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京津冀地区低层局地大气环流的气候特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾佩生  朱蓉  范广洲  李泽椿  王月冬 《气象》2019,45(3):381-394
本文采用2007-2016年的中尺度数值模拟结果和15个地面气象站观测资料,定义了局地风场表征风速,研究京津冀平原地区局地大气环流日变化的气候特征,并对区域大气污染及其输送的影响进行分析。此外,对2016年12月30日至2017年1月7日北京地区跨年大气重污染过程进行了个例分析。得到结论:京津冀平原地区低空风场变化是天气系统与局地大气环流共同作用的结果,山谷风环流致使太行山和燕山沿线平原地区大气边界层内的长年主导风向为偏北和偏南;太行山和燕山沿线地区山谷风环流本身呈顺时针旋转的日变化特征,夜间至早晨谷风转向山风,午后至夜间山风转向谷风;在午后谷风向山风转向期间,容易形成沿太行山东麓和燕山南麓、自南向东北的"弓形"气流输送通道,此气流输送通道在1月于21时左右形成,持续时间大约3 h,在7月于18时左右形成,持续时间可达9 h;冬季午后至晚间盛行谷风时,受山体的阻挡,污染物容易在山前累积,导致污染浓度增高;夏季同样的情况会发生在后半夜。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖地区大气边界层特征的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用WRFV2.2中尺度数值模式对鄱阳湖地区200 km×200 km范围内,2009年11月5日00∶00至2009年11月6日12∶00不同高度的气象要素进行了数值模拟,得到了水平分辨率为1 km的鄱阳湖地区大气边界层风、温、湿度场和廓线分布的大气边界层物理特征.模拟结果发现:白天鄱阳湖面上空存在着冷岛效应并伴随湖风,而夜间湖面上空存在着热岛效应并伴随陆风,湖面与陆地之间最大温差可达6 ℃;同时地形以及下垫面类型对鄱阳湖区风场的分布具有很大影响,夜间存在一条东北西南走向的低空辐合带,白天逐渐消失;此外受风场和地形作用湖面上空的湿度分布也不均匀,白天湿度层厚度低而夜晚湿度层厚度高,湖中心右侧湿度值大于左侧湿度值.模拟结果能较好地反映鄱阳湖的大气边界层物理特征,有助于了解鄱阳湖地区区域气候的特点,以及由于地形、地理环境、地表特征所形成的不同高度上的风、温、湿的分布规律和大气边界层物理特征,为鄱阳湖地区局地天气预报、风能资源开发、环境保护等提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
Field measurements of wind, air temperature and humidity were taken at the eastern part of the Attika district in June 1991, to examine the topographic influences exerted on the local sea breezes. These influences are due either to the elongated Evia island, faced by the northern half of Attica coastline some tens of kilometers offshore, or to the coast-parallel range of Hymettos mountain, rising steeply 12 km onshore. The instrumentation consisted mainly of three tethered meteorological balloons released at characteristic sires (i.e., the coast, a location between shoreline and mountain foot and the mountain top) and three autographic ground-based anemometers operating at selected locations. Data from the ground-based and upper air stations of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, as well as the diurnal weather maps were also obtained and analyzed. Observations were made under different synoptic wind and the latter was found to determine remarkably the significance of the topographic effects. A preliminary two-dimensional numerical approach was also made concerning the sea breeze capability to reach the Hymettos mountain top in the case of a weak opposing geostrophic flow.  相似文献   
关于东亚副热带季风和热带季风的再认识   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15  
何金海  祁莉  韦晋 《大气科学》2007,31(6):1257-1265
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据集和CMAP(Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation)降水资料, 分析了东亚副热带夏季风与热带夏季风的区别和联系, 以及两者相互作用问题, 深入讨论了东亚副热带季风的本质。分析发现东亚副热带夏季风建立早于热带夏季风, 于3月中旬已经开始建立。两者是相互独立的两个过程, 前者并非是后者向北推进的结果;相反, 前者建立后的突然南压有利于后者的爆发。副热带夏季风为渐进式建立, 但撤退迅速;热带夏季风爆发突然, 但撤退缓慢。副热带夏季风的建立以偏南风的建立为特征, 而热带夏季风的建立以偏东风向偏西风转变为特征。热带夏季风的建立时间取决于经向海陆热力差异转向, 而东亚副热带夏季风则更依赖于纬向海陆热力差异的逆转。亚洲大陆(含青藏高原)与西太平洋之间的纬向海陆热力差异的季节逆转无论对东亚副热带夏季风还是热带夏季风均有重要作用。  相似文献   
