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沈阳地区沙尘天气分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
路爽  张菁  孙凤华 《气象科学》2004,24(1):112-119
本文总结了沈阳地区沙尘天气的时空分布特点,从天气条件、地表自然条件(沙源)两方面分析了沈阳地区沙尘天气的成因,总结了沈阳地区预报沙尘天气时应参考的5个因素。  相似文献   
A case of a snowstorm at the Great Wall Station was studied using data of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) analysis, in situ observations and surface weather charts. The storm occurred on August 29th,2006, and brought high winds and poor horizontal visibility to the region.It was found that the storm occurred under the synoptic situation of a high in the south and a low in the north. A low-level easterly jet from the Antarctic continent significantly decreased the air temperature and humidity.Warm air advection at high level brought sufficient vapor from lower latitudes for the snowstorm to develop.The dynamic factors relating to strong snowfall and even the developmentof a snowstorm were deep cyclonic vorticity at middle and low levels,the configuration of divergence at high level and convergence at low level, and strong verticaluplift. There was an inversion layer in the low-level atmosphere during the later phase of the storm.This vertical structure of cold air at low levels and warm air at high levels may have been important to the longevity of the snowstorm.  相似文献   
Separation of electrostatic charge during the transport of particles by wind adds a force to the gravitational and fluid forces that determine trajectories of particles moving by saltation. Evaluating this electrostatic force requires the electric field strength very near the saltation surface, and charge-to-mass ratios for the moving particles. Field mill readings 4 cm above the surface in a moderate blizzard showed electric field strength as high as +30 kV m-1. Another experiment gave charge-to-mass ratios of individual saltation particles in low-level drifting that ranged between +72 C kg-1 and -208 C kg-1. From these measurements, we estimated electrostatic forces as large as the gravitational force on some saltating particles. Including forces of this magnitude in the equations of motion significantly alters predicted saltation trajectories from those for uncharged particles. Predictions appear reasonable that for some saltating particles, the electrostatic force prevents new surface impacts. These results should help improve models of energy transfer in the planetary boundary layer during blizzards and sandstorms.  相似文献   
Velocity profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) measurement technology was used to study the turbulent characteristics and the variation with height of the mean horizontal (in the downwind direction) and vertical (in the upward direction) particle velocity of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. The results show that the mean horizontal particle velocity of the cloud increases with height, while the mean vertical velocity decreases with height. The variation of the mean horizontal velocity with height is, to some extent, similar to the wind profile that increases logarithmically with height in the turbulent boundary layer. The variation of the mean vertical velocity with height is much more complex than that of the mean horizontal velocity. The increase of the resultant mean velocity with height can be expressed by a modified power function. Particle turbulence in the downwind direction decreases with height, while that in the vertical direction is complex. For fine sands (0.2–0.3 mm and 0.3–0.4 mm), there is a tendency for the particle turbulence to increase with height. In the very near-surface layer (<4 mm), the movement of blown sand particles is very complex due to the rebound of particles on the bed and the interparticle collisions in the air. Wind starts to accelerate particle movement about 4 mm from the surface. The initial rebound on the bed and the interparticle collisions in the air have a profound effect on particle movement below that height, where particle concentration is very high and wind velocity is very low.  相似文献   
