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The evolution of the universe from times after the recombination of the first atoms is controlled by chemistry. Chemistry can also help us to learn more about the first structures. In this paper we review the chemistry and atomic physics that are important in the time shortly after recombination, including the formation of the first structures. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
For ecosystem modelling of the Boreal forest it is important to include processes associated with low soil temperature during spring‐early summer, as these affect the tree water uptake. The COUP model, a physically based SVAT model, was tested with 2 years of soil and snow physical measurements and sap flow measurements in a 70‐year‐old Scots pine stand in the boreal zone of northern Sweden. During the first year the extent and duration of soil frost was manipulated in the field. The model was successful in reproducing the timing of the soil warming after the snowmelt and frost thaw. A delayed soil warming, into the growing season, severely reduced the transpiration. We demonstrated the potential for considerable overestimation of transpiration by the model if the reduction of the trees' capacity to transpire due to low soil temperatures is not taken into account. We also demonstrated that the accumulated effect of aboveground conditions could be included when simulating the relationship between soil temperature and tree water uptake. This improved the estimated transpiration for the control plot and when soil warming was delayed into the growing season. The study illustrates the need of including antecedent conditions on root growth in the model in order to catch these effects on transpiration. The COUP model is a promising tool for predicting transpiration in high‐latitude stands. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The middle Cenomanian–lower Turonian deposits of Ohaba-Ponor section (Southern Carpathians) were studied from biostratigraphic and isotopic points of view. Both the qualitative and semiquantitative nannofloral analyses, as well as the stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) data support significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the investigated interval. Two δ13C positive excursions were recognized: (1) an excursion up to 1.8‰ (PDB) within the middle/late Cenomanian boundary; (2) an excursion up to 2.2‰ (PDB) in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. The oldest δ13C positive excursion recorded (placed within the Acanthoceras jukes-brownei/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Ammonite Zone boundary interval, and in the NC11 Calcareous Nannofossil Zone respectively) could be assigned to the middle Cenomanian Event II (MCEII). During the above-mentioned event, significant increase in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae, followed by successive blooms of Biscutum constans and Eprolithus floralis, were observed. The youngest δ13C positive excursion was identified in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (in the NC12 and lower part of the NC13 Calcareous Nannofossil Zones). Even the amplitude of this δ13C positive excursion is lower in the Ohaba-Ponor section, as generally reported, this may represent the regional record of the OAE2. The successive peaks of the nannofossils Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus erectus and Eprolithus floralis indicate episodes of cooler surface water and high fertility, which preceded and lasted the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event. Additionally, fluctuations of δ18O values between −2 and −6‰ suggest also cooler conditions within the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   
冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
主要根据近几年来中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查结果,结合有关观测资料,进一步分析了冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源.与以往类似研究不同的主要有两点:(1)初步探讨了黄海暖流路径的季节和年际变异,并指出这种变异与北向风的强弱密切相关;(2)通过分析济州岛西侧海域混合水的去向,进一步确认了部分混合水绕济州岛运行,并进入济州海峡这一事实.同时,初步揭示进入黄海的混合水,即黄海暖流水,含有更多的东海陆架水成分.