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<正>一般说来,海洋肉食动物鲨鱼在很大程度上靠嗅觉寻找分散于广阔环境中的猎物。然而,研究人员不久前在Global Change Bilolgy杂志在线版上报道说:根据预测,随着全球海洋的变化,鲨鱼这种久经历练的捕猎能力可能会受到损害。由于人类活动释放到大气中的二氧化碳被海水吸收,海水的酸度变得越来越大。以前的研究表明,富含二氧化碳的酸性海水可能会削弱珊瑚礁鱼类嗅  相似文献   
In this study, the authors developed an en- semble of Elman neural networks to forecast the spatial and temporal distribution of fossil-fuel emissions (ff) in 2009. The authors built and trained 29 Elman neural net- works based on the monthly average grid emission data (1979-2008) from different geographical regions. A three-dimensional global chemical transport model, God- dard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-Chem, was applied to verify the effectiveness of the networks. The results showed that the networks captured the annual increasing trend and interannual variation of ff well. The difference between the simulations with the original and predicted ff ranged from -1 ppmv to 1 ppmv globally. Meanwhile, the authors evaluated the observed and simulated north-south gradient of the atmospheric CO2 concentrations near the surface. The two simulated gradients appeared to have a similar changing pattern to the observations, with a slightly higher background CO2 concentration, - 1 ppmv. The results indicate that the Elman neural network is a useful tool for better understanding the spatial and tem- poral distribution of the atmospheric C02 concentration and ft.  相似文献   
刘金辉  李学礼 《矿床地质》2001,20(3):259-264
形成于古水热系统排泄区(减压区)的下庄花岗岩型铀矿床是地下热水与岩石相互作用的产物。矿物流体包裹体水文地球化学分析表明,成矿期铀成矿古热水溶液气体成分主要为CO2,水化学类型为HCO3-Ca.Na型,F-Ca型和HCO3.F-K型。地球化学模式和热力学计算证明,热水溶液中铀的存在形式为UO2(CO3)2^2-,UO2F3^-和UO2F4^2-。热水溶液深循环过程中CO2的加入可使溶液铀沉淀临界电位值(EhC,U)明显降低,从而保持水-铀比电位值(ΔEhW,U)为正值(ΔEhW,U=EhW-EhC,U)使铀在深部相对还原的条件下仍能稳定迁移。当富铀成矿热液进入减压排泄区时,由于溶液物理-化学条件的改变,发生CO2脱气作用和中和还原作用,导致ΔEhW,U小于零,使铀沉淀、富集,最终形成花岗岩型铀矿床。  相似文献   
In this paper some new advances in the study of fluid inclusions of the Yinshan deposit in Jiangxi Province,China,are presented.The fluid inclusions of the deposit can be divided into four types:1) gas-rich inclusions;2)liquid-rich inclusions;3)salt-saturated H2O inclusions;and 4)single-phase or multiphase CO2-rich inclusions.Homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions range from 100 to 520℃,aminly in the range 120-400℃.The daughter crystal-bearing multiphase inclusions present in quartz porphyries(including Nos.13 and 4 dikes)have been observed.In ore veins,some daughter crystal-bearing multiphase inclusions have been observed.too.On the basis of the results of fluid inclusion research,the authors suggest that the ore-forming fluid must have a close genetic relation to magmatic hydrothermal solution.The ore-forming fluid was dominantly originated from the depth and the mixing of magmatic solution with meteoric water was enhanced during ascending of the fluid,accompanying immiscibility and boiling of fluid.Teher may be a conceales igneous body at the depth of the Yinshan deposity,which furnishes the scientific basis for metallogenic prognosis at th depth of the Yinshan deposit.  相似文献   
