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为避免山西临汾胜利煤矿10号煤层采动过程中受上覆6号煤层采空区透水的威胁,利用板壳理论、断裂力学理论分别建立导水裂隙带高度和底板破裂深度的力学模型,计算10号煤层Ⅰ—Ⅵ区开采过程中导水裂隙带高度分别为46.77 m、48.86 m、56.05 m、56.14 m、56.33 m和55.20 m,6号煤层Ⅰ—Ⅳ区的破裂带影响深度分别为1.57 m、1.14 m、1.85 m和1.26 m。通过构建上覆煤层采空区积水危险性类型的划分准则,对10号煤层采动过程中受到上覆6号煤层采空区积水的危险性进行判定分析,结果表明:6号煤层Ⅰ—Ⅳ区对10号煤层的积水危险性类型均为突水型,会对10号煤开采过程产生安全威胁;6号煤层的不可采区域对10号煤层Ⅴ区和Ⅵ区的影响类型为原岩渗透型,对10号煤层Ⅴ区和Ⅵ区的回采不会构成危险性。 相似文献
三角帆蚌对水体悬浮物和叶绿素a消除量的研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
本研究在不同温度条件下分别测定了一龄(△1)和三龄(△3)三角帆蚌对水体中悬浮物和叶绿素a的消除量;研究了三角帆蚌对叶绿素消除效果与水体中藻类生物量之间的关系,并在池塘中挂养1200只三角帆蚌四个月。结果表明:三角帆蚌对水体中悬浮物和叶绿素a的消除率均随水温升高而提高,其中消除效果在总重量相同时△3>△1,较高水温条件下三角帆蚌在悬浮物中优先利用藻类;同一温度下,水体中藻类量增大时,三角帆蚌对叶绿素a的消除量增大而消除率却降低;在池塘挂养测试中与对照池塘比较,四个月后三角帆蚌因大量消除了池塘水中的悬浮物和叶绿素a,使池塘水体透明度提高从26cm提高到了80cm。 相似文献
Seunghee Han Joris Gieskes Anna Obraztsova Dimitri D. Deheyn Bradley M. Tebo 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2011
Understanding the biogeochemical process of Hg is critical in the overall evaluation of the ecological impacts resulting from the reuse of Hg-contaminated dredged sediment. Sediment banks (V1 and V2) were constructed with freshly dredged sediments from a navigational channel in Venice Lagoon, Italy, with the goal of clarifying potential differences in the biogeochemistry of Hg between the reused dredged sediments and those from surrounding sites (SS1 and S2). Toward this purpose, Hg and monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentrations, and Hg methylation rates (MMRs) in the surface 2.5 cm sediments were monitored, along with ammonium, iron, sulfate and sulfide concentrations in the pore waters of banks and surrounding sites from November 2005 to February 2007. Pore water analyses indicate that the bank sediments are characterized by lower levels of sulfate and iron, and by higher levels of ammonium and sulfide compared to the surrounding sediments. With respect to Hg speciation, the fractions of MMHg in total Hg (%MMHg/Hg) and the MMRs were significantly lower in the bank V1 compared to those in the reference site SS1, whereas the %MMHg/Hg and the MMRs were similar between V2 and S2. A negative correlation is found between the logarithm of the particle-water partition coefficient of Hg and the MMR, indicating that the reduced MMRs in V1 are caused by the limited concentrations of dissolved Hg. Organic matter appears to play a key role in the control of MMR via the control of Hg solubility. 相似文献
Benchmarking observational uncertainties for hydrology: rainfall,river discharge and water quality 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This review and commentary sets out the need for authoritative and concise information on the expected error distributions and magnitudes in observational data. We discuss the necessary components of a benchmark of dominant data uncertainties and the recent developments in hydrology which increase the need for such guidance. We initiate the creation of a catalogue of accessible information on characteristics of data uncertainty for the key hydrological variables of rainfall, river discharge and water quality (suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrogen). This includes demonstration of how uncertainties can be quantified, summarizing current knowledge