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Annotation on Mangrove Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews and discusses the technical terms and definition of mangrove and lnangal, as well as mangrove plant. The word mangrove has been used to refer either to the constituent plant of tropical and subtropical intertidal community or to the community itself but this usage makes mote confusion. Being leaved mangrove in the more limited sense for the constituent plant species, mangal was proposed by MacNae (1968) as a term for mangrove community, which has been universally applied to most previous studies and should be adopted now. Mangrove should be therefore defined as a tropical and subtropical tree restricted to intertidal zones, which possesses some morphological specializion and physiological mechanism adapted to its habitat, and mangal as a tropical and subtropical forest community restricted to marine intertidal zones and periodically inundeated by the tides, A new term “consortive plant” is proposed here for herb. liana, epiphyte or parasite, which is restricted in the strict mangrove habitat.  相似文献   
风化壳型土壤剖面是记录"地球关键带"长期信息的重要载体。然而,目前对大范围的风化壳-土壤原位风化过程研究较少,化学风化指标能否指示其风化强度存在争议。本研究以广东省湿润亚热带气候主导区的6个花岗岩风化壳型土壤剖面为研究对象,结合土壤的常量元素地球化学和粒度数据来描述剖面的化学风化和物理变化,探讨CIA反映湿润亚热带风化壳型土壤风化强度的适用性。结果显示:在温带地区迁移作用微弱的惰性元素Fe、Al、Ti在亚热带风化剖面上层含量相对中下层较低;随着地区降水量的增加,CIA从剖面顶部到底部数值呈增加趋势,这与风化壳剖面自上而下风化强度减弱的理想风化趋势相悖;并且发现CIA指标与气候参数,尤其是降水之间存在良好的反相关关系(R2=0.77,P < 0.01,y=-0.0065x+104.01)。通过对该异常现象的探讨,得到以下认识:在湿润亚热带地区,风化壳表层土壤具有复杂的物理、化学变化,尤其是高降水量引起的物理侵蚀使得化学活动性弱的Fe、Al、Ti氧化物、以及粘粒被地表径流带走或者下渗到更深层土壤中,使得表层土壤的CIA值偏低,不能真实反映其化学风化强度。因此,在应用CIA指标反映湿润亚热带高降水地区风化壳土壤剖面的风化强度时应当谨慎。  相似文献   
Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the China rainfall data of the China Meteorological Administration, and the sea surface temperature (SST) data of NOAA from 1951-2000, the features of the anomalous longitudinal position of the subtropical high in the western Pacific (SHWP) in the pre-rainy season in South China and associated circulation and precipitation are studied. Furthermore, the relationship between SHWP and SST and the eastern Asian winter monsoon is also investigated. Associated with the anomalous longitudinal position of SHWP in the pre-rainy season in South China, the flow patterns in both the middle and lower latitudes are different. The circulation anomalies greatly influence the precipitation in the pre-rainy season in South China. When the SHWP is in a west position (WP), the South China quasi-stationary front is stronger with more abundant precipitation there. However, when the SHWP is in an east position (EP), a weaker front appears with a shortage of precipitation there. There exists a good relationship between the longitudinal position of SHWP and SST in the tropical region. A negative correlation can be found both in the central and eastern tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean.This means that the higher (lower) SST there corresponds to a west (east) position of SHWP. This close relationship can be found even in the preceding autumn and winter. A positive correlation appears in the western and northern Pacific and large correlation coefficient values also occur in the preceding autumn and winter. A stronger eastern Asian winter monsoon will give rise to cooler SSTs in the Kuroshio and the South China Sea regions and it corresponds to negative SST anomaly (SSTA) in the central and eastern Pacific and positive SSTA in the western Pacific in winter and the following spring. The whole tropical SSTA pattern, that is, positive (negative) SSTA in the central and eastern Pacific and negative (positive) SSTA in the western Pacific, is favorable to the WP (EP) of SHWP.  相似文献   
