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辽宁赛马碱性岩体早年因产铀矿而闻名,该岩体主要由响岩、霞石正长岩和异霞正长岩组成,其中铀、锆和稀土等元素矿化主要集中于异霞正长岩岩浆阶段。异性石是异霞正长岩中特征的锆-稀土矿物,主要分为两期,晚期异性石表现出更加富集Nb、REE等高场强元素的特点。早期异性石经历了一系列的热液蚀变,根据蚀变强弱程度,蚀变矿物组合可分为:(1)异性石+钠锆石+霓石±钠沸石;(2)异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石±霓石;(3)异性石假晶,假晶主要由残余异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石+霓石+钾长石+铈硅磷灰石组成。相比于岩浆锆石,蚀变组合中次生锆石具有富Ca、Al、Fe的特点,与异性石本身化学成分和流体性质密切相关。通过对异性石及其蚀变组合的精细矿物学研究,我们得知假晶的形成可能是异性石"溶解-再沉淀"的结果,致使假晶形成的流体至少包括:(1)占主导的富Na(±K)、Al、F的自交代流体;(2)少量晚期富Ca流体。假晶中次生锆石和铈硅磷灰石的结晶说明了Zr和REE等高场强元素的热液活动性,自交代碱性流体和富Ca流体在此过程中起到"搬运"和"提纯"的作用,这对认识碱性岩稀有、稀土成矿机制具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the hydrochemical dynamics of the trace metal manganese (Mn) in upland catchments is required for water quality management. Stream water Mn and other solutes and flow were monitored in two upland catchments in northern England with different soils: one dominated by peat (HS7), the other by mineral soils (HS4). Maximum Mn concentrations occurred at different times in the two catchments: in summer baseflow at HS4 and during late summer storm events at HS7. A two-component chemical mixing model was used to identify the hydrological processes controlling Mn concentrations in stream water. This approach was more successful for HS4 than HS7, probably because of different processes of Mn release in the two catchments and also difficulties in selecting conservative solutes. Factor analysis of the stream water chemistry data set for each catchment was more useful in identifying the controls on Mn release into runoff. The factors indicate that the main source of Mn at HS4 is the hydrological pathway supplying summer baseflow, whereas at HS7 Mn is released during the rewetting of dried peat soils. Manganese concentrations in stream water in upland catchments appear to depend on soil type and antecedent moisture conditions. This has implications for the design of sampling strategies in upland catchments and also for managing the quality of water supplies from such areas.  相似文献   
地台活化与层控铅锌矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍大多数层控铅锌矿床是产在半封闭沉积盆地碳酸盐岩中,属同生沉积成因。在地台活化时期,由于扬子地台西南缘从稳定地块转向活化。在构造-岩浆作用时期,火山喷气导致了金属聚积。因此,所有的矿床均表现出受超壳大断裂控制,这些矿床可认为是同生沉积-火山喷气成因。  相似文献   
Pressure solution is a common phenomenon in massive sulphide zinc-lead deposits of western Canada and may have been an important factor leading to the mobilization of ore-forming materials during diagenesis, deformation and metamorphism of sedimentary ores.The control of ductile shear zones over gold mineralization could be explained in view of pressure solution of gold-bearing miner-als under shearing stress and the tesultant mobilization of this metal.  相似文献   
成矿过程中流体的作用及其主要研究方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
流体在成矿过程中扮演着十分重要的角色,它是成矿物质得以活化、迁移、富集的主要介质,同时流体的运移还能扩展有利的成矿空间,同位素地化学方法仍然是成矿流体研究的主要手段,实验地球化学、元素地球化学以及现代岩石学和矿物学研究方法在探讨流体的起源、演化等方面已发挥越来越重要的作用。每种方法均有其局限性,在实际工作中强调多种研究方法的结合十分必要。  相似文献   
In recent years, voices in Jordan became lauder to exploit the fresh to brackish deep groundwater overlain by fresh groundwater bodies. In this article the implications of such a policy on the existing fresh water bodies are worked out through studying the sources of salinity in the different aquifer systems and the potentials of salinity mobilization by artificial changes in the hydrodynamic regimes. It is concluded that extracting the groundwater of deep aquifers overlain by fresh water bodies, whether the deep groundwater is fresh to brackish, brackish or salty, is equivalent to extracting groundwater from the overlying fresh groundwater bodies because of the hydraulic connections of the deep and the shallow aquifers’ groundwaters. The consequences are even more complicated and severe because exploiting the deep groundwater containing brackish or salty water will lead to refilling by fresh groundwater leaking from the overlying aquifers. The leaking water becomes salinized as soon as it enters the pore spaces of the emptied deep aquifer matrix and by mixing with the deep aquifer brackish or saline groundwater. Therefore, the move to exploit the deep groundwater is misleading and damaging the aquifers and is unjust to future generation's rights in the natural wealth of Jordan or any other country with similar aquifers’ set-up. In addition, desalination produces brines with high salinity which cannot easily be discharged in the highlands of Jordan (with only very limited access to the open sea) because they will on the long term percolate down into fresh water aquifers.  相似文献   
高杖子金矿成因类型为中温热液蚀变岩型,新太古代叶柏寿片麻杂岩为其矿源层,燕山期发育的北东、北北东及北西向断裂是控制金矿的主要构造.在区域岩浆热动力作用下,金元素活化转移,金在富含挥发份及碱质的流体中迁移,在适当的压力、温度和介质条件下,在有利的构造部位富集成矿.  相似文献   

Recent anti-systemic social movements have illustrated the central role of cities in social movement mobilization. We not only highlight the characteristics of urban social relations that make cities fertile ground for mobilization, but also point to the disjunctures between the geographies and spatialities of social relations in the city, and the geographies and spatialities of many systemic processes. Struggles for a more just society must consider the broad geographies and spatialities of oppression, which we illustrate with a brief analysis of the Occupy movement. Finally, we introduce the next five articles in this special issue, all illustrating the importance of the geographies and spatialities of urban social struggle.  相似文献   
张守洁 《地震工程学报》2005,27(4):357-360,376
0前言中国是一个多地震国家,频繁而严重的地震灾害给人民生命和财产带来了巨大的损失,防震减灾任务任重而道远。回良玉副总理2004年在全国防震减灾工作会议讲话中指出:“防震减灾是全社会共同的责任,要广泛动员社会各方的力量,积极投入到这项事业中来,使防震减灾逐步成为全社会的自觉行动。”因此,总结近40年我国防震减灾工作和改革开放的实践经验,对社会公众进行各种防震减灾宣传教育,广泛动员全社会力量,建立健全防震减灾社会动员机制,增强全社会防震减灾意识,是提高我国综合防震减灾能力,有效地促进地震灾害综合防御各项措施落实的重要途…  相似文献   
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