对国内外提碘技术的主流工艺——空气吹出酸液吸收法的工艺特点及生产现状进行了分析。应用超重力强化提碘技术对I2-HPO3-H2O体系进行游离碘吹脱实验。在实验控制的参数条件下,总碘浓度为35 mg/L和45 mg/L的氧化液单级吹脱率分别为78.24%和91.27%。本研究结果对综合回收磷矿中伴生的超低品位碘资源有较大实用意义。  相似文献   
Snow drift transport may cause avalanches on the roads during the periods of snowfall and strong wind. To better understand the factors influencing transport we have developed a theoretical model. This model is based on the boundary layer theory, where the particle mass conservation is considered. Assuming that the saturation is reached, the concentration profile can be represented by a negative exponential law. By means of this analysis, the influence of particle characteristics is explored through the roles of threshold friction velocity and fall velocity. Using fluid mechanics laws, an analysis of the concentration profile resulting from the effect of the wind on a particle bed was also developed. For several velocities of flow and for different kinds of particles an experimental determination of the concentration profile was achieved. We used a laser visualisation and image processing technique to carry out these experiments. The obtained results fit with the values predicted by the theoretical model.  相似文献   
河套地区春季扬沙天气影响因子的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
柏晶瑜  于淑秋 《气象学报》2003,61(5):600-605
通过对河套地区扬沙日数、冷空气活动及固定地段土壤湿度的研究 ,探讨了冷空气活动和土壤湿度对河套地区春季扬沙天气频次的影响。结果表明 ,春季大范围的冷空气活动提供了重要的扰动能量 ;同时 ,强冷空气活动较大的风速 ,为扬沙天气的出现提供了动力条件 ;土壤湿度偏小、土壤干燥疏松也是河套地区扬沙频繁发生的重要原因  相似文献   
风沙流中风速廓线的数值模拟与实验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何描述风沙流中被风沙运动改变了的风速廓线是风沙相互作用研究中的关键问题之一.该文中将跃移风沙流视为一种颗粒拟流体,将跃移颗粒对气流产生的阻力用颗粒流的阻力系数来表达,建立了描写两场相互作用的数学模型.颗粒流的阻力系数采用了前人在液态流化床研究中得出的阻力系数表达形式,通过引入一个修正系数,使其适用于风沙流(气-固两相流).将风沙边界层划分为跃移颗粒所产生的阻力不可忽略的内边界层和跃移颗粒阻力可以忽略但受内边界层影响的外边界层,分别建立了内边界层和外边界层的风速廓线表达式.应用所建立的数学模型,根据由风洞实验测定的跃移风沙流的浓度分布和速度分布资料,计算了跃移风沙流中的风速廓线,并与风洞实测结果进行了对比.结果表明,计算风速廓线与实测风速廓线吻合得比较好,在半对数图上均为上凸的曲线,有别于无风沙运动时的直线.跃移边界层外风速分布可较好地用对数函数来描述.对风沙流中风速廓线的进一步分析证实了风沙物理学奠基人Bagnold在其早期观测风沙流中的风速廓线时提出的"结点现象"(Bagnold结),该结点的高度随风速的增大而升高,随颗粒粒径的增大而降低.根据数值模拟和模拟实验,可以认为有风沙运动的动床剪切风速是综合反映风场与跃移层以及地表之间相互作用的物理量.  相似文献   
利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地和沈阳地区同步气象要素梯度观测和地面大气颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)质量浓度观测资料,分析了中国北方地区2020年5月10日一次大范围扬沙天气过程微气象学和沙尘输送特征。结果表明:受大尺度天气系统影响,此次沙尘天气过程中科尔沁沙地不同高度(<20 m)风速均明显增加,各层相对湿度和浅层地表含水量有所降低,较强湍流动力作用配合干燥的土壤和大气环境有利于沙源地区地表大量的沙尘粒子释放到大气中。此后这些沙尘粒子随较强的西北气流集中在2—3 km以下高度向下游地区输送。受沙尘输送的影响,沈阳地区10日小时平均PM10浓度最高达817μg·m-3,能见度减小至3.7 km。此外,科尔沁沙地起沙过程中能见度与摩擦速度存在明显的反相关关系(相关系数R2=0.93),与湍流动力学热通量相关性相对较小,表明湍流动力作用在此次起沙过程占主导作用。  相似文献   
王守荣  康丽莉  石英 《气象学报》2008,66(3):320-328
该文建立了气候 水文嵌套模式,用于气候变化情景下流域气候、水文模拟,并在此基础上进行水资源评估。首先应用20 km高分辨率的区域气候模式RegCM3,嵌套全球环流模式FvGCM的大气部分,在中国东部地区进行了两组30 a积分的模拟试验,即控制试验和未来预测试验。控制试验(1961—1990年)结果表明,RegCM3能较细致地刻画浙江省的地形分布,模拟的浙江省的多年平均气温和降水均呈现出明显的地形特征,与实况较为符合。兰江流域年平均气温模拟较好,但夏季降水模拟量明显偏低。在未来预测试验中,构建了SRES A2排放情景下兰江流域2071—2100年的气候变化情景。然后,用兰江流域的历史观测资料对分布式水文模型DHSVM进行了率定和验证,该模型较好地再现了兰江流域的历史径流过程,具有较好的模拟特性。最后,将RegCM3的两组试验结果输入到DHSVM中,驱动模型进行水文模拟。模拟结果表明:相对于1961—1990年,兰江流域2071—2100年各月的平均气温均呈上升趋势,年平均气温上升幅度达2.84 ℃;年降水量也将增加,主要发生在4—7月的汛期,可能会导致汛期洪涝灾害发生频率上升;年径流深变化与年降水量变化基本一致,汛期径流将明显增加。在全球持续变暖的背景下,兰江流域未来高温热浪和洪涝等气候、水文极端事件有可能进一步加剧。  相似文献   
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