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赵理君  唐娉 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):157-171
目前普遍采用的分类器通常都是针对单一或小量任务而设计的,在小数据量的处理中能取得比较满意的结果。但对于海量遥感数据的处理,其在处理时效和分类精度方面还有待研究。本文以遥感图像场景分类任务为例,着重对遥感数据分类问题中几种典型分类方法的适用性进行比较研究,包括K近邻(KNN)、随机森林(RF),支持向量机(SVM)和稀疏表达分类器(SRC)等。分别从参数敏感性,训练样本数据量,待分类样本数据量和样本特征维数对分类器性能的影响等几个方面进行比较分析。实验结果表明:(1)KNN,RF和L0-SRC方法相比RBF-SVM,Linear-SVM和L1-SRC,受参数影响的程度更弱;(2)待分类样本固定的情况下,随着训练样本数目的增加,SRC类型分类方法的分类性能最佳,SVM类型方法次之,然后是RF和KNN,在总体分类时间上呈现出L0-SRCL1-SRCRFRBF-SVM/Linear-SVMKNN/L0-SRC-Batch的趋势;(3)训练样本固定的情况下,所有分类方法的分类精度几乎都不受待分类样本数目变化的影响,RBF-SVM方法性能最佳,其次是L1-SRC,然后是Linear-SVM,最后是RF和L0-SRC/L0-SRC-Batch,在总体分类时间上,L1-SRC和L0-SRC相比其他分类方法最为耗时;(4)样本特征维数的变化不仅影响分类器的运行效率,同时也影响其分类精度,其中SRC和KNN分类器器无需较高的特征维数即可获得较好的分类结果,SVM对高维特征具有较强的包容性和学习能力,RF分类器对特征维数增加则表现得并不敏感,特征维数的增加并不能对其分类精度的提升带来更多的贡献。总的来说,在大数据量的遥感数据分类任务中,现有分类方法具有良好的适用性,但是对于分类器的选择应当基于各自的特点和优势,结合实际应用的特点进行权衡和选择,选择参数敏感性较小,分类总体时间消耗低但分类精度相对较高的分类方法。  相似文献   
基于ArcEngine的插件式GIS开发框架设计与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GIS应用领域越来越广,对传统的GIS开发模式提出了新的要求和挑战。插件开发模式具有易扩展、易重用的特点,可降低GIS开发成本,提高应用灵活性,弥补传统开发模式的不足。本文在分析插件技术和插件式GIS开发框架的基础上,采用ArcEngine组件和.NET反射技术设计实现了插件式GIS开发框架PLGGIS。最后以扩展插件的方式开发了多源遥感影像数据管理应用系统,验证了设计插件式GIS开发框架的可行性和应用灵活性。  相似文献   
针对未来医疗信息系统中采用轻量级射频识别(RFID)技术的安全与隐私保护问题,构建了医疗信息系统的通用流程模型,并由此提出了既有安全协议的改进方案.新方案利用业务流程中前导关联信息缩减搜索空间.安全分析表明,新方案能够有效平衡不可追踪性与伸缩性矛盾需求,抗击各类攻击,支持RFID标签复用,且与既有EPC C1G2标准兼容.  相似文献   
Due to complex dynamics inherent in the physical models, numerical formulation of subsurface and overland flow coupling can be challenging to solve. ParFlow is a subsurface flow code that utilizes a structured grid discretization in order to benefit from fast and efficient structured solvers. Implicit coupling between subsurface and overland flow modes in ParFlow is obtained by prescribing an overland boundary condition at the top surface of the computational domain. This form of implicit coupling leads to the activation and deactivation of the overland boundary condition during simulations where ponding or drying events occur. This results in a discontinuity in the discrete system that can be challenging to resolve. Furthermore, the coupling relies on unstructured connectivities between the subsurface and surface components of the discrete system, which makes it challenging to use structured solvers to effectively capture the dynamics of the coupled flow. We present a formulation of the discretized algebraic system that enables the use of an analytic form of the Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, while preserving the structured properties of the discretization. An effective multigrid preconditioner is extracted from the analytic Jacobian and used to precondition the Jacobian linear system solver. We compare the performance of the new solver against one that uses a finite difference approximation to the Jacobian within the Newton–Krylov approach, previously used in the literature. Numerical results explores the effectiveness of using the analytic Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, and highlights the performance of the new preconditioner and its cost. The results indicate that the new solver is robust and generally outperforms the solver that is based on the finite difference approximation to the Jacobian, for problems where the overland boundary condition is activated and deactivated during the simulation. A parallel weak scaling study highlights the efficiency of the new solver.  相似文献   
在分析了当前两种BGP/MPLS VPN组播方案可扩展性问题及其特点的基础上,提出了一种基于代理的组播改进方案.该方案使用代理VPN组播路由器将VPN上的组播局限在客户站点范围内,服务提供商(SP)网络上采用基于MPLS的P2MP(Point to MultiPoint)组播通道,有效地提高了组播在BGP/MPLS VPN上的可扩展性.最后针对提出的组播代理方案,采用当前流行的网络模拟器NS-2进行可扩展性仿真验证,网络仿真实验结果表明了该方案的可扩展性.  相似文献   
