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Economic transition in central and eastern Europe (CEE) has had a particularly strong impact on industrial cities and regions. Following their economic collapse, most of them are now confronted with serious problems such as high unemployment and vast ecological damage. The paper presents findings from a pan European research project that investigated the problems of these cities and regions as well as the strategies being adopted to cope with structural change. It examines the differences in approaches and addresses the question whether existing EU policy is suitable for supporting the redevelopment of old industrial cities and regions in CEE countries. The paper concludes with recommendations for future directions in policy making.  相似文献   
冻土水热传输和水热耦合过程是寒区水循环的核心环节和重要组成部分,土壤温度和湿度(含水量)的观测和模拟是冻土水热过程分析的基础. 以中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所黑河上游生态-水文试验研究站葫芦沟试验小流域为依托,选取季节冻土区的高寒草原、高寒草甸和多年冻土区的沼泽化草甸、高山寒漠等4种典型寒区下垫面,分别布设自动气象站,并调查相关土壤和植被参数,利用SHAW和CoupModel模型对试验点的土壤水热条件进行模拟计算.结果表明:4个试验点多层土壤含水量和地温SHAW模型计算值与实测值对比平均相关系数R2分别为0.65和0.90;CoupModel模型计算值与实测值对比平均R2为0.72和0.93. 总体上,地温的模型估算结果略好于含水量;相对于SHAW模型,CoupModel模型是更适合寒区各种下垫面的一维SVATs模型.  相似文献   
干旱区凝结水研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
凝结水是维系干旱、半干旱地区主要食物链的水分来源之一,具有重要的生态意义。较详细地列举了目前国内外在干旱区测定凝结量及其持续时间所采用的研究方法,从凝结水的数量特征以及时间格局两方面阐述了不同地域凝结水的时空差异性,并从气象因素、凝结面的类型及其位置、周边植被对其作用等方面综合分析了影响凝结水发生的主要因素,探讨了干旱区凝结水的生态作用及其意义,展望了干旱区凝结水未来的研究趋势。提出在未来的干旱区凝结水研究中应加强与气象学、生态学等多学科的交叉,从能量平衡角度加强对凝结水量的研究;同时,改进和规范凝结水的测量方法,开展荒漠植被对凝结水的生理响应研究以及凝结水对极端干旱胁迫植物的作用研究。  相似文献   
普若岗日冰原毗邻地区风沙地貌及其环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰川作用形成的大面积的冰碛物沉积及寒冻风化是高寒区风沙沉积的主要物质来源.风沙地貌的发育与高寒区环境密切相关,冻结作用使沙丘发育以加积作用为主,形成了高大的新月形沙丘.沙丘的侵蚀与移动主要发生在暖季,新月形沙丘运动速度相当缓慢,年平均水平移动量约1.8~0.5cm·a-1,加积速率约0.3~0.08cm·a-1.普若岗日冰原毗邻地区的环境变化主要受温度条件制约,沙丘腐殖质层沉积年代与我国东部沙区古沙丘、敦德冰芯具有一定的相关性,可以认为西南季风的强度对本区具有重要的作用.高原下垫面的变化造成太阳辐射差异,是引起西南季风强弱,造成高原腹地温度与降水随之变化的重要原因.  相似文献   
1961-2010年西北干旱区极端降水指数的时空变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合绝对阈值和百分位法定义极端降水事件的优点,提出了一种更灵敏的检测极端降水事件的方法. 该方法不仅能检测出常用降水指数无法检测到的降水量稀少地区尤其干旱区的极端降水事件,同时也能过滤掉其检测到的降水量丰富地区的虚假极端降水事件. 此方法首次被应用于统计1961年1月至2010年2月西北干旱区72个气象站点的年和季节的极端降水指数(大降水和强降水指数),并分析了极端降水指数的时间变化趋势及其空间分布特征. 结果表明:西北干旱区春(3-5月)、秋(9-11月)、冬(12月至次年2月)三季极端降水指数无显著(P>0.05)变化趋势,夏季(6-8月)大降水的频率和降水量以及大降水降水量占总降水量的比重都显著增加;新疆地区极端降水指数为增加趋势的区域基本都分布在海拔较高(约海拔1 000 m以上)的地区;西北干旱区东部极端降水指数变化趋势的空间分布有明显的季节差异,表现为夏、秋季大部分地区为增加趋势,冬、春季大部分地区为减小趋势.  相似文献   
基于GRACE卫星测量得到的中国及其周边地区陆地水量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRACE卫星成功开辟了空间大地测量对地观测的新途径。利用GRACE卫星得到的时变地球重力资料,分析估计了中国及其周边地区陆地水量的变化趋势,较为清晰地揭示了该地区季节性变化特征。进一步采用13点滑动平均的方法扣除了季节性变化,提取了4个特征区域(喜马拉雅南部,新疆与西藏及其周边的亚洲高山区域,中国华北、东北地区和中国南部地区)的陆地水量变化特征信息,这4个区域陆地水量的变化趋势分别为-12.7±0.7、-60.4±2.7、-12.5±0.5和6.6±0.9 km3/a。其中:喜马拉雅南部和亚洲高山区域陆地水量呈现明显的衰减趋势,与Matsuo和Heki模拟冰川质量损失源得到的结果较为一致;但近10年来亚洲高山区域西北部冰川加速融化趋势并不明显。中国华北、东北地区和南部地区水量变化比较复杂,具不稳定的变化趋势。  相似文献   
In semi-arid climates, phreatophytes draw on shallow aquifers, and groundwater evapotranspiration (ETG) is a principal component of groundwater budgets. Diurnal water table fluctuations, which often are a product of ETG, were monitored in the riparian zone of Red Canyon Creek, Wyoming, USA. These fluctuations were higher in a riparian wetland (2–36 mm) than a grass-covered meadow (1–6 mm). The onset and cessation of water-table fluctuations correspond to daily temperatures relative to freezing. Spatial differences were due to vegetation type and