大理近地层山谷盆地湖陆风及湍流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究湖陆风特征不仅能够为提高天气气候的预测能力奠定基础,而且对风能资源的开发利用等具有重要的实用意义。利用大理国家气候观象台近地面通量观测系统的2007年3月-2008年5月资料,采用涡动相关法等分析了大理近地层中湖陆风、峡谷风特征及形成原因和影响因素。结果表明:大理地区白天以东风和东南风为主,夜间以西风和西南风为主。进一步对湍流和湍流通量特征分析发现,大理地区白天不稳定层结多于夜间;湍流强度白天强于夜间,并且随着风速的增大而减小;湍流通量具有明显的日变化特征,热量交换形式以潜热为主。  相似文献   
The Kwinana Coastal Fumigation Study took place inearly 1995 at Kwinana near Perth in Western Australia.The study involved surface and elevated meteorologicaland plume fumigation measurements in sea-breeze flowsnear the coast, and has yielded a comprehensive dataset that is suitable for assessing meteorological andplume dispersion models. In this paper, wesimulate the meteorology and turbulence on four casestudy days, and compare model results with thedetailed surface and aircraft measurements takenduring the study. These days had surface synopticwinds ranging from southerly to northeasterly, witheither stable or near-neutral temperature profilesover the sea.The model used was based on that developed by Hurley(Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 83, 43–73, 1997), but extended here to allow domain nesting,optional non-hydrostatic simulations, and a vegetativecanopy at the surface. The model was forced bystandard weather service synoptic data, and thesimulations have captured the essential features ofthe strong sea-breeze circulation observed on thesedays. The boundary-layer structure over the sea waspredicted to be near-neutral or stable in agreementwith the observations on the particular day. The windspeed and direction in the sea-breeze flow weregenerally predicted well, although the predictedmaximum inflow speed over the land was a little toohigh. The potential temperature was generallyover-predicted, but temperature gradients agreed well.Predicted turbulence levels in the bottom-half of thethermal internal boundary layer compared well to theobservations, but under-estimated the observations inthe in the upper half of this layer. Near-surfacemeasurements of meteorological variables werepredicted well over the entire diurnal cycle, althoughthe predicted sea-breeze onset was generally tooearly. A quantitative model evaluation for thenear-surface sites showed the model performance to bebetter than that from other studies, with Index ofAgreement (IOA) values of 0.8 (wind speed) and 0.96(temperature), compared with values of 0.5–0.6 (windspeed) and 0.33 (temperature) obtained from otherstudies.The availability of new higher resolution synopticanalyses should obviate the lack of spatial andtemporal resolution in synoptic inputs. Theincorporation of these higher resolution synopticinputs and new parameterisation schemes should improvefuture model performance.  相似文献   
海陆风研究进展与我国沿海三地海陆风主要特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邱晓暖  范绍佳 《气象》2013,39(2):186-193
海陆风是发生在海岸附近由于海陆热力差异引起的中尺度环流,对沿海地区天气气候和环境空气质量有重要影响,本文综述海陆风研究进展与我国华南、长三角和环渤海3个不同地区海陆风的主要特征.海陆风研究可分为观测研究、理论研究、数值模拟研究.20世纪60年代以来的观测研究表明,全球高、中、低纬沿海地区都有海陆风.海陆风理论研究已从20世纪20年代力的平衡分析发展到海陆热力平衡非线性动力学解析与数值模拟相结合研究海陆风的参数化,模拟研究已逐步成为主要手段.我国华南、长三角和环渤海3个不同地区海陆风有明显差异,海风盛行和结束时间不尽相同,低纬地区海风出现较晚,甚至可持续至午夜时分.海陆风有可能造成污染物的累积,使空气质量变差,应引起沿海地区有关部门的重视.  相似文献   