采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,对深圳大鹏半岛亚热带常绿季雨林和亚热带常绿阔叶林的植物群落物种多样性进行研究.结果表明:常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林共有6个主要群落类型;常绿季雨林群落内各层多样性指数和均匀度指数顺序为灌木层>乔木层>草本层,常绿阔叶林群落内各层多样性指数和均匀度指数顺序为乔木层>灌木层>草本层;常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林乔、灌层物种多样性比较中,常绿季雨林<常绿阔叶林,草本层比较中,常绿季雨林>常绿阔叶林;常绿季雨林和常绿阔叶林都具有亚热带向热带过渡的明显特征.过度的人类干扰将导致植物物种多样性降低.  相似文献   
In this paper, the concept of stationary-wave nonstationarity is presented and elucidated in the framework of the Lorenz circulation decomposition. This concept indicates the relative magnitude of the zonal nonuniform abnormity to the intensity of stationary waves on the monthly mean scale. Based on the Lorenz circulation decomposition, the nonstationarity degree Ius(Ilus) of the global (local) stationary waves is defined, and then used to analyze the stationary-wave nonstationarity at 30° 60°N, where the intensity of stationary waves at 500 hPa in the Northern Hemisphere, as is well known, is very high. The following findings are obtained: (1) There exist seasonal southward and northward movements in the position of the nonstationarity zones of the global stationary waves. The steady stationary waves occur in midlatitudes (35°-55°N) in winter and in the subtropical region (south of 35°N) in summer, associated with the major troughs over East Asia and North America and the weak European trough in winter, and with the relatively steady subtropical high system in summer. A high value center of Ius is at 35°N in spring and 50°N in summer, which might be caused by the seasonal variation of stationary-wave intensity, particularly in association with the interannual variability of trough ridge positions of stationary waves on the monthly mean maps. (2) There exists obvious asymmetry in Ilus, with the steady zones always located in the areas controlled by strong troughs/ridges and the unsteady ones in the areas where the stationary-wave intensity is low. The Ilus in the subtropics (south of 35°N) is larger in winter than in summer, and vice versa in the midlatitude region (north of 35°N). The summertime distribution of Ilus on the whole shows a rather complicated structure. However, North Europe is the most unsteady area for local stationary waves, as represented by high values of Ilus in both summer and winter, while over the North American continent (about 120°E-60°W), the °Ilus is slightly less than 1 in summer, indicating that the stationary waves in this region are more steady than those over other mid and high latitude regions. (3) From North China to Northwest Pacific, there is a high value zone of Ilus in summer, with its center (45°N, 130°E) located in the east of Heilongjiang Province. This influences the summer climate of northern China, including Northeast, North, and Northwest China. It is obvious that the nonstationarity is an intrinsic attribute of stationary waves, and can be regarded as being of the same importance as the intensity and energy-spectrum structure of stationary waves in the studies of the general circulation system.  相似文献   
