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Domonkos  Peter 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):255-271
The time series of monthly precipitation totals from 14 Hungarian observing stations (1901–1998) were analysed to reveal the long term changes in precipitation characteristics occurred in the 20th century. A particular attention was given to the changes in the recent decades and their links with the larger scale climatic and circulation changes over Europe and the Atlantic.The statistical significancesof systematic changes are controlled by linear trend analysis and the Mann–Kendall test. The long term fluctuations are illustrated applying a 15-point Gaussian filter on the time series. The Standardised Precipitation Index is used to evaluate the changes in the drought event frequency. The relationships with larger scale changes are mostly discussed relying on contemporary papers, and the Grosswetterlagen Catalogue is used as well.The annual precipitation total decreased by 15–20% in Hungary during the 20th century. The decline is substantial in both halves of the century, but the precipitation sums in the transition seasons declined in the first 50 years, and the winter precipitation decreased in the latest decades. The precipitation total of the period November–February declined significantly in the last 50 years. In the same time the mean winter value of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI) increased, the positions of the main pressure patterns over the Atlantic are shifted northeastward, and lot of other coherent changes detected in the winter climate of the European–Atlantic region. The mean summer precipitation total has hardly changed, but the frequency of summer drought events increased. There are some signs of a shift of the Hungarian summer climate towards a Mediterranean like climate.  相似文献   
冬季北极涛动和华北冬季气温变化关系研究   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
利用北极涛动指数(AOI)、NCEP/NCAR40a再分析资料中的海平面气压(SLP)、850、500、200hPa等压面高度场资料及中国160站月平均气温资料,运用小波分析,经验正交函数(EOF)分析等方法,分析了华北冬季气温和冬季北极涛动指数的变化特征及其关系。结果表明它们之间存在有着显著相关,特别是在年代际尺度上关系尤其密切。华北在20世纪70年代初以前为持续冷冬,80年代中期之后变为持续暖冬,其间相对正常,而冬季北极涛运指数亦存在类似的3个阶段,冬季北极涛动高(低)低数年,华北地区为暖(冷)冬年。其原因在于,北极涛动在于对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。强(弱)涛运年大气环流具有弱(强)东亚冬季风特征,西伯利亚高压减弱(增强),亚洲大陆地面东北风减弱(增强),高空东亚大槽减弱(增强)。  相似文献   
北极涛动对东亚夏季降水的预测意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
龚道溢 《气象》2003,29(6):3-6
分析了春季北极涛动(AO)指数的变化对梅雨—Changma——Baiu带夏季降水年际变化的影响。对观测的东亚10个站的降水长序列资料(1899—1999年),进行滤波处理,保留10年以下的年际时间尺度的变化,再进行相关分析。结果表明,近百年的5月北极涛动指数与10站夏季平均降水相关最高达—0.45,超过99%信度水平。当北极涛动偏强一个标准差时,整个长江中下游地区到日本南部一带,降水减少平均约8%左右。降水的这种变化与对流层东亚急流的变化密切相关:春季北极涛动强时,随后夏季急流位置通常偏北,雨带位置也北移,从而造成梅雨—Changma——Baiu带降水减少,反之亦然。较强的AO异常对降水的影响更明显,而较弱的AO与降水异常的对应关系并不显著。这对东亚夏季年际降水异常具有一定的预测意义。  相似文献   
We have analyzed the stable oxygen isotopic composition of two Porites corals from the Chagos Archipelago, which is situated in the geographical center of the Indian Ocean. Coral δ18O at this site reliably records temporal variations in precipitation associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Precipitation maxima occur in boreal winter, when the ITCZ forms a narrow band across the Indian Ocean. The Chagos then lies within the center of the ITCZ, and rainfall is strongly depleted in δ18O. A 120-yr coral isotopic record indicates an alternation of wet and dry intervals lasting 15 to 20 yr. The most recent 2 decades are dominated by interannual variability, which is tightly coupled to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This is unprecedented in the 120 yr of coral record. As the ITCZ is governed by atmospheric dynamics, this provides evidence of a major change in the coupled ENSO-monsoon system.  相似文献   