从绿洲和沙漠地面能量平衡方程和水分平衡方程出发,得到了表达绿洲稳定度和绿洲环流的表达式,绿洲地表温度低于沙漠的最主要原因是绿洲地表明显的蒸发。绿洲上大气稳定度的增加对于维持绿洲是一个重要的自我保护机制。从动力学角度来看,绿洲区明显的下沉(上升)运动将使大气稳定(不稳定)。反照率效应将减弱绿洲风环流,相反,蒸发效应会驱动它。绿洲中过多的蒸发使绿洲地表温度低于周围沙漠。这种温度差异使绿洲风环流产生,并且使绿洲区产生下沉运动、沙漠区产生上升运动。  相似文献   
In this study radar, surface observations and numericalsimulations are used to examine the inland penetrationand intensity of the sea breeze during various large-scaleflow regimes along the curved coastline of the Carolinas,U.S.A. The results clearly indicate that the flow directionrelative to the curved coastline has a significant effecton the sea-breeze evolution.Overall, during northerly flow regimes alongthe curved North Carolina coast, observationsand numerical simulations show that the sea-breezefront has a tendency to remain close to the south-facingcoast. During these same flow regimes the frontmoves further inland relative to the east-facingcoast. The sea-breeze front during westerly flowcases progressed further inland relative to the southcoast and less so from the east-facing coastline.South-westerly flow allows the sea breeze to moveinland from both coastlines but the coastal shapeinfluence makes the inland penetration less fromthe easterly facing beaches. During periods of lightonshore flow (south-east), the sea breeze movesconsiderable distances inland but is not discernableuntil later in the afternoon. The simulations indicatedthat the sea-breeze intensity is greatest (least) when thelarge-scale flow direction has an offshore (onshore)component. Model results indicate the existence of astrong front well inland in the late afternoon duringlight onshore flow. Also noted was that the simulatedsea-breeze front develops earlier in the afternoon duringoffshore regimes and later in the day as the large-scaleflow becomes more onshore. It is concluded that thecoastline shape and coast-relative flow direction areimportant factors in determining how the sea-breezecirculation evolves spatially.  相似文献   
赵玉春  王叶红 《大气科学》2020,44(2):371-389
利用2009~2017年7~9月福建省逐小时地面加密自动站资料和2015~2017年7~9月厦门站的探空资料,通过K均值聚类法和中尺度数值模式(WRF3.9.1.1版本)理想数值模拟,分析了我国东南沿岸及复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化特征,揭示了地形热力环流以及海陆风环流在热对流降水日变化形成中的作用,探讨了环境温湿廓线及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度和日峰值出现时间的影响。结果发现:我国东南沿岸复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化受地形热力环流和海陆风环流的影响和调制,白天辐射加热在复杂山地形成的局地热力环流激发出对流降雨带,午后受海风环流的影响,对流降雨带组织发展达到峰值,之后随着地形热力环流和海风环流减弱雨带逐渐减弱。武夷山及周边复杂山地的降水日变化主要受地形热力环流的影响,在午后对流降水达到峰值,夜间减弱几近消失。理想数值试验进一步证实了我国东南沿岸复杂山地地形热力环流对对流降雨的触发以及海陆风环流在山地对流雨带组织发展中的作用,环境温湿廓线以及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度以及日峰值出现的时间具有重要影响,其中环境温湿廓线的大气抬升凝结高度、大气可降水量、大气的对流不稳定度以及大气中低层湿度分布的不同,会影响热对流降水日峰值强度,并通过影响山地热力对流触发时间,改变热对流降水日峰值时间,而环境风垂直廓线的低层气流强度和方向、中低层垂直风切变的不同,会影响地形热力对流系统的启动、组织发展和移动等特征,进而影响热对流降水日峰值强度以及热对流降水日峰值时间。  相似文献   
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