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三江源地区美丽中国建设存在的问题、成功案例与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建平  康韵婕  唐凡  秦彧 《冰川冻土》2021,43(5):1551-1559
长江、黄河与澜沧江源区(简称三江源区)是中华与亚洲“水塔”,是我国重要的生态安全屏障与水安全保障,是三大河流域经济带的共有源地,稳藏固疆的战略要地,美丽中国建设的战略高地。掌握该地区美丽中国建设进程,发现存在的问题,及时总结典型成功案例,有助于更好建设美丽高原,服务生态文明建设与社会经济高质量发展的全国战略部署。就建设内容与进程看,目前三江源区整体仍处于物质建设阶段,除畜牧业外,缺乏其他产业,忽视文化建设,美丽缺少内涵、不可持续;就建设成效而言,美丽乡村与美丽城镇工程建设成绩显著,但配套设施严重滞后,以及游牧文化与聚落文化的冲突,美丽仍流于形式;尽管存在这些问题,但亦涌现了若干成功案例,“岗龙模式”和“甘达模式”尤为典型,为三江源其他地区美丽中国建设提供了样板与发展启示:(1)找准优势资源,最大化资源潜力、实现经济“美”是高原美丽中国建设成功的物质基础;(2)领导人/团队/致富带头人是高原美丽中国建设成功的关键核心;(3)产业与因地制宜的运作机制是高原美丽中国建设可持续的强大支撑与必由之路;(4)不断探索永远走在发展路上是美丽中国建设成功的坚实动力。  相似文献   
为探究气候变化对南方柑橘种植气候适宜性的影响,基于气候适宜度函数建立柑橘发育期温度、降水、日照以及综合适宜度模型,对南方柑橘种植区近60年(1960—2019年)361个气象站观测数据进行精细化插值(Anusplin插值)并计算气候适宜度,采用自然断点法分4个等级对柑橘种植区进行气候区划,并分前、后30年对比分析研究区气候资源及适宜度的空间变化特征。结果表明:与前30年相比,后30年的温度适宜度并未出现较大变化,降水适宜度低值区有所扩大,日照适宜度低值区有所减小;柑橘最适宜种植区主要集中于四川东部、云南南部、重庆西北部、广西、湖北大部分区域;最适宜种植区面积减小约29%,不适宜种植区面积扩大约34%。经高温热害及低温冻害概率空间分布验证,区划结果的准确性较高,可以用于指导和优化柑橘种植及生产实践。  相似文献   
吕春艳  陈军  刘艺朦  杨群  向楠  符晴 《暴雨灾害》2023,45(6):648-658

基于混合单粒子拉格朗日综合轨迹模式(版本4)(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model, HYSPLIT4),利用降水观测数据、ERA5和NCEP GDAS (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Global Data Assimilation System)再分析数据,分析2014年7月13—16日铜仁持续性暴雨过程的水汽输送、收支和各水汽源地的定量贡献。结果表明:(1)东伸的南亚高压和高低空急流的耦合作用增强了低层辐合、高层辐散的动力机制,利于水汽在目标区域辐合上升、凝结,形成降水。(2)500 hPa稳定控制贵州南部以南地区的副热带高压、短波槽和低纬印度半岛的热带气旋协同作用,建立明显的水汽输送通道,使海上的水汽源源不断地输送到暴雨区。(3)后向追踪120 h发现,暴雨区空气块主要来自阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和南海,所处高度较低;少量空气块来自铜仁以北至欧亚大陆、大西洋,所处高度较高。(4)影响铜仁暴雨的水汽源地为铜仁以南-南海及附近岛屿和海域、印度半岛东部-孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海-印度半岛西部,水汽贡献率分别为48.29%、32.17%和10.47%,铜仁以北至欧亚大陆、大西洋的贡献率为9.07%。(5)850 hPa和700 hPa为主要的水汽输送层,为暴雨区贡献了近3/4的水汽,其余1/4水汽由500 hPa输送。

In this paper, a numerical method for correlation sensitivity analysis of a nonlinear random vibration system is presented. Based on the first passage failure model, the probability perturbation method is employed to determine the statistical characteristics of failure modes and the correlation between them. The sensitivity of correlation between failure modes with respect to random parameters characterizing the uncertainty of the hysteretic loop is discussed. In a numerical example, a two-DOF shear structure with uncertain hysteretic restoring force is considered. The statistical characteristics of response, failure modes and the sensitivity of random hysteretic loop parameters are provided, and also compared with a Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯块体及其周缘上地幔各向异性分析研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对布设在鄂尔多斯块体及其周缘的固定宽频带地震台网90个台站记录作远震SKS波形资料偏振分析,采用最小切向能量法求得每个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快慢波时差,获得块体及其周缘上地幔各向异性图像,并结合1999~2007年相对鄂尔多斯块体的GPS水平地壳运动速度场,分析块体及其周缘的各向异性特征和壳幔耦合特征并重新认识块体的运动及周缘断陷带的动力学成因.分析结果认为,块体内部以零分裂为主,表现为各向同性特征;块体周缘台站延迟时间则明显大于块体中部,表现出明显的各向异性特征;快波偏振方向与地质构造走向、水平速度场方向基本一致,表明壳幔之间存在耦合,而个别台站在方向上与周围台站存在差异,可能与早期的块体活动有关.SKS横波分裂结果和现今GPS地壳水平运动场解释了鄂尔多斯块体没有旋转运动,在西南缘六盘山一带存在分叉绕流运动,汾渭断陷带的形成和发展是由于上地幔塑性物质沿挤出方向水平运动和沿裂隙向上入侵、横向扩张的综合演化结果.  相似文献   
Regional models of extreme rainfall must address the spatial variability induced by orographic obstacles. However, the proper detection of orographic effects often depends on the availability of a well‐designed rain gauge network. The aim of this study is to investigate a new method for identifying and characterizing the effects of orography on the spatial structure of extreme rainfall at the regional scale, including where rainfall data are lacking or fail to describe rainfall features thoroughly. We analyse the annual maxima of daily rainfall data in the Campania region, an orographically complex region in Southern Italy, and introduce a statistical procedure to