高温地热生产井碳酸钙结垢定量评价涉及到复杂的物理和化学过程,其中井筒中的两相流研究是评价的基础.本文首先基于质量守恒、能量守恒和动量守恒方程,建立了CO2-H2O体系井筒两相相变稳定流动模型,提出了稳健的求解方法,并验证了其计算结果的可靠性.然后,在西藏羊八井地热田典型井开展了静止和放喷状态下的井筒中的温度和压力测试,并结合放喷试验,采用开发的模型成功评价了高温地热生产井筒两相流动过程.结果显示:气相和液相之间的速度差对井筒中温度和压力的分布有决定性的影响,不考虑气相和液体之间的速度差,会使模型计算结果远远偏离测量值.在开采速率19.10 kg/s的条件下,计算的井口温度和压力分别约为128℃和2.6 bar;井口的气相质量分数在6%~7%之间,对应的井口气相饱和度约为0.84;从闪蒸点往上大概20~30 m气相和液相中CO2质量分数变化较为剧烈,也是碳酸钙结垢严重井段.  相似文献   
Mt. Amiata (Southern Tuscany, Central Italy) is an extinct Quaternary volcano located in an area still marked by high heat-flow that is caused by deep seated (6-10 km) hot masses related to Pliocene magmatic activity. The anomalous geothermal gradient gives rise, within the Mesozoic limestone formation (Tuscan series), to geothermal systems that fed the Ca-SO4 thermal springs characterizing this area. Besides of thermal fluids, several cold, dry CO2-rich gas emissions seep out on the NE flank of the volcano. These gas vents mostly consist of large sub-circular craters at variable depth and diameter (5-15 m and 10-50 m, respectively), and represent a serious hazard for the local population, as testified by the several asphyxia casualties that have been repeatedly occurred within these morphological depressions. In this work, the chemical and isotopic compositions of the Mt. Amiata "CO2-rich gas vents" and the estimation of both the CO2 flux from the soil and the CO2 distribution in air of their surroundings, has been carried out in order to: (1) assess the origin of gases, (2) recognize the mechanism of formation for these gas emissions and their relationship with local tectonics, and (3) to evaluate the CO2 hazard in the high flux emanations. The chemical composition of the gases is largely dominated by CO2 (up to 98 % by vol) and shows relatively high concentrations of N2, CH4 and H2S (up to 1.1%, 0.9% and 3.9 % by vol, respectively). These features, coupled with the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures, suggest that the origin of the main gas compounds may be related to the contribution of deep (i.e., thermometamorphic processes on carbonate formations for CO2) and shallow (i.e. thermal decomposition of organic material for CH4, N2 and H2S) sources.  相似文献   
模拟深海热液口环境(最高压力40 MPa,最高温度350℃),对深海热液区的主要成分CO2、CH4及其混合物的水溶液在不同压力和温度条件下的拉曼光谱进行探测和分析,结果显示:常温低压下CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别位于1 384.9 cm-1和1 278.3 cm-1处,CH4的水溶液拉曼峰υ1位于2 912.1 cm-1处,均比其气相的拉曼频移小;常温下CO2和CH4水溶液的拉曼特征峰随压力(≤40 MPa)的变化均不明显;在40 MPa的压力下随着温度的升高(≤350℃),CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别向高波数区移动了约3.4 cm-1和7.0 cm-1,而CH4水溶液的拉曼峰υ1向低波数区移动了约3.1cm-1;混合后升温过程中CO2的双峰分别向高波数区移动了约4.3 cm-1和3.8 cm-1,CH4的特征峰υ1向低波数区移动了4.5 cm-1。说明在室温到350℃范围内温度的变化对CO2和CH4水溶液拉曼频移有影响,频移量与温度线性相关,而压力在≤40 MPa范围内的改变对拉曼频移影响不明显。  相似文献   
对于南极冰芯记录资料,全球变暖怀疑论者喜爱的一个简单解释是:在全球走出上一个冰期的变暖进程中,二氧化碳只起到了微弱的甚至无足轻重的作用。但是,有关上个冰期结束时首个连续的、近乎全球的气温记录显示,二氧化碳的确对全球变暖起到了促进作用。有关南极冰芯的问题在于:冰芯记录的气温上升早于二氧化碳浓度的上升。这是气候变暖怀疑论者质疑温室气体引起全球变暖的原因之一。然而,气候科学家们知道,没有任何一个地区能够代表全球的气候趋势。因此,哈佛大学的Jeremy Shakun及  相似文献   
关中平原500—10kgBP黄土地层岩溶作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵景波 《地质论评》1999,45(5):548-554
根据关中平原黄土了却 岩溶作用产物的研究,可将该区500-10kaBP黄土地层岩溶作用分为北亚热 -溶蚀型,湿暖湿润带强溶蚀-侵蚀型,温冷半湿润带中溶蚀-侵蚀型和温冷半干旱带弱溶蚀-侵蚀型4种。  相似文献   
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