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运用地理学的资源评价法和区域比较分析法,分析了我国已有风景区中最典型最有代表性的资新盆地丹霞地貌景观特征,并与我国其它著名丹霞地貌景观进行了对比和景观质量评价,指出资新盆地丹霞地貌景区具备申报世界地质公园的诸多有利条件和基础,广西资源县与湖南新宁县应该联合起来协调申报。  相似文献   
域外国家与南海周边地缘经济联系强度演化与态势评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济重心逐渐向亚太地区转移以及区域地缘经济联系日趋紧密,南海战略地位日益凸显,南海周边已成为全球重要战略区域和亚洲最重要的国际地缘问题区域。运用社会网络分析法、修正引力模型等方法,从贸易、投资、旅游等视角切入探究域外国家与南海周边区域的地缘经济联系演变及态势。结果表明:① 2005—2019年域外国家与南海周边区域的贸易联系日益紧密但贸易合作的非均衡化现象较为突出,域内出口贸易网络呈现以中国为核心,老挝、文莱和柬埔寨为边缘地带的相对稳定网络结构特征。② 域外国家对南海周边区域的投资规模显著提升但投资规模的两极化差异态势较为明显,投资区位呈现由高度集中向渐进式扩散转变态势。③ 域外国家入境旅游流持续增长,旅游网络由中国为单一核心演变为中国和泰国为双核心的网络结构,旅游目的地日趋多元化。④ 域外国家与南海周边区域地缘经济联系强度有所降低,但与东盟9国地缘经济联系强度整体上升;虽然以美日为代表的域外国家逐渐减弱与中国的地缘经济联系,但地缘经济联系网络整体仍然呈现以中国为核心,以泰国和新加坡为次核心的网络结构。  相似文献   
本文试图从理论上探讨世界经济地理研究的依据和体系,及讨论现行教材编写中存在的问题,提出编写的新建议。由于世界经验地理侧重研究经济区--经济地域--经济地域系统及其运动规律,因而存在着经济区域级别差异。为此,本文认为教材编写时条件要素要与经济地域和经济地域系统形成发展过程-起进行讨论,要体现研究对象的等级层次关系,突出城市或城市群的地位与作用,并要加强国家经济国际化进程对经济地域形成发展的影响作用。  相似文献   
全球化时代的地缘政治形态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地缘政治形态是由各种地缘政治关系有机组合而形成的综合体,它反映特定时空条件下地缘政治现实的总体面貌和特征。本文在简要介绍地缘政治形态概念和研究方法基础上,着重剖析当今世界以全球化为特征的地缘政治形态的内部结构。全球化打破了以往以民族国家为基本单元的地缘政治结构,表现出明显的多元化趋势;同时,国家之间边界越来越模糊,相互依赖日渐加深,地缘政治的全球整体性进一步加强,世界地缘政治形态展现出新的风貌。  相似文献   
大数据时代城市时空间行为研究方法   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
信息技术的快速发展带来了“大数据”时代的到来,改变了城市的空间组织和居民行为,并使得城市时空间行为研究方法面临变革。本文在总结传统城市时空间行为研究方法存在问题的基础上,对影响其变革的数据获取与处理技术进行梳理,重点从居民时空行为、城市空间及城市等级体系3个方面综述了国内外应用大数据进行城市时空间行为研究的最新进展,构建了基于大数据应用的城市时空间行为研究方法框架。本文认为,大数据时代城市时空间行为研究方法的变革主要取决于对反映居民时空行为的网络或移动信息设备数据的挖掘、处理及应用,但是还需要进一步推动相关学科间的交叉与融合,加强社交网站等网络数据在居民时空行为和城市空间研究中的应用,并指导城市规划编制与管理方法的创新。  相似文献   
广角反射波场特征研究及正演模拟分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
本文主要讨论了广角反射波场特征及影响广角反射波波形识别的几个主要因素,通过高斯射线正演模拟分析,以及对实际广角反射资料(WAR)进一步处理与研究,得到了一些十分有意又的结论,这些结论可以作为一些特殊地质构造地区进行广角反射地震勘探的理论依据。  相似文献   
通过对辽宁地区流动地磁的观测资料进行对比分析,研究探讨了影响磁测精度的各测点与通化台之间的通化距离、经度方向距离等因素对磁测精度的影响情况。为提高流动地磁观测的磁测精度提供了参考。  相似文献   
The processes involved in the development of high‐altitude, low‐relief areas (HLAs) are still poorly understood. Although cosmogenic nuclides have provided insights into the evolution of HLAs interpreted as paleo‐surfaces, most studies focus on estimating how slowly they erode and thereby their relative stability. To understand actual development processes of HLAs, we applied several techniques of cosmogenic nuclides in the Daegwanryeong Plateau, a well‐known HLA in the Korean Peninsula. Our denudation data from strath terraces, riverine sediments, soils, and tors provide the following conclusions: (1) bedrock incision rate in the plateau (~127 m Myr?1) is controlled by the incision rate of the western part of the Korean Peninsula, and is similar to the catchment‐wide denudation rate of the plateau (~93 m Myr?1); (2) the soil production function we observed shows weak depth dependency that may result from highly weathered bedrock coupled with frequent frost action driven by alpine climate; (3) a discrepancy between