identify spatial outliers in a low order statistic (namely the mean). The locations of these outliers are then compared with a pattern of orographic objects that has been a priori identified through the application of an automatic geomorphological procedure. The results show a direct and clear link between a particular set of orographic objects and a local increase in the spatial variability of extreme rainfall. This analysis allowed us to objectively identify areas where orography produces enhanced variability in extreme rainfall. It has direct implications for rain gauge network design criteria and has led to promising developments in the regional analysis of extreme rainfall. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The regional frequency analysis of extreme annual rainfall data is a useful methodology in hydrology to obtain certain quantile values when no long data series are available. The most crucial step in the analysis is the grouping of sites into homogeneous regions. This work presents a new grouping criterion based on some multifractal properties of rainfall data. For this purpose, a regional frequency analysis of extreme annual rainfall data from the Maule Region (Chile) has been performed. Daily rainfall data series of 53 available stations have been studied, and their empirical moments scaling exponent functions K(q) have been obtained. Two characteristics parameters of the K(q) functions (γmax and K(0)) have been used to group the stations into three homogeneous regions. Only five sites have not been possible to include into any homogenous regions, being the local frequency analysis of extreme daily rainfall the most appropriate method to be used at these locations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Since the forest eco-hydrology of arid area shows a well sensitivity of the global climate change, the relationship between forest and water and the hydrological function has attracted the attention of academic communites and management departments. This paper expounds the research progress in arid mountain forest eco-hydrology, and analyses the formation and stable mechanism of forest patch pattern, the relationship between forest and water yield and the response of forest eco-hydrology to climate change from three aspects: Forest spatial pattern, hydrological process and its response to climate change. In addition, combined with the current research progress, the research emphases in the future are put forward: Strengthening the research on the coupling of vegetation pattern and hydrological process; solving the scale problem by using remote sensing technique and model; enhancing the understanding towards the hydrological function of forest; determining the suitable forest scale which can balance the relationship of ecology and hydrological effect.  相似文献   
随着中国城市化进程的不断推进和深入,城市内部空间结构正发生不断的变化.城市内部形成的不同功能区标识研究,对城市结构理论以及政策制定,资源配置等方面具有非常重要的意义.这些不同的功能区包括住宅区,工业区,教育区以及办公区等.本文以大数据为依托,重点研究城市功能区的特点和分布状态,选取广州市6个区为样本,以最新道路网络为分割依据把研究样本分为439个区域.对历时一周的海量浮动车(GPS)数据以及兴趣点数据采用时空语义挖掘方法,建立潜在的狄利克雷模型(LDA)以及狄利克雷多项式回归模型(DMR);通过OPTICS聚类方法对不同模型的结果进行聚类,进而利用POI类别密度,居民出行特征等方法进行分区结果识别.同时,参考百度地图的地理信息,将研究得到的广州市功能分区结果与广州市城镇用地现状图,居民日常出行特征进行对比验证分析.研究表明,该方法基本能识别出具明显特征的城市功能区,如成熟居住区,科教文化区,商业娱乐区,开发区等.识别出的广州市不同类型的功能区呈现了以居住区和商业区为主导,其他类型功能区围绕其展开的特点.研究证明,利用大规模,高质量的个体时空数据开展人们移动行为和日常活动组织及社会空间的研究,能从一个新的视角揭示城市功能区的形成及其机制.  相似文献   
华蓥山中段地区地下水资源量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
康小兵  罗声  许模  刘宏 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):527-534
四川华蓥山中段地区水流失比较严重,供需矛盾突出,水环境持续恶化,不但影响到居民正常的生产和生活,而且严重影响了该地区国民经济的建设和发展。通过野外调查和综合分析现场收集的资料,总结出华蓥山中段地区地下水资源量流失情况:该区每年流失的水资源量约为0.914 4亿m3,且华蓥山褶皱西翼水流失总量大于东翼,而西翼北端是区内水流失量最严重的区域,其水资源量流失的影响因素主要为气候、社会发展及人类活动等。   相似文献   
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