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正新西兰南极群岛(NZSAI)包括5个岛屿群,即斯奈尔斯群岛、邦蒂群岛、安提波德斯群岛、奥克兰群岛和坎贝尔群岛。群岛位于新西兰的东南部,毗邻南极大陆和亚热带海域之间。5个岛屿群位于南纬47°—53°之间,每个岛屿群周边12海里都属于海洋遗产保护的范围。遗址陆地面积76458公顷,海洋面积140万公顷,共同构成一个偏远海域的天然保护区。  相似文献   
本文主要阐述华南地区亚热带的河流、河口、海湾、外海不同水体中,无机氮含量的组合结构存在差异,并指出人为氮源的影响程度是造成无机氮含量结构差异的主要因素,以及可从无机氮含量结构上看出水体受污染的程度。  相似文献   
Through observational analyses,an inter-hemispheric teleconnection is identified between the subtropical region of the South China Sea to the western Pacific near the Philippines(WP)and the region to the east of Australia(AE).The teleconnection is significantly correlated with sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs)in key sea areas(including the Indian Ocean,the South China Sea,and the area to the east of Australia).Based on the IAP T42L9 model,numerical experiments are performed to explore a possible mechanism for the formation of the teleconnection.The results show that the positive SST anomalies in the key sea areas may jointly contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of the positive geopotential height anomalies over both the WP and AE and be a critical factor in the teleconnection formation.The large-scale SST anomaly in the Indian Ocean,involving the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres,may lead to concurrent atmospheric responses over both the WP and AE,while the effect of the local SST anomaly to the east of Australia seems to reinforce and maintain the positive height anomaly over the AE.  相似文献   
亚热带泥炭地在水源涵养、碳储存和生物多样性等方面有着重要的保护价值.溶解有机碳(DOC)是泥炭地中容易受到外界扰动的一部分碳,在气候变化和人类活动的双重影响下,DOC可能通过降解或横向迁移从泥炭地中流失,潜在地威胁了泥炭地的碳储存功能.然而,目前对于亚热带泥炭地DOC如何响应季节性尺度的环境变化还缺乏深入的认识.以位于...  相似文献   
Using the monthly mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the monthly rainfall observations at 160 rain gauge stations of China during 1961 1999, and based on major characteristics of the atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the western Pacific, a simple index for the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon (EASSM) is defined. The relationship between this index and summer rainfall in China and associated circulation features are examined. A comparison is made between this index and other monsoon indices. The results indicate that the index defined herein is reflective of variations of both the thermal low pressure centered in Siberia and the subtropical ridge over the western Pacific. It epitomizes the intensity of the EASSM and the variability of summer rainfall along the Yangtze River. Analysis shows that the Siberian low has a greater effect on the rainfall than the subtropical ridge, suggesting that the summer rainfall variability over the eastern parts of China is to a large extent affected by anomalies of the atmospheric circulation and cold air development in the midlatitudes. Taking into account of the effects of both the Siberian low and the subtropical ridge can better capture the summer rainfall anomalies of China. The index exhibits interannual and decadal variabilities, with high-index values occurring mainly in the 1960s and 1970s and low-index values in the 1980s and 1990s. When the EASSM index is low, the Siberian low and the subtropical ridge are weaker, and northerly wind anomalies appear at low levels over the midlatitudes and subtropics of East Asia, whereas southwesterly wind anomalies dominate in the upper troposphere over the tropics and subtropics of Asia and the western Pacific. The northerly wind anomalies bring about frequent cold air disturbances from the midlatitudes of East Asia, strengthening the convergence and ascending motions along the Meiyu front, and result in an increase of summer rainfall over the Yangtze River.  相似文献   
喀斯特地区不适宜耕作,这是在毁坏生态,但不耕作。那许多山民的生计怎么办?破解这道中国独有的难题。中科院亚热带所的科学家们在广西环江扎根18年——把绿色还给喀斯特峰丛洼地  相似文献   
By introducing the wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing into ageostrophic motion equation,the Eulerian transport is modified by the wave-induced Stokes drift.The long-term mean contributions of the Stokes transport with remotely generated swells being included to the ageostrophic transport are analyzed using the ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) reanalysis data.The ratio of Stokes transport to Ekman transport in north-south(N-S) direction can reach a maximum of over 50% in the subtropical region.The preliminary influence of the Stokes transport on the North Pacific gyre is all year persistent,while the effect on the North Atlantic gyre is only obvious in boreal winter and early spring.  相似文献   
距我的老家村庄北面约3公里的地方,有两座对立的山峰,两山之间是一条缓平、宽阔的大槽,由于湾度相当大,状似农家砍猪菜的砍槽,自古以来人们都称这里为大槽湾。大槽湾地处亚热带季风气候,因日照时间长,气候温和,所以无论种什么庄稼都长势良好,早熟早收。  相似文献   
准确监测中国南亚热带常绿林生态系统光合作用动态变化对全球陆地生态系统碳吸收估计及其对气候变化的响应至关重要。涡动协方差技术一直被认为是评估生态系统碳通量最直接的方法,虽然具有较高的时间分辨率,但在空间上有其自身的局限性。近10年,光谱观测和卫星遥感技术在植被生产力监测方面的应用大大提高了对碳通量的时空评估能力。本研究基于长时间序列光谱观测数据,提取叶绿素荧光指数(FRI)和光化学植被指数(PRI),进而评价两个生理遥感指数跟踪亚热带常绿林光合作用季节动态变化的能力。结果表明,传统NDVI指数受光照条件影响较大(R^2=0.88,p<0.001),并呈现出饱和现象,而FRI和PRI指数则能较好地跟踪植物光和功能季节性变化,且在季节尺度上两者受光照条件的影响相对较弱(FRI指数R^2=0.13;PRI指数R^2=0.51);相比PRI指数与光能利用效率(LUE)在午间具有较强的相关性,FRI指数与GPP的相关性则在早上优于午间时段;而这两种相关关系均在植被衰退季优于植被生长季。另外,通过考虑光合有效辐射因子,基于FRI指数监测GPP的能力得到显著提高,R 2从0.22提高到0.69,呈显著正相关关系(p<0.001);同时,在植被衰退季也呈现出更强的相关性(R^2=0.79,p<0.001)。研究成果表明,FRI和PRI两个生理遥感指数能够准确地监测亚热带常绿林光合作用季节动态变化,建议把其引入碳循环模型中以改进区域碳收支估计。  相似文献   
“湿润亚热带生态-地理过程”省部共建教育部重点实验室于2008年10月经教育部批准立项建设,11月通过以中国科学院郑度院士为组长,中国工程院刘兴土院士为副组长的专家组对实验室建设计划的论证.  相似文献   
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