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皖南青阳东南地区之中下部古生代地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张瑞锡  李玶  刘元常 《地质论评》1951,16(Z1):73-78
1950年夏南京大学地质系师生奉命调查皖南青阳、繁昌、铜陵、等县及其鄰区地质,於7月底出发,工作经月,至9月初分别回校;10月初笔者等再度奉命调查青阳县东南地区由木镇至泾县包村间南北长约100馀华里,东西宽约50馀华里一狭长地带为第一次调查未完或部分;笔者等於10月5号出发,28号返回南京,统计实际  相似文献   
湘东南地区震旦纪地层的新划分与区域对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄建中  唐晓珊 《湖南地质》1994,13(3):129-136
本文采用多重地层划分和构造地层法,研究并重建了湘东南地区震旦系新层序,厘定了泗洲山组、天子地组、正园岭组、埃岐岭组、丁腰河组的含义及其划分、对比标志。认为该浊积碎屑岩系中的两套砾岩,是冰成作用的产物,可与湘中、湘西乃至华南地区的震旦系对比。同时指出孩区有板溪期的沉积,并建立了青白口系大江边组。  相似文献   
2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县M_s6.6地震后岷县申都乡某地窖出现冒白色烟雾的宏观异常现象。本文通过土壤气Rn、Hg现场检测和采样后气相色谱检测、生物显微镜观察结果,探讨了气体来源、赋存和运移机理以及异常形成的物理化学机制。认为该点具有灵敏的断层活动响应,可作为今后开展断层活动及未来甘东南地震趋势预测判定的断层土壤气监测点进行长期监测。  相似文献   
The sediment-hosted copper deposits according to the authors‘ study were formed from connate formation water during the post-sedimentary or diagenetic stage while the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are unanimously considered to be of post-sedimentary hydrothermal origin.Therefore,apart from their own individulities.These two types of deposits must share some characters in common.Comparisons are attempted,in this paper,between the sediment-hosted copper deposits in southwest China and the Triassic sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Triangle in terms of geological and geochemical features.  相似文献   
<正>1征稿范围《地质学刊》创办于1977年,季刊;是江苏省国土资源厅主管,江苏省地质调查研究院、江苏省地质学会、中国地质学会共同主办的地球科学类科技期刊;是中国地质学会东南地区重点期刊,中国地质学会数学地质与地学信息专业委员会、海洋地质专业委员会会刊。《地质学刊》是华东地区优秀期刊,江苏省精品科技期刊,江苏省优秀期刊、一级期刊、期刊方阵双效期刊;是中国知网《中  相似文献   
The concentration of ice nuclei (IN) and the relationship with aerosol particles were measured and analyzed using three 5-L mixing cloud chambers and a static diffusion cloud chamber at three altitudes in the Huangshan Mountains in Southeast China from May to September 2011.The results showed that the mean total number concentration of IN on the highest peak of the Huangshan Mountains at an activation temperature (Ta) of-20℃C was 16.6 L-1.When the supersaturation with respect to water (Sw) and with respect to ice (Si) were set to 5%,the average number concentrations of IN measured at an activation temperature of-20℃C by the static diffusion cloud chamber were 0.89 and 0.105 L-1,respectively.A comparison of the concentrations of IN at three different altitudes showed that the concentration of IN at the foot of the mountains was higher than at the peak.A further calculation of the correlation between IN and the concentrations of aerosol particles of different size ranges showed that the IN concentration was well correlated with the concentration of aerosol particles in the size range of 1.2-20 μtm.It was also found that the IN concentration varied with meteorological conditions,such as wind speed,with higher IN concentrations often observed on days with strong wind.An analysis of the backward trajectories of air masses showed that low IN concentrations were often related to air masses travelling along southwest pathways,while higher IN concentrations were usually related to those transported along northeast pathways.  相似文献   
莒南县地处鲁东南地区,东临日照市,西靠临沂市河东区,北接日照市莒县,南连临沭县,东南与江苏省交界.辖18个乡镇,937个行政村,99万人口,土地总面积1 755 km^2,耕地面积7.27万hm^2,列入国家、省、市土地开发整理的后备资源规划面积2.67万hm^2(40万亩),土地后备资源开发潜力较大.  相似文献   
简单剪切—中国东南地区活动构造变动机制讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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