一些经验,现将点滴体会进行总结、交流。  相似文献   
全站仪测距故障分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍全站仪在测距过程中出现的一种“无论照准任何位置的棱镜,测出的结果总是为一个定值”的测距故障,该故障是采用相位式EDM的仪器出现频率相对较多的一种。这里对该故障的发生进行一些简单分析,和大家一起探讨学习。此外,对“调制光相位均匀性引起的照准误差”超标故障也做一简单说明。  相似文献   
1、工程概况 攀矿机车车辆厂(含电机车修理间等8个二级建(构)筑物),层数1-3层,高度6~9m,单位荷重200-300kPa),机车车辆厂址为在原有基础上改扩建。拟建场地位于攀矿朱家包原五道河河谷地带,场地西北面为朱矿露天采场,西南毗邻朱矿矿山站,北东为朱兰公路及隐伏老五道河河道。拟建建筑物场区原为一山间河谷地带部,自1972年将矿山剥离及山脊削方废土、石等堆填于河谷内,至1974年基本填平,距今已有20多年。现场内人工填土地面标高介于1265.96-1274.84m,由北东向南西方向倾斜,填土厚度一般约20~30m。  相似文献   
A framework of risk based inspection and repair planning was presented to optimize for the ship structures subjected to corrosion deterioration. The planning problem was formulated as an optimization problem where the expected lifetime costs were minimized with a eonstraint on the minimum aceeptable rehability index. The safety margins were established for the inspection events, the repair events and the failure events for ship struetures. Moreover, the formulae were derived to calculate failure probabihties and repair probabilities. Based on them, a component subjected to corrosion is investigated for illustration of the process of selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy. Furthermore, some sensitivity studies were provided. The results show that the optimal inspection instants should take place before the reliability index reaches the minimum acceptable reliability index. The optimal target failure probability is 10^-3. In addition, a balance can be achieved between the risk cost and total expected inspection and repair costs by means of the risk-based optimal inspection and repair method, which is very effective in selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy.  相似文献   
根据使用、维修经验,介绍了PC-1500计算机的使用维护常识和一些常见故障的修理方法。  相似文献   
载有7名航天员的阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机于美国东部时间2009年5月11日14时01分(北京时间12日2时01分)发射升空,对“哈勃”空间望远镜进行了最后一次维修升级。在飞行期间,航天员为“哈勃”安装了两台新的科学仪器,修复和升级“哈勃”近1/3的系统。维修之后,“哈勃”的探测能力将增强90倍,工作寿命将延长到2014年。  相似文献   
根据使用、维修经验,介绍了PC—1500计算机的使用维护常识和一些常见故障的修理方法.  相似文献   
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of a proposed rapid repair technique for severely earthquake-damaged bridge piers with flexural-shear failure mode. Six circular pier specimens were first tested to severe damage in flexural-shear mode and repaired using early-strength concrete with high-fluidity and carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). After about four days, the repaired specimens were tested to failure again. The seismic behavior of the repaired specimens was evaluated and compared to the original specimens. Test results indicate that the proposed repair technique is highly effective. Both shear strength and lateral displacement of the repaired piers increased when compared to the original specimens, and the failure mechanism of the piers shifted from flexural-shear failure to ductile flexural failure. Finally, a simple design model based on the Seible formulation for post-earthquake repair design was compared to the experimental results. It is concluded that the design equation for bridge pier strengthening before an earthquake could be applicable to seismic repairs after an earthquake if the shear strength contribution of the spiral bars in the repaired piers is disregarded and 1.5 times more FRP sheets is provided.  相似文献   
盛益明  丁明  杜天明 《地球》2013,(1):90-95
本文阐述了化石修理的工具、材料、目的、方法和关键技术,总结了浙江自然博物馆化石修复的现状,并选择了4个具有代表性的修复案例进行了分析,归纳了经验,希望同行能够互相借鉴,共同提高。  相似文献   
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