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在GPS数据处理中 ,存在着误差影响、影响波的干扰、周跳和数据量大等问题。误差影响和影响波的干扰实质是在接收卫星信号时受到其它因素的影响 ;周跳是由于卫星信号的失锁而造成信号的不连续 ;数据量大是因为GPS观测需要采样间隔小又连续观测所致。由于小波理论具有时频分析、波形分解、特征提取和快速小波变换等特性 ,应用小波变换和波形分解可以解决误差影响和影响波的干扰的问题 ;应用特征提取可以解决周跳检测问题 ;应用快速小波变换可进行数据压缩  相似文献   
本文利用紫金山天文台赣榆站太阳精细结构望远镜拍得的高分辨率色球H_α照片,分析了三个典型活动区。文中利用并检验了七十年代获得的磁图推导法则,应用自己的数值模拟知识和Zwaan对AFS系新浮流区概括的特征,参考七十和九十年代总结的有关耀斑和EllermanBomb的出现规律,逐日分析活动区发展,定出其内部的中性线位置,提出简单和复合中性线的区分,由AFS系和亮谱斑同时出现判断新浮流区,从近离带图找等离子体不稳定点,从远离带图找普遍的磁场流场分布,由H_α结构的综合迹象推测磁场变化。总结出有关活动区H_α结构、磁场及等离子体性质关系的几点启示。  相似文献   
本文讨论了利用LAMOST作银河系研究的科学意义及可能性;并提出具体实施LAMOST/GAIAXY计划的初步方案。  相似文献   
Astronomy Letters - The acceleration of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) at the heliospheric termination shock and their influence on the shock structure and location are analyzed in terms of a...  相似文献   
We present the new solar radiospectrograph of the University of Athensoperating at the Thermopylae Station since 1996. Observations cover thefrequency range from 110 to 688 MHz. The radiospectrograph has a 7-meterparabolic antenna and two receivers operating in parallel. One is a sweepfrequency receiver and the other a multichannel acousto-optical receiver.The data acquisition system consists of a front-end VME based subsystem anda Sun Sparc-5 workstation connected through Ethernet. The two subsystems areoperated using the VxWorks real-time package. The daily operation is fullyautomated: pointing of the antenna to the sun, starting and stopping theobservations at pre-set times, data acquisition, data compression by`silence suppression', and archiving on DAT tapes. The instrument can beused either by itself to study the onset and evolution of solar radio bursts or in conjunction with other instruments including theNançay Decametric Array and the WIND/WAVES RAD1 and RAD2 low frequencyreceivers to study associated interplanetary phenomena.  相似文献   
The IRAS and 2MASS associations for 193 T Tauri stars are identified in this paper. From the color–color diagrams and spectral index, it is found that the IR excesses for most samples are due to thermal emission from the circumstellar material, as suggested previously. It is also found that the IR excesses at IRAS region for few T Tauri stars and the near-IR excesses for some T Tauri stars are likely attributed to free-free emission or free-bound emission from the circumstellar ionized gas. Moreover, It is found in deredened J–H versus H–K color–color diagram that there is a slight separation in different spectral groups. The T Tauri stars locus equation in J–H versus H–K color–color diagram for our sample is also presented.  相似文献   
这里叙述的新发现仅指某一特殊类型的发现(如新星,超新星和小行星等)及某一特殊类型天体的认证(如X射线源证认为类星体等),而不包括某一类天体的某种天象及未知性质源的列表(如深度成像观测得到的前人没有纪录过的一般天体,如恒星,但一些特殊天体亦列入),由于收集不全面和所谓“发现”定义的困难,向有发向而未列入者先歉意。从80年代后期开始,我国的观测设备有了很大垢发展,所以有一批重的的天文发现,为天文提供了很好的机会,它包括下面几方面,层系层次天体:(1)用X射线源和射电源证认了一批包括类星体,BL Lac天体,赛弗特天体在内的活动星系核;(2)用IRAS源证认了一批W-R星系;(3)BATC巡天在一个星系周围发现了一个“环”。恒星层次天体:(1)河外星系中发现了一批超新星的一个新星,(2)发现了和用ROSAT源证认了一批激变变星,(4)BATC和超新星巡天发现了一批变星,(4)发现了若干新的δSct变星,(5)发现了一批Herbig-Haro天体,(6)发现了一批水脉泽。行星层次天体:(1)发现了大批小行星,特别是有些是近地不行星,(20发现若干彗星。  相似文献   
对20颗依巴谷(Hipparcos)卫星所观测的碳星作了近红外JHK测光,由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等mbpl以及有效温度Te,结合依巴谷卫星所得视差,得到其中一些星的绝对热星等Mbol。  相似文献   
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