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探讨利用SCIAMACHY数据反演温室气体二氧化碳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自工业革命以来CO2已经成为引起全球气候变暖的一种最主要的人为温室气体,由此引起的全球气候变化是当今社会经济可持续发展面临的最严峻挑战之一.为了更好的研究二氧化碳在时间与空间尺度上的格局及变化,综合分析CO2与太阳辐射、地面反照率、气溶胶等要素之间的关系,本文回顾了以往利用新型卫星传感器获取多源遥感数据的特点,分析了多种反演计算方法的优缺点,并结合地面实测数据进行对比分析的方法与理论,全面阐述国际上有关CO2柱浓度反演的思想.作者认为目前在地面观测站较少的情况下,针对先进的SCIAMACHY传感器数据利用DOAS相关算法及BESD算法进行CO2柱体浓度反演的数据连续,技术成熟,并由此提出了下一步工作中应解决的3个问题.  相似文献   
We have constructed a new high resolution solar reference spectrum in the spectral range between 250 and 550 nm. The primary use of this spectrum is for the calibration of the Dutch – Finnish Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), but other applications are mentioned. The incentive for deriving a new high resolution solar reference spectrum is that available spectra do not meet our requirements on radiometric accuracy or spectral resolution. In this paper we explain the steps involved in constructing the new spectrum, based on available low and high resolution spectra and discuss the main sources of uncertainty. We compare the result with solar measurements obtained with the OMI as well as with other UV-VIS space-borne spectrometers with a similar spectral resolution. We obtain excellent agreement with the OMI measurements, which indicates that both the newly derived solar reference spectrum and our characterization of the OMI instrument are well understood. We also find good agreement with previously published low resolution spectra. The absolute intensity scale, wavelength calibration and representation of the strength of the Fraunhofer lines have been investigated and optimized to obtain the resulting high resolution solar reference spectrum.  相似文献   
通过卫星观测光谱反演计算是当前观测全球CO2浓度水平,分析其变化趋势的重要手段,但是由于观测条件及反演方法的限制,基于卫星观测光谱反演计算只能得到离散的CO2浓度数据,需要借助空间插值方法才能获得空间连续的CO2浓度数据。本文以SCIAMACHY研究团队发布的XCO2浓度数据为基础数据,首先对比分析了空间分析中常用的3种经典插值方法(反距离加权法,克里格法,样条函数法)在XCO2空间内插中的精度,综合分析平均绝对值误差、绝对值误差最大值和均方根误差3个指标,结果表明反距离加权插值法为最优内插方法。基于该方法生成2003年1月-2012年4月共计112个月的全球大陆XCO2浓度分布数据集,并对全球大陆范围内XCO2浓度的时空变化特征进行分析,发现在此时段内全球各个大陆XCO2均表现出增加的趋势;在全球大陆平均水平上,XCO2浓度增加幅度为17.43×10-6,XCO2年平均值增加速率约为2×10-6,总体上呈现北半球增加速率高于南半球的特点。  相似文献   
搭载于ENVISAT卫星上的SCIAMACHY是目前唯一采用近红外波段观测大气温室气体(CO2,CH4,CO)的高光谱传感器.与其它热红外卫星传感器如AIRS、MOPITT、IASI等相比,SCIAMACHY用于CO探测的近红外波段对与人类活动密切相关的底层大气具有更高的敏感性.但无论从光谱角度(该波段CO吸收强度较弱,且存在很强的CH4和H2O重叠吸收),还是从SCIAMACHY仪器问题的角度(近红外波段探测器容易出现结冰现象),都给CO反演带来很大的挑战.由于探测器结冰问题造成SCIMACHY CO反演误差高达100%,并且该误差随时间和空间而变化.多个研究机构发展了各种不同的算法用于该误差的校正,但校正结果的时间一致性较差.本文基于IMAP-DOAS的CO反演算法,发展了一种针对SCIAMACHY探测器结冰问题的新校正算法,校正后的CO柱浓度反演误差以及时间一致性都比较理想,并与不同地基FTIR观测结果进行了对比,对比结果表明该校正算法的CO反演结果与地基观测一致性较好,相对偏差由校正前的60%减小到了5%,能够准确地获得CO的时空变化信息.经过校正后的CO柱浓度结果不仅可以用于准确获得CO排放源与汇的时空分布信息,还可以为政府部门制定碳减排相关政策提供重要参考,有效控制全球温室效应.  相似文献   
对基于SCIAMACHY传感器,WFM-DOAS反演的CH4柱浓度数据进行分析,分析了全国CH4柱浓度的时空变化,并对我国八大自然区的CH4柱浓度的时间变化规律作了研究。从研究结果分析得到,CH4柱浓度的空间分布,青藏区整体较低,在我国东部地区,CH4柱浓度随纬度的增加而降低;整体来看,CH4柱浓度夏季高,冬季低,有明...  相似文献   
Stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles are retrieved from Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrome- ter for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY) limb scatter measurements. In the process of retrieval, the SCIATRAN radiative transfer model is used to simulate the limb scattering radiation received by the SCIAMACHY instrument, and an optimal estimation algorithm is used to calculate the aerosol extinction profiles. Sensitivity analy- ses are performed to investigate the impact of the surface albedo on the accuracy of the retrieved aerosol extinction profiles in the northern midlatitudes. It is found that the errors resulting from the bias of the assumed surface albedo in the retrieval are generally below 6%. The retrieved SCIAMACHY aerosol extinction profiles are compared with corresponding Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experi- ment (SAGE) II measurements, and the results indicate that for the zonal mean profiles, the SCIAMACHY retrievals show good agreement with SAGE II measurements, with the absolute differences being less than 2.3 × 10-5 km-1 from 14-25 km, and less than 5.9×10-6 km-1 from 25-35 km; and the relative differences being within 20% over the lati- tude range of 14-35 km.  相似文献   
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