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The Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh (AKD) coal deposit is a previously unrecognized coal field in north-central Armenia. Coal has been known to exist in the general vicinity since the turn of the century, but coal was thought to be restricted to a small (1 km2) area only near the village of Antaramut. However, through detailed field work and exploratory drilling, this coal deposit has been expanded to at least 20 km2, and thus renamed the Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh coal field, for the three villages that the coal field encompasses. The entire coal-bearing horizon, a series of tuffaceous sandstones, siltstones, and claystones, is approximately 50 m thick. The AKD coal field contains two coal beds, each greater than 1 m thick, and numerous small rider beds, with a total resource of approximately 31,000,000 metric tonnes. The coals are late Eocene in age, high volatile bituminous in rank, relatively high in ash yield (approximately 40%, as-determined basis) and moderate in sulfur content (approximately 3%, as-determined basis). The two coal beds (No. 1 and No. 2), on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis, have high calorific values of 32.6 MJ/kg (7796 cal/g) and 36.0 MJ/kg (8599 cal/g), respectively. Coal is one of the few indigenous fossil fuel resources occurring in Armenia and thus, the AKD coal field could potentially provide fuel for heating and possibly energy generation in the Armenian energy budget.  相似文献   
采用水体中设置弹性填料对比实验的方法,在12口聚乙烯水槽实施淡水精养殖日本鳗鲡,进行对鳗鲡精养殖水体生物膜原位修复节水增效效果、机理及应用前景的研究。结果表明,在207天的养殖期间,生物膜原位修复技术应用处理组的平均日换水率仅1.2%,比对照组显著节水减排74%(P0.01);处理组的主要水质因子pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、COD等浓度均符合相关的渔业水质标准;处理组的起捕尾重、产量、生长速度分别比对照组高106%(P0.2)、108%(P0.2)和220%(P0.15),饲料系数低于对照组38.4%(P0.1)。此外,处理组弹性填料设置的适宜密度为填料占水体体积的10%。因此,精养殖水体生物膜原位修复技术,具有节水、减排与节能效果显著,投资与运行成本低,环保、低碳、安全,操作简便、易推广等优点。该革新性的生态工程低碳养殖技术对推动我国水产养殖发展方式从高耗费资源型向资源节约与环境友好型转变将产生重大影响。  相似文献   
Understanding diagenetic heterogeneity in tight sandstone reservoirs is vital for hydrocarbon exploration. As a typical tight sandstone reservoir, the seventh unit of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin (Chang 7 unit), central China, is an important oil-producing interval. Results of helium porosity and permeability and petrographic assessment from thin sections, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence analysis demonstrate that the sandstones have encountered various diagenetic processes encompassing mechanical and chemical compaction, cementation by carbonate, quartz, clay minerals, and dissolution of feldspar and lithic fragments. The sandstones comprise silt-to medium-grained lithic arkoses to feldspathic litharenites and litharenites, which have low porosity (0.5%–13.6%, with an average of 6.8%) and low permeability (0.009 × 10−3 μm2 to 1.818 × 10−3 μm2, with an average of 0.106 × 10−3 μm2).This study suggests that diagenetic facies identified from petrographic observations can be up-scaled by correlation with wire-line log responses, which can facilitate prediction of reservoir quality at a field-scale. Four diagenetic facies are determined based on petrographic features including intensity of compaction, cement types and amounts, and degree of dissolution. Unstable and labile components of sandstones can be identified by low bulk density and low gamma ray log values, and those sandstones show the highest reservoir quality. Tightly compacted sandstones/siltstones, which tend to have high gamma ray readings and relatively high bulk density values, show the poorest reservoir quality. A model based on principal component analysis (PCA) is built and show better prediction of diagenetic facies than biplots of well logs. The model is validated by blind testing log-predicted diagenetic facies against petrographic features from core samples of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, which indicates it is a helpful predictive model.  相似文献   
2008年北京奥运会期间大气气溶胶物理特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用MODIS卫星的气溶胶产品资料和地面的光学粒子计数器的资料,对比分析了北京地区2006、2007、2008年7~9月的气溶胶光学厚度、细粒子光学厚度、Angstrom指数、气溶胶粒子数浓度谱及体积谱,发现2008年北京奥运会期间(7月20日~9月20日)的气溶胶光学厚度比2006、2007年同期明显降低,气溶胶细模态光学厚度占总光学厚度的比上升,Angstrom指数上升,气溶胶细粒子数浓度没有明显相对变化,而粗粒子数浓度则减少约50%.利用大气标高,将MODIS反演的气溶胶柱的质量浓度转化为地面气溶胶质量浓度.用粒子计数器得到的体积谱,在假定气溶胶粒子密度的情况下,计算出其质量浓度.将这两种方法得到的气溶胶质量浓度与国家环境保护部公布的空气质量指数换算得到的可吸入颗粒物(PM10)质量浓度进行比较.结果表明:北京奥运期间空气质量总体达到了国家二级空气质量标准;与2006、2007年同期相比,2008年气溶胶PM10质量浓度明显下降,而这主要是由气溶胶粗粒子的减少引起的.  相似文献   
随着气象部门装备保障业务重要性的不断提高,开展装备保障评估方法的研究,对保障质量进行科学评价成为一个新的课题。就监控、维护和维修3个装备保障子业务分别建立了各自的评估体系,还利用监控、维护和维修业务的独立性,提出了根据业务单位职责的组成,使用监控率、故障率和维修率三者的加权平均值评估装备保障综合效能的方法,对建立装备保障业务的考核体系有一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The use of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is increasingly widespread in developing countries. However, CDM projects are still far from being an effective development activity due to the uneven distribution of these projects in a few relatively well-off economies. One potential cause of this imbalance is analysed in terms of the trade relationships between developed and developing countries. By applying a gravity model to a panel dataset, well-established export flows from developed economies towards developing countries are shown to explain why a large proportion of CDM projects are unevenly geographically distributed. This kind of lock-in effect regarding the CDM between developed and developing countries could be avoided by both enhancing the institutional framework in developing countries that host CDM projects and reinforcing compulsory rules for CDM destinations in the least-developed economies.  相似文献   
本文介绍关于合格评定的资料。这些资料包括合格评定的组织机构、法律法规及技术法规,以供对实验室认可和质量认证感兴趣的机构参考。  相似文献   
随着社会不断地发展,资源需求不断增加,海洋生态环境污染日益严重的问题开始逐渐显现出来。文章对近18年的相关数据进行计算研究,从水体质量、富营养化、赤潮情况等方面对我国海洋水体环境进行了分析,指出虽然我国四大海区水质问题逐年改善,但南海的近岸污染问题、东海和渤海的赤潮问题等仍需加以重视。文章的大量数据分析为我国建立更符合国情的海洋生态环境治理决策提供了参考。  相似文献   
中国的北斗卫星导航系统按照“三步走”的发展战略稳步推进,目前正处于第二代区域卫星导航系统向第三代全球卫星导航系统发展的关键时期。在郑州设置实验测站,实地采集BDS3新试验卫星的数据,分别从卫星可见数、信号频点、载噪比、伪距观测噪声值、多路径效应等方面分析BDS3试验卫星测距信号的质量。结果表明:对于相同频点,不同卫星的载噪比、伪距噪声、多路径效应变化略有不同,一般而言,倾斜同步轨道卫星(IGSO)的性能优于中轨道卫星(MEO)的性能;相同轨道类型的卫星,载噪比、伪距噪声、多路径效应水平相似,并且载噪比、伪距噪声、多路径效应在各个频点的相对大小关系基本一致。  相似文献   
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