specific yield, while temporal changes were due to vegetation dormancy. Ratios of ETG to potential evapotranspiration (PET), K c,GW, were similar to ratios of actual evapotranspiration (ET) to PET, K c, in semi-arid rangelands. Before vegetation senescence, K c,GW increased between precipitation events, suggesting phreatophytes pull more water from the saturated zone as soil moisture decreases. In contrast, K c decreases with soil moisture following precipitation events as ET becomes increasingly water-limited. Error in ETG is primarily from estimates of specific yield (S y), which is difficult to quantify in heterogeneous sediments. ETG values may be more reliable because the range of acceptable S y is smaller than K c and S y does not change with vegetation type or soil moisture.  相似文献   
In the light of progressive depletion of groundwater reservoir and water quality deterioration of the Independence aquifer, an investigation on chemical data of dissolved major and minor constituents in 246 recent groundwater samples was performed. The main objective was the detection of processes responsible for the geochemical evolution and mineralization throughout the area. Multivariate techniques revealed different sources of solutes (a) dissolution of calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals, (b) weathering of acid volcanic minerals, (c) alteration of manganese containing alkaline silicates, (d) leaching of halite deposits of meteoric origin, (e) contamination from agricultural and urban wastewaters, and (f) evaporative effects due to intensive irrigation. Although nitrate contamination is associated with pollution from intensive cultivated areas, natural contamination plays an important role in the study area. The investigation reveals that weathering of acid volcanic rocks (rhyolite) and oxidation of arsenic bearing sulfide minerals are the responsible processes for high fluorine (up to 16 mg/l) and arsenic (up to 0.12 mg/l) contents, respectively, exceeding the Mexican maximum admissible concentration for drinking water. Except for kaolinite, all recharge processes are dissolution oriented (CO2, calcite, dolomite, K-feldspar, plagioclase). Silicate precipitation (amorphous silica and chalcedony) is of growing importance in discharge zones. Cation exchange is not an important issue in the whole study area.  相似文献   
There are numerous hot springs with temperatures ranging from 30 to 100 °C in Biga peninsula and they occur throughout the peninsula. The result of this study shows that the region is under a tectonic compressional regime. The investigation of the faults and fractures in the region indicates that the region has been affected first by N–S and then E–W compression since the Middle Miocene. Opening fractures and antithetic and synthetic faults due to the compressional movements provide paths for the deep circulation of water. In addition, the tectonic movements, granitic intrusion and volcanic activity have also played important roles as heat sources for the geothermal systems.  相似文献   
抽水融冰技术是解决高寒区引水式电站冬季运行冰害问题的有效措施之一。为研究抽水融冰对电站引水渠道冬季引水的水温控制规律,以红山嘴水电站为例,基于RNG κ-ε模型数值模拟研究结果,从热流量比角度探讨了渠道水温沿程衰减规律,并采用2013年2月和2014年1月原型观测结果进行了验证。结果表明:渠道水温沿程衰减过程可分为骤降段、过渡段和缓降段3部分,各段范围受外界条件控制;衰减曲线呈幂函数分布,相关系数达到98%;对比气温对渠温沿程衰减的影响表明,随着大气温度的降低,渠道水温沿程衰减速度明显加快;-10 ℃为水温衰减过程变化转折点,当气温高于-10 ℃时,可以近似认为渠温衰减规律一致,渠温沿程变化主要受到热流量比值影响;低于-10 ℃时,气温对渠道水温沿程变化影响显著。  相似文献   
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