1948~2004年全球越赤道气流气候变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1948年1月~2004年12月逐月NCEP/NCAR的全球1000 hPa、850 hPa、700 hPa、600 hPa、500 hPa、400 hPa、300 hPa、200 hPa、150 hPa、100 hPa的10层经向格点风,计算了全球越赤道气流和年变化,分析了全球850 hPa越赤道气流通道的时、空变化特征。指出在研究的时间段内,全球850 hPa越赤道气流有明显的长期趋势变化和年代际变化。近57年,6~8月的45~50°E、5~9月的105~115°E、5~9月和5~11月的130~140°E、2~4月的20~25°E的越赤道气流有明显的加强,6~8月的50~35°W的越赤道气流减弱。夏季索马里的越赤道气流,平均每10年增强0.25 m/s,而130~140°E,5~9月的越赤道气流,平均每10年增强0.32 m/s。奇异谱分析表明,850 hPa越赤道气流的年代际变化和趋势变化的方差贡献达到35%~45%。年际变化的方差贡献不超过30%,还指出夏季太平洋的越赤道气流的强度变化与南方涛动有明显关系,弱南方涛动时,有强的越赤道气流。而索马里急流强度与北大西洋涛动有弱的正相关。  相似文献   
The Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG version 2 (GAMIL2) has been developed through upgrading the deep convection parameterization, cumulus cloud fraction and two-moment cloud microphysical scheme, as well as changing some of the large uncertain parameters. In this paper, its performance is evaluated, and the results suggest that there are some significant improvements in GAMIL2 compared to the previous version GAMIL1, for example, the components of the energy budget at the top of atmosphere (TOA) and surface; the geographic distribution of shortwave cloud radiative forcing (SWCF); the ratio of stratiform versus total rainfall; the response of atmospheric circulation to the tropical ocean; and the eastward propagation and spatiotemporal structures of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). Furthermore, the indirect aerosols effect (IAE) is -0.94 W m-2, within the range of 0 to -2 W m-2 given by the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (2007). The influence of uncertain parameters on the MJO and radiation fluxes is also discussed.  相似文献   
文中利用EOF分析大气季节内振荡 (MJO)的时空变化的方法 ,研究了 1996年 9月~ 1997年 6月间的MJO活动对生成在印度洋—西太平洋海域的热带低压 /气旋的影响。结果发现 ,除西北太平洋之外 ,发生在其他区域的热带低压 /气旋有半数以上生成在向东移动的MJO的湿位相中。伴随MJO的向东传播 ,热带低压 /气旋平均生成位置也随之向东移动 ,而生成在西北太平洋的热带低压 /气旋分别受到向东和向西传播的MJO影响  相似文献   
The seasonal and diurnal variations of ozone mixing ratios have been observed at Niwot Ridge. Colorado. The ozone mixing ratios have been correlated with the NO x (NO+NO2) mixing ratios measured concurrently at the site. The seasonal and diurnal variations in O3 can be reasonably well understood by considering photochemistry and transport. In the winter there is no apparent systematic diurnal variation in the O3 mixing ratio because there is little diurnal change of transport and a slow photochemistry. In the summer, the O3 levels at the site are suppressed at night due to the presence of a nocturnal inversion layer that isolated ozone near the surface, where it is destroyed. Ozone is observed to increase in the summer during the day. The increases in ozone correlate with increasing NO x levels, as well as with the levels of other compounds of anthropogenic origin. We interpret this correlation as in-situ or in-transit photochemical production of ozone from these precursors that are transported to our site. The levels of ozone recorded approach 100 ppbv at NO x mixing ratios of approximately 3 ppbv. Calculations made using a simple clean tropospheric chemical model are consistent with the NO x -related trend observed for the daytime ozone mixing ratio. However, the chemistry, which does not include nonmethane hydrocarbon photochemistry, underestimates the observed O3 production.  相似文献   
流感爆发与气候的剧烈变化有关。本文揭示了拉马德雷冷位相、拉尼娜、太阳黑子极值年、厄尔尼诺、低温冷害、沙尘暴、潮汐南北震荡异常与流行性感冒世界大流行相互对应的关系及其物理机制,对气候及其相关灾害的预测有重大科学意义。规律表明,在拉马德雷冷位相时期,全球强震、低温、飓风伴随拉尼娜、全球性流感伴随厄尔尼诺将越来越强烈。面对日益增大的全球灾害,长期气候预报意义重大。  相似文献   
2009年中国东北夏季低温及其与前期海气系统变化的联系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
依据中国东北地区拥有百年地面观测记录的长春和哈尔滨测站气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和英国哈得来中心海表温度资料,揭示2009年东北地区发生的迄今已有15年没有出现的夏季低温事件成因.结果表明:发生东北夏季低温时的水平和垂直环流结构均为低值系统,东北冷涡异常活动是其最直接的影响因子;有利的年代际变化背景是,哈尔滨和长春6-8月平均气温年代际尺度(≥9 a)的振荡值1999-2008年约-O.8℃/10 a,显著低于全球变暖东北区域响应的线性增暖值0.2℃/10 a(1961-2000年),与长春和哈尔滨夏季气温呈正相关的前一年冬季太平洋极涡面积指数年代际振荡亦呈显著下降趋势.与1994-2008年东北夏季高温的500 hPa平均环流距平场显著不同,北极涛动呈强的负位相分布,东北亚、阿留申和北大西洋上空为显著负距平区;2009年前一年冬季与明显低温的1972年的前一年冬季北太平洋涛动均呈显著的负位相,春季仍持续,且2009年前一年冬季赤道中东太平洋SSTA为拉尼娜位相,2009年春季明显减弱;2009年6-7月夏季东北冷涡活动异常强与4-5月500 hPa北太平洋地区超长波扰动转为定常波扰动槽有关;SVD和谐波分析表明,北太平洋涛动的异常位相不仅是东北夏季气温变化的重要前期信号,还是大气中除了天气尺度的混沌分量外可提取的一种行星尺度稳定分量.  相似文献   
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