and the standard quantitative results available. In particular, synthesis of results from multiple studies allows conclusions to be drawn on factors which control the magnitude of data uncertainty and hence improves provision of prior guidance on those uncertainties. Rainfall uncertainties were found to be driven by spatial scale, whereas river discharge uncertainty was dominated by flow condition and gauging method. Water quality variables presented a more complex picture with many component errors. For all variables, it was easy to find examples where relative error magnitudes exceeded 40%. We consider how data uncertainties impact on the interpretation of catchment dynamics, model regionalization and model evaluation. In closing the review, we make recommendations for future research priorities in quantifying data uncertainty and highlight the need for an improved ‘culture of engagement’ with observational uncertainties. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本研究首次应用分布式光纤测温技术,监测张掖市临泽县平川段的黑河河床表面温度与河水温度,确定了该时段黑河中游湿地临泽平川段的地表水地下水转换情况。分布式光纤测温系统温度分辨率为0.01℃,采样间距为0.25m,时间间隔为4min。通过对全长550m的河床表面温度与河水温度连续监测,分析该区段温度场动态,发现试验区河段河流受地下水补给,有地下水溢出带。通过河床表面温度与河水温度、环境温度的对比,清楚反映了该河段温度异常带的分布与变化规律,明确了地下水溢出带的位置与地下水溢出强度。 相似文献
黑河下游河岸林植物水分来源初步研究 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
通过分析黑河下游极端干旱区荒漠河岸林植物木质部水及其不同潜在水源稳定氧同位素组成(δ18O),应用"同位素质量守恒多元"分析方法初步研究了不同潜在水源对河岸林植物的贡献.结果表明:在黑河下游荒漠河岸林生态系统,在河水转化为地下水和土壤水及水分在土壤剖面再分配的过程中均存在强烈的同位素分馏.对植物水δ18O而言,胡杨、柽柳和苦豆子的δ18O分别为-6.43‰、-6.28‰~和-6.61‰,较苦苣菜(-5.14‰)和蒲公英(-5·52‰)明显偏负.柱状频率图显示胡杨最多能利用93%的地下水,柽柳最多利用90%的地下水.而苦豆子97%水分来源于80 cm土层范围内的土壤水.除0~20 cm土层内的土壤水外,苦苣菜和蒲公英可能还有其他潜在水源.即在黑河下游天然河岸林乔木和灌木较多地利用地下水,而草本植物仍然以地表水为主. 相似文献
Substantial damage to water supply systems, including water delivery pipelines, water treatment plants, reservoirs, and water
storage tanks, was reported after the 1999 Chi–Chi Taiwan Earthquake. This paper first summarizes the damage survey and then
presents the results of seismic fragility analysis for underground pipelines. Construction blueprints of the water delivery
pipelines and repair work orders of 11 townships and cities in the disastrous area were digitized into a Geographical Information
System (GIS) for analysis and assessment. With the aid of the GIS system, we found that PVC pipes made up 86% of water delivery
pipelines while steel, cast iron, ductile iron, PE and others took the rest. Therefore, this paper focuses on the fragility
analysis of PVC pipes. Three different methods were applied to derive the fragility relations between the PVC water pipes
having nominal diameters (approximately inner diameters) greater than or equal to 65 mm and earthquake intensity parameters
such as peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity. The results were then examined with those of other countries. The
discrepancy between our results and the empirical equation used by HAZUS, an earthquake loss estimation software developed
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency was not significant. 相似文献
氨氮污染已成为我国江河湖库水质下降和水生态系统退化的重要因素之一.借助现场对比观测试验和理论分析的方法,研究不同季节氨氮对河流水质的影响规律,得到了雨洪初期汇流河流水质污染最为严重的结论.系统地研究了沿河岸芦苇带对氨氮的削减净化效应,得到了芦苇带吸附氨氮的主要影响因素为:芦苇生长期、水体污染物浓度、河道流速及气象条件.运用数值模拟和参数优化估算技术,确定氨氮在河道两岸有、无芦苇等植物条件下的衰减系数和削减量,分析了衰减系数的变化规律和削减量大小的影响因素,为河流水生态系统修复和水质预测预报提供科学依据. 相似文献