the soil production and catchment‐wide denudation rates implies morphological disequilibrium in the plateau; (4) the tors once regarded as fossil landforms of the Tertiary do not reflect Tertiary processes; and (5) when compared with those of global paleo‐surfaces (<20 m Myr?1), our rapid denudation rates suggest that the plateau cannot have maintained its probable initial paleo landscape, and thus is not a paleo‐surface. Our data contribute to understanding the surface processes of actively eroding upland landscapes as well as call into question conventional interpretations of supposed paleo‐surfaces around the world. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
By enhancing the stock of piscivorous fish in a whole-lake experiment in Gräfenhain (Germany) since 1981 to such an extent that almost all planktivorous fish were exterminated, we examined the concept of “over-biomanipulation”. This hypothesis predicts that (a) extremely strong piscivory will allow uncontrolled development of large invertebrate predators and (b) these invertebrates can exert the same strong predation pressure on large herbivorous zooplankton as planktivorous fish. The hypothesis is tested the first time by a cross-comparison of the long-term response of the plankton community structure in the experimental lake (Piscivore L.) with (1) the intermediate response in the same lake and with (2) that of the long-term state in a nearby reference lake (Planktivore L.) densely inhabited by planktivorous fish (Leucaspius delineatus, a small cyprinid). The intermediate (1989–1992) response in Piscivore L. revealed a strong increase of the abundance of the invertebrate predator Chaoborus flavicans. Large daphnids were able to coexist with C. flavicans so that edible phytoplankton were suppressed and water transparency increased.As part (a) of the hypothesis predicts, the long-term response in Piscivore L. was characterized by the immigration of the larger predator Chaoborus obscuripes which displaced the smaller C. flavicans completely. The results support also part (b) of the hypothesis of “over-biomanipulation”: C. obscuripes-dominated Piscivore L. showed not much difference in biomasses of daphnids and total and edible phytoplankton as well as Secchi depth compared with fish-dominated Planktivore Lake. On the other hand, C. obscuripes-dominated Piscivore L. was characterized by distinctly lower biomass of daphnids, mean body volume of all crustaceans and Secchi depth as well as by higher biomass of edible phytoplankton compared with C. flavicans-dominated Piscivore Lake. We conclude that long-lasting success of biomanipulation cannot be achieved by extremely high piscivory leading to the almost complete extermination of planktivorous fish.  相似文献   
本文概要介绍了地面核磁共振找水方法的原理和世界上最新的直接探查地下水的仪器设备--地面核磁感应系统的特点,并以实例说明了NMR找水方法的应用效果,提出了关于提高NUMIS系统抗干扰能力、完善解释方法、研制系列仪器等方面的建议.  相似文献   
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