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to elucidate the impact of early diagenetic processes on the accumulation of trace metals in Sapelo Island saltmarsh sediments as a function of time, space and sediment properties. Samples were collected from three sites in summer (May 1997) and winter (January 1998) along a transect from an unvegetated Creek Bank through a vegetated Tidal Levee to the vegetated midmarsh with evident lateral heterogeneity caused by hydrologic regime, macrophytes and microbial and macrofaunal activities. A suite of trace metals (As, Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, Ti, U, V, Zn and Zr) was analyzed to obtain their depth-distribution at the three sites. Spatially marked differences were observed, that were primarily related to hydraulic flushing of trace metals away from the sites in high-energy regimes, rapid downward mixing and reworking of sediment via bioturbation, and below-ground degradation and production of Spartina biomass. Although sulfate reduction and the formation of acid volatile sulfide and pyrite were dominant processes throughout the marsh, the trace metal scavenging role of sulfides was not apparent. However, possible sulfurization of organic matter, leading to enhanced trapping of trace metals with organic carbon, may have played an important role in sequestration of trace metals.No similarity was observed visually between the depth trends of trace metals and sediment properties (grain size, iron-oxyhydroxide content, acid volatile sulfides and pyrite content) that are known to play a major role in trace metal partitioning. Only organic carbon content closely followed the trace metal profiles at all the three sites. Minor variation in depth-integrated sediment trace metal content was observed seasonally at each of the three sites. Furthermore, the depth trend of profiles of individual trace metals also did not vary significantly over the seasons either.  相似文献   
黑鲷Sparus macrocephalus(Basilewsky)幼苗鳞被最早出现的部位是在躯干部胸鳍基后至肛门直上方的侧线处。黑鲷只具一个鳞被起始中心。最早出现鳞片的个体为体长9.5—14.1mm,平均11.51±0.85mm,全长11.2—16.5mm,平均13.65±1.01mm,孵后日龄23—35d。鳞被发育完全时的最小个体为体长12.1—18.5mm,平均14.57±1.55mm,全长14.8—23.5mm,平均17.99±2.17mm,孵后日龄27—42d。  相似文献   
气候转型与早期人类迁徙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前的旧石器考古证据表明,更新世早期可能发生了两次人类迁徙浪潮,时间分别在1.8-1.6MaBP和1.0MaBP左右,第一阶段,古人类演化为直立人并开始走出非洲、迁徙至其它中低纬度的热带-亚热带地区;第二阶段,直立人开始占据中高纬度的温带和干旱-半干旱地区。这两个阶段也是第四纪气候发生转型、环境产生重大调整的时期。二者在发生时间上的一致性揭示了它们之间的内在联系,推测气候转型时期环境转变是这两次人类迁徙浪潮的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
大理州2005年初夏出现了严重干旱气象事件.从500pHa高空环流特征、500pHa距平场特征、西太平洋副高特征量及北太平洋中低纬海温距平场、OLR距平场对这次干旱的成因进行了分析,分析结果表明:2005年初夏(4月1日~6月10日)降水异常偏少气温明显偏高是发生干旱的主要原因,高空大气环流异常、西太平洋副高持续偏强偏西、冷空气活动偏北是导致干旱的直接原因;孟加拉湾南部4月OLR场呈明显正距平,抑制低值系统的发展和东北移影响云南,是影响2005年大理初夏干旱重要原因;北太平洋中低纬海温特征与大理州初夏干旱有一定的遥相关性.  相似文献   
The three most important components necessary for functioning of an operational flood warning system are: (1) a rainfall measuring system; (2) a soil moisture updating system; and, (3) a surface discharge measuring system. Although surface based networks for these systems can be largely inadequate in many parts of the world, this inadequacy particularly affects the tropics, which are most vulnerable to flooding hazards. Furthermore, the tropical regions comprise developing countries lacking the financial resources for such surface-based monitoring. The heritage of research conducted on evaluating the potential for measuring discharge from space has now morphed into an agenda for a mission dedicated to space-based surface discharge measurements. This mission juxtaposed with two other upcoming space-based missions: (1) for rainfall measurement (Global Precipitation Measurement, GPM), and (2) soil moisture measurement (Hydrosphere State, HYDROS), bears promise for designing a fully space-borne system for early warning of floods. Such a system, if operational, stands to offer tremendous socio-economic benefit to many flood-prone developing nations of the tropical world. However, there are two competing aspects that need careful assessment to justify the viability of such a system: (1) cost-effectiveness due to surface data scarcity; and (2) flood prediction uncertainty due to uncertainty in the remote sensing measurements. This paper presents the flood hazard mitigation opportunities offered by the assimilation of the three proposed space missions within the context of these two competing aspects. The discussion is cast from the perspective of current understanding of the prediction uncertainties associated with space-based flood prediction. A conceptual framework for a fully space-borne system for early-warning of floods is proposed. The need for retrospective validation of such a system on historical data comprising floods and its associated socio-economic impact is stressed. This proposal for a fully space-borne system, if pursued through wide interdisciplinary effort as recommended herein, promises to enhance the utility of the three space missions more than what their individual agenda can be expected to offer.  相似文献   
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