A software prototype of a simulation service software environment, called DOSE (distributed object‐based software environment), is developed to realize the integrated simulation of an urban system under the risk of urban‐scale hazards such as earthquakes. DOSE infrastructure is built on three basic building blocks, namely: modularity, scalability, and interoperability. In this paper, the application of DOSE to real‐world urban systems is described in order to provide an evidence for DOSE modularity and scalability. An overview of DOSE is presented and then followed by a beverage application to simulate earthquake hazard in an urban system. The urban system is developed for the city of Kobe (Kobe district) with dimensions of 700 × 500 (m) and Bunkyo ward (Tokyo district) with dimensions of 800 × 600 (m) where DOSE simulation participants are identified for each district. The effectiveness of data exchange among different participants through a distributed service exchange network is described as an evidence for DOSE modularity that facilitates the integration process. On the other hand, the effectiveness of processing time when applying the simulation to different urban system sizes and/or using different third‐party applications is described as an evidence for DOSE scalability. The details of the underlying infrastructure of DOSE are beyond the scope of this paper and are presented in an accompanying paper work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper, a distributed object‐based software environment (DOSE) has been developed to facilitate the integrated simulation of an urban system under the risk of urban‐scale hazards such as earthquakes. It is understood that individual simulation participants perform their simulation services in separate environments, bartering service exchange relationships to get what they need to resolve their part of the problem. This is the communication gap between the scientists on one side and the end users who need to understand knowledge and employ it on the other side. The authors envision a distributed simulation service software environment running in parallel with the activities of simulation participants. DOSE has lent itself to integrate interdisciplinary participants through an infrastructure that has three basic building blocks, namely: modularity, scalability, and interoperability. The modular, object‐based, design of DOSE architecture is described in terms of key functionalities of four distinct layers, namely: resource, core, domain, and interface layers. DOSE scalability in terms of urban system size and participant third‐party application complexity is enabled through the interface layer. A message passing model is developed using the Message Passing Interface standard and a control room is provided to schedule the interaction/communication among model processes. DOSE interoperability with the vulnerability analysis third‐party applications is enabled through the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard. An adopted analogy between DOSE and construction industry is employed to provide interpretation and implementation for DOSE interoperability. While interfacing IFC object model to solve DOSE interoperability questions, an extension model for the structural view of IFC is proposed and accepted by the International Alliance for Interoperability. The DOSE application for real‐world urban systems is beyond the scope of this paper and is presented in an accompanying paper work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对数字正射影像(DOM)的二维平面形式,没有三维立体信息,对高层建筑等细部高度不能量测的问题,探讨通过数字微分纠正的方法,引入固定平行角度投影光线的视差函数,制作立体辅助影像,并与原正射影像共同构成立体正射影像对,构建与实地相似的几何模型,进行立体观察,量测地物高度信息,为城市规划等部门的实际应用提供解决方案。最后给出了实验结果,并对其量测的高度结果也进行了检测。  相似文献   
This paper describes the model speed and model In/Out (I/O) efficiency of the high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model FAMIL (Finite-volume Atmospheric Model of IAP/LASG) at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, China, on its Tianhe-1A supercomputer platform. A series of three-model-day simulations were carried out with standard Aqua Planet Experiment (APE) designed within FAMIL to obtain the time stamp for the calculation of model speed, simulation cost, and model I/O efficiency. The results of the simulation demonstrate that FAMIL has remarkable scalability below 3456 and 6144 cores, and the lowest simulation costs are 1536 and 3456 cores for 12.5 km and 6.25 km resolutions, respectively. Furthermore, FAMIL has excellent I/O scalability and an efficiency of more than 80% on 6 I/Os and more than 99% on 1536 I/Os.  相似文献   
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