中国亚热带区域覆盖范围广,面积达240万km2。区内不仅自然景观复杂,多云多雨、多山多林,生物多样性丰富、是中国稻米主产区,而且多河多湖、多矿多污,生态环境十分敏感、自然灾害多发频发,迫切需要利用遥感技术监测其自然资源、环境变化与灾害现象。虽然近年来国内外已逐渐开展亚热带遥感应用研究,但缺乏对亚热带遥感理论与方法的系统性研究,共性与科学问题尚不明晰。本文总结分析了中国亚热带遥感的3个基本特征,按遥感数据类型梳理了中国亚热带遥感的应用实践;进而归纳出中国亚热带遥感实践的4个共性问题,指出亚热带遥感核心元素的主要特点、地理对象的复杂性与遥感信息的病态性,提出中国亚热带遥感的4项重点任务;然后,分析了当今中国亚热带遥感发展的历史机遇,阐述了中国亚热带遥感的创新发展途径,包括厘清人地现象的动态特征、聚焦亚热带遥感的科学问题、攻克不同层面的关键难题、结合应用需求开展技术攻关与重点研发。论文旨在推动亚热带遥感应用的创新发展、促进亚热带遥感理论与技术体系形成,进而助力卫星及航空遥感更好地服务于中国亚热带地区的资源环境监测、区域防灾减灾、生态文明建设与“双碳”目标。  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis I daily data from 1958 to 2002, climatic characteristics of the 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of the zonal wind (u), meridional wind (v), and geopotential height (h) over global areas and especially the ISO of v over the subtropical northern Pacific are analyzed using the space-time spectrum analysis and wavelet transform methods. The results show that the ISO of v is very different from those of u and h, with the former representing the meridional low-frequency disturbances, which are the most active in the subtropics and mid-high latitudes, but very weak in the tropics. In the subtropical Northern Hemisphere, the energies of the ISOs of u and h are both concentrated on the waves with wave number of 1 and periods of 30-60 days, while the main energy of the ISO of v is concentrated on the waves with wave numbers of 4-6 and periods of 30-60 and 70-90 days. The westward propagating energies for the 30-60-day oscillations of u, v, and h are all stronger than the eastward propagating energies in the subtropics. In addition, the ISO of v is the strongest (weakest) in summer (winter) over the subtropics of East Asia and northwestern Pacific, while the situation is reversed over the subtropical northeastern Pacific, revealing a "seesaw" of the ISO intensity with seasons over the subtropics from the northwestern to northeastern Pacific. In the subtropical northwestern Pacific, the interannual and interdecadal changes of the ISO for v at 850 hPa indicate that its activities are significantly strong during 1958 1975, while obviously weak during 1976-1990, and are the strongest during 1991-2000, and its spectral energy is obviously abnormal but ruleless during the ENSO periods. However, in the 2 7-yr bandpass filtering series, the interannual changes of the v ISO over the subtropical northwestern Pacific contain distinct ENSO signals. And in the 9-yr low-pass filtering series, the v ISO changes over the subtropical northwestern Pacific are significantly out of phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o -3.4 SST, whereas the v ISO changes in the subtropical northeastern Pacific are significantly in phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o-3.4 SST.  相似文献   
The effect of a vertical diffusion scheme over a stratocumulus topped boundary layer (STBL) was investigated using the YONU AGCM (Yonsei University Atmospheric General Circulation Model). To consider the impact of clouds on the turbulence production, the turbulence mixing term, driven by radiative cooling at the cloud top, is implemented as an extended non-local diffiusion scheme. In the model with this new scheme, the STBL parameterization significantly influences the lower atmosphere over the tropical and...  相似文献   
喀斯特地区不适宜耕作,这是在毁坏生态,但不耕作。那许多山民的生计怎么办?破解这道中国独有的难题。中科院亚热带所的科学家们在广西环江扎根18年——把绿色还给喀斯特峰丛洼地  相似文献   
植物排放甲烷(CH4)的来源尚存很大争议,而光照和紫外辐射胁迫可能是植物排放CH4的重要影响因素.本研究选择亚热带常见树种米槠、木荷、浙江桂、罗浮栲、杉木、马尾松和柑橘7种树木为研究对象,利用控制实验研究了光照和增强紫外辐射对树木叶片CH4排放的影响.结果表明:7种树木叶片的平均CH4排放速率在光照条件下(21.176ng·CH4·g^-1DW·h^-1)是在黑暗条件下(9.699ng·CH4·g^-1DW·h^-1)的2.2倍,光照对不同树木叶片CH4排放速率的影响具有显著差异;在高UV-B辐射强度处理下,除浙江桂和柑橘外,其他5种树木的CH4排放速率均显著高于低UV—B辐射强度处理的CH4排放速率;树种及其与光照或UV辐射的交互作用对树木叶片CH4排放速率的都具有显著影响,光照或增强UV辐射强度对排放速率较低的树木种类排放CH4的促进作用更强.  相似文献   
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