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0引言美国地处北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西滨太平洋,北接加拿大,南靠墨西哥湾,总面积937.26万km2。美国是一个资源大国,土地资源、矿产资源、森林资源和水力资源等都很丰富。东部地区气候湿润,以林地和耕地为主;中部是平原地区,宜于耕种;南部属亚热带气候,农产品十分丰富。煤炭、  相似文献   
In this paper predecessorsˊ achievements about the division between subtropical zone and warm temperate zone on the south slope of Funiu Mountain are firstly summarized,and the cause why these viewpoints about the division are different also has been presented.Seven soil profiles at different heights above sea level are dug along the south slope of Funiu Mountain.Many compositions and properties of soil humus have been analyzed in laboratory.A comprehensive study has been made about the division according to the compositions and properties of soil humus with mathematical method.During the analysis process eitht indexes have been used,such as altitude,organic carbon,humic acid(HA),fulvic acid(FA),the ratio of humic acid and fulvic acid(HA/FA),two extinction coefficients(E4,E6), and their ratio (E4/E6).The result indicates that the boundary is at about 1000 meters above sea level.  相似文献   
城市作为人类栖息的主要场所,其含有丰富P源的城市绿地土壤受到人为活动的强烈影响·为了探讨亚热带不同类型城市绿地土壤全P含量的分布特征,于2010年9--12月对福州市典型城市片林与草坪土壤全P垂直分布特征进行研究,结果表明:研究区绿地40cm以上土壤全P含量平均值为0.61g·kg^-1,其中城市片林和草坪土壤全P含量平均值分别为0.64g·kg^-1和0.58g·kg^-1;人为活动直接导致不同类型城市绿地土壤全P垂直分布规律不同:不同植被类型对城市土壤全P含量影响不同.土壤的人为扰动和植被类型及其生长年龄是影响亚热带城市绿地土壤全P垂直分布规律的主要因素.  相似文献   
正过去的70年(1948—2010年)中陆地表面平均气温每10年增加0.17℃[1],据IPCC(2007)预计到21世纪末,全球平均温度将增加1.1~6.4℃[2]。近20年来,全球相继开展了大量的增温控制实验,研究各类生态系统对全球变暖的响应。据已发表的文献统计分析表明,目前野外增温控制实验主要集中于中高纬度地区的草原、农田、冻原和森林生态系统[3-6],在30°N以南的热带和亚热带地区野外增温实验鲜有报道[7-8]。  相似文献   
广东地区雷电活动的气候分布特征   总被引:27,自引:14,他引:27  
利用地闪定向仪(DF)和时间到达法(TOA)定位技术,1997年3月~1998年6月在研究范围内共计得到404431次地闪资料.分析了地闪的雷电流强度、回击数的气候概率分布特征以及雷电参数的日变化及其空间分布的气候规律.正闪占总闪的比例仅为5.03%,正负闪密度的高值中心均在(114.E,23.N)附近.总体日变化特征明显,全天有两个高值时段,分别为00~06时和12~18时.与北方地区的雷电特征不同.结果表明雷电活动特征可以基本揭示本地区天气活动的时空分布的规律.  相似文献   
Based on comparative studies on four regional floras from northwest,west south and southeast of Yunnan respectively,the formerly suggested two biogeographical lines,i.e.the “Tanaka Line”and the “Ecogeographical Diago-nal Line”,both going from northwest to southeast of Yunnan,and their significance are discussed.In family and generic levels,similarity coefficients among the four compared floras are more than 93% and 60% separately,which indicate the close floristic affinities among them.The highest similarity coefficient,i.e.98.7% in family level and 78.6% in gener-ic level separately,is found between the regional flora of northwest Yunnan and the flora of southeast Yunnan although these two regions are the most distant away each other among the compared regional floras.The flora of northwest Yun-nan is also the most similar to the flora of southeast Yunnan in floristic composition.These support the idea of “Ecogeographical Diagonal Line“.In specific level,the relatively high similarity coefficient is between the regional flora of west Yunnan and the one of south Yunnan.The floristic affinities among these regional floras and some distribution patterns could be explained by the geological history and tectonic theory of Yunnan.  相似文献   
IPCC第4次评估指出,到21世纪末,全球平均气温将升高1.1-6.4℃,气候变暖将对陆地植物的生长产生重要而深远的影响。研究表明,气候变暖对温带森林物候节律具有诱导作用,使植物生长提前、休眠推迟从而增加生态系统碳吸存,同时也会改变草本植物的群落组成,甚至降低种子的萌芽率。与寒带和温带物种不同,热带和亚热带地区物种生长区域温度季节性变化小、气候条件相对稳定。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Numerical simulations with the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model were performed to investigate the impact of microphysical drop size distribution (DSD) on tornadogenesis in a subtropical supercell thunderstorm over Anhui Province, eastern China. Sensitivity experiments with different intercept parameters of rain, hail and snow DSDs in a Lin-type microphysics scheme were conducted. Results showed that rain and hail DSDs have a significant impact on the simulated storm both microphysically and dynamically. DSDs characterized by larger (smaller) intercepts have a smaller (larger) particle size and a lower (higher) mass-weighted mean fall velocity, and produce relatively stronger (weaker) and wider (narrower) cold pools through enhanced (reduced) rain evaporation and hail melting processes, which are then less favorable (favorable) for tornadogenesis. However, tornadogenesis will also be suppressed by the weakened mid-level mesocyclone when the cold pool is too weak. When compared to a U.S. Great Plain case, the two microphysical processes are more sensitive to DSD variations in the present case with a higher melting level and deeper warm layer. This suggests that DSD-related cloud microphysics has a stronger influence on tornadogenesis in supercells over the subtropics than the U.S. Great Plains.  相似文献   
正广西东兴的万尾、巫头、山心三个岛屿及其附近村落,是中国惟一的京族聚居地。因而,这里习惯上被称为京族三岛。在20世纪60年代至70年代,中国小学语文课本上有一篇非常著名的课文叫做《京族三岛换新装》,许多人对于京族的最初印象,就源自于这篇有强烈时代烙印的小小文章。京族三岛是典型的冲积岛。所谓"冲积岛",是指河流或海流作用堆积而成的水边新陆地,一般位于河流出海口或平原海岸的外侧。由于三岛邻近的大陆海岸线有着丰富的河流资源,  相似文献   
开花物候的种间差异除受到气候影响外,还可能与植物功能性状有关。但两者的相关程度在不同地区、气候带间差异较大。文章为了探索功能性状是否对亚热带地区常绿阔叶植物的开花物候有影响,在宁波植物园内对67种木本植物开花物候进行观测,并分析其与4种功能性状(生活型、潜在最大树高、花色和果实类型)之间的关系。结果表明:1) 67种木本植物初始开花、盛花、败花和开花持续的时间分别为3月28日±21.64d、3月30日±27.02 d、4月15日±30.78 d和(23.82±13.31) d;2)乔木初始开花时间和盛花时间显著早于灌木(P<0.05),但败花时间和开花持续时间在两者间未有显著性差异(P>0.05),且乔木开花物候的标准差均显著低于灌木,说明乔木开花物候相对于灌木更加稳定;3)广义线性混合效应回归模型结果表明,彩色花朵的败花时间比白色花朵早,潜在最大树高越小的木本植物开花持续时间越长。综上可知,宁波植物园67种木本植物开花物候受功能性状影响,但影响程度与功能性状的类型有关。  相似文献   
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