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卫星导航已广泛应用于人类生产生活的各个领域. 然而,由于落地信号微弱等原因,卫星导航信号容易受到干扰. 在实际应用中,分布式压制干扰因其覆盖范围大、不易被探测等优点,成为卫星导航干扰的一种有效手段. 本文采用基于参考面的可视域算法计算单个干扰站在特定地形内的干扰范围. 在此基础上,采用循环迭代的方法来寻找分布式压制干扰的最优布站方案.实验分析表明:在本文实验条件下,分布式压制干扰覆盖率达到了98%以上,明显优于传统大功率单干扰源的74.18%,同时,通过合理设置红区和绿区,还可进一步突出重点压制干扰目标,实现多重压制干扰.  相似文献   

基于视觉的手机定位方法是室内定位中的研究热点,但面向机场、商场等大型室内环境时存在可靠性差、计算效率低等问题。针对该类场景,提出一种基于三维实景地图的粗定位-精定位二级定位方法,首先基于Wi-Fi指纹匹配粗定位结果约束匹配图像库范围,然后通过子区域分段式建立特征库以及利用深度学习的方法去除天花板图像。实验结果表明,大型室内场景下所提方法可以将视觉匹配定位精度由1.89 m提升至0.45 m,将定位计算效率提升5倍以上。所提方法能够有效降低定位时间,提升特征点云的精度,进而提升视觉匹配定位精度,同时能降低特征点匹配错误而造成定位错误的情况,可以实现高可用、亚米级精度的室内视觉全局定位。



单井产气能力差异大,导致持续稳产困难是页岩气建产区面临的关键难题.围绕页岩气建产区特点,建立了考虑建产区产气能力影响的优质海相页岩岩相分类表征技术流程.首先,分析了建产区优质页岩产气能力差异主控因素,制定了建产区优质页岩岩相分类方案;然后,建立了TOC含量,孔隙度,泥质、硅质、钙质矿物含量等关键参数测井计算模型,结合页...  相似文献   
移动机器人在SLAM的闭环检测环节计算量大、运行时间长、匹配误差大,从而导致闭环检测精度较低。针对该问题,本文在CoHOG闭环检测算法的基础上进行改进,将算法中的HOG描述符改进为GDF-HOG描述符,以增强图像特征表现,提高图像特征提取效率;在匹配环节前添加GDF-HOG全局粗匹配,以减少视觉模板的数量,提高算法的计算效率;在匹配环节后添加感兴趣区域(ROI)位置匹配进行检验,以减少闭环检测的假阳性,提高准确率。将本文闭环检测算法与RatSLAM相结合,在公开数据集与真实环境中进行测试,测试结果表明,本文算法在闭环检测环节的准确率较高,且对环境的适应能力较强。  相似文献   
安晓亚  成晓强 《测绘学报》2020,49(2):245-255
互联网用户参与的地图制图容易出现视觉冲突、压盖、拥挤等地图表达问题,需要引入地图自动综合协助解决.网络地图中由于原图比例尺和综合后比例尺均难以准确量化,常规地图自动综合基于\"原图比例尺-综合后比例尺\"判断是否需要综合的方法已不再适用.矢量数据在可视化后会产生视觉粘连,视觉粘连越明显,地图表达效果越差,综合的需求也越强烈...  相似文献   

Geosensing and social sensing as two digitalization mainstreams in big data era are increasingly converging toward an integrated system for the creation of semantically enriched digital Earth. Along with the rapid developments of AI technologies, this convergence has inevitably brought about a number of transformations. On the one hand, value-adding chains from raw data to products and services are becoming value-adding loops composed of four successive stages – Informing, Enabling, Engaging and Empowering (IEEE). Each stage is a dynamic loop for itself. On the other hand, the “human versus technology” relationship is upgraded toward a game-changing “human and technology” collaboration. The information loop is essentially shaped by the omnipresent reciprocity between humans and technologies as equal partners, co-learners and co-creators of new values.

The paper gives an analytical review on the mutually changing roles and responsibilities of humans and technologies in the individual stages of the IEEE loop, with the aim to promote a holistic understanding of the state of the art of geospatial information science. Meanwhile, the author elicits a number of challenges facing the interwoven human-technology collaboration. The transformation to a growth mind-set may take time to realize and consolidate. Research works on large-scale semantic data integration are just in the beginning. User experiences of geovisual analytic approaches are far from being systematically studied. Finally, the ethical concerns for the handling of semantically enriched digital Earth cover not only the sensitive issues related to privacy violation, copyright infringement, abuse, etc. but also the questions of how to make technologies as controllable and understandable as possible for humans and how to keep the technological ethos within its constructive sphere of societal influence.  相似文献   

Eighty percent of big data are associated with spatial information, and thus are Big Spatial Data (BSD). BSD provides new and great opportunities to rework problems in urban and environmental sustainability with advanced BSD analytics. To fully leverage the advantages of BSD, it is integrated with conventional data (e.g. remote sensing images) and improved methods are developed. This paper introduces four case studies: (1) Detection of polycentric urban structures; (2) Evaluation of urban vibrancy; (3) Estimation of population exposure to PM2.5; and (4) Urban land-use classification via deep learning. The results provide evidence that integrated methods can harness the advantages of both traditional data and BSD. Meanwhile, they can also improve the effectiveness of big data itself. Finally, this study makes three key recommendations for the development of BSD with regards to data fusion, data and predicting analytics, and theoretical modeling.  相似文献   
The article investigates the potential and challenges of integrating geography with other school subjects. The analysis is based on the outcomes of a course that introduced the principles of discipline-based integration. The course was included in multicultural-class teacher education programme at the University of Helsinki. For a project within the course, the students worked in small groups and made short films that integrated three subjects – geography, physics, and visual arts – in order to evoke questions of space in children's minds. The students were asked to write essays in which they analysed their understanding of space from the three subjects’ viewpoints, describe the aims and contents of their short films, and lastly reflect on their experiences of the potential and possible problems in discipline integration. In this article, the authors analyse the students’ experience of the integration between the geography, physics, and visual arts. In general, the students experienced discipline-based integration as an interesting way of working. Moreover, the project seemed to deepen their understanding of different grounds for integrative pedagogy. Although the students reported some difficulties regarding the subject knowledge required for fruitful integration, the process enabled them to construct a better understanding of the identity of each discipline.  相似文献   
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