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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) plays an important role in coastal biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycles, particularly off volcanic islands in oligotrophic oceans. However, the spatial and temporal variations of SGD are still poorly understood owing to difficulty in taking rapid SGD measurements over a large scale. In this study, we used four airborne thermal infrared surveys (twice each during high and low tides) to quantify the spatiotemporal variations of SGD over the entire coast of Jeju Island, Korea. On the basis of an analytical model, we found a linear positive correlation between the thermal anomaly and squares of the groundwater discharge velocity and a negative exponential correlation between the anomaly and water depth (including tide height and bathymetry). We then derived a new equation for quantitatively estimating the SGD flow rates from thermal anomalies acquired at two different tide heights. The proposed method was validated with the measured SGD flow rates using a current meter at Gongcheonpo Beach. We believe that the method can be effectively applied for rapid estimation of SGD over coastal areas, where fresh groundwater discharge is significant, using airborne thermal infrared surveys.  相似文献   
在对极化干涉SAR森林树高反演的DEM差值算法、相干相位-幅度综合反演算法进行分析的基础上,对基于极化干涉相干优化方法的改进算法进行了探讨。利用黑龙江大兴安岭地区的一对ALOS全极化干涉SAR数据进行实验,并对比分析各算法的反演结果。结果表明,在使用改进的算法进行森林树高反演时可以获取精度较高的反演结果,并且在一定程度上提高了森林树高反演的稳定性,为森林树高反演工作的业务化运行提供一定的依据。  相似文献   
In this study,cloud base height(CBH) and cloud top height(CTH) observed by the Ka-band(33.44 GHz) cloud radar at the Boseong National Center for Intensive Observation of Severe Weather during fall 2013(September-November) were verified and corrected.For comparative verification,CBH and CTH were obtained using a ceilometer(CL51) and the Communication,Ocean and Meteorological Satellite(COMS).During rainfall,the CBH and CTH observed by the cloud radar were lower than observed by the ceilometer and COMS because of signal attenuation due to raindrops,and this difference increased with rainfall intensity.During dry periods,however,the CBH and CTH observed by the cloud radar,ceilometer,and COMS were similar.Thin and low-density clouds were observed more effectively by the cloud radar compared with the ceilometer and COMS.In cases of rainfall or missing cloud radar data,the ceilometer and COMS data were proven effective in correcting or compensating the cloud radar data.These corrected cloud data were used to classify cloud types,which revealed that low clouds occurred most frequently.  相似文献   
在现有GPS高程转换的研究中,通常只采用单一的解算方法,然而,不同的计算方法由于适用的条件不同,在对同一组数据进行解算时,解算的精度也各有优劣。针对以上问题,文中提出GPS高程转换的总体最小二乘组合方法,对多种不同的高程转换方法进行组合,运用总体最小二乘法计算不同方法的权值,结合实际工程数据,验证该方法的可行性。计算结果表明,提出的方法能够有效地提高高程转换精度。  相似文献   
针对跨带区域高程异常拟合中存在的问题,该文以多面函数模型为背景,分别采用直接法和分带法,提出采用大地坐标(B,L)作为核函数参数的改进多面函数模型,对跨带区域高程异常进行拟合。通过某跨带区域GPS水准网数据验证,结果显现了改进后多面函数模型在跨带区域拟合上的优势,其外符合精度相比其他函数模型有显著提高。  相似文献   
本文以SPOT6 高空间分辨率遥感影像为数据源,通过植被覆盖度和地上生物量两个参数进行滩涂湿地入侵种互花米草植株高度的估算研究。结果表明,三沙湾滩涂湿地互花米草植株高度平均值为2.04 m,以1~2 m和2~3 m植株为主要分布高度,分布面积分别为6.83 km2和10.31 km2,占研究区互花米草总面积的33.83%和51.06%,小于1 m和大于3 m的互花米草仅占9.26%和5.84%。估算值与真实值之间的均方根误差为0.204,绝对误差为0.04~0.37 m。该方法是对高空间分辨率光学影像应用研究的重要尝试,其反演方法具有较好的可行性,可较为准确的获取滩涂湿地植株高度信息。  相似文献   
西北太平洋浪流相互作用对有效波高的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西北太平洋强流区会对海浪的特征和分布产生显著的影响,尤其是研究台风过程中海流与海浪的相互作用具有重要的研究意义。本文以ROMS海洋模式和SWAN海浪模式为基础,构建了浪流耦合模式系统,对2013年10月6-17日间的台风“丹娜丝”、“百合”、“韦帕”过程中西北太平洋浪流相互作用中海流对有效波高的影响进行了研究。通过对比模式模拟有效波高与浮标观测资料,发现耦合后的有效波高比非耦合结果更接近观测值,耦合模式中海流的存在对有效波高的分布有明显的影响。研究表明,特别是在有效波高峰值处,海流引起的有效波高增大最大可达1 m。海浪浪向及流向的空间分布以及中国近海浮标处浪向与流向的时间序列表明,流向与浪向反向时,海流的影响造成有效波高增大;二者同向时,有效波高减小。海流对有效波高的调整会沿着海浪传播的方向传播相当一段距离。在西北太平洋的海浪场计算中,引入海流的耦合模式计算结果对改善强流区海浪预报具有重要意义,并且海流的模拟精度对于高精度的海浪预报非常重要。  相似文献   
黄海海浪季节变化的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
陈国光  翟方国  李培良  刘晓 《海洋科学》2016,40(11):155-168
利用第三代海浪数值模式SWAN,研究了黄海海浪有效波高的季节变化特征及相关的物理过程。结果表明,在黄海的大部分区域,混合浪有效波高的最大值出现在冬季,而最小值则基本出现在夏季。北黄海北部和山东半岛南岸的近海海域呈现稍微不同的季节变化,有效波高的最大值出现在春季。全年4个季节中混合浪有效波高的空间分布基本一致:均在济州岛西南最大,沿黄海中部区域向北和由中部区域向近岸区域逐渐减小。黄海海浪为风浪占主,涌浪有效波高远小于风浪有效波高。在黄海的大部分区域,白冠耗散和四波非线性相互作用对黄海海浪的季节变化均至关重要;对于外海区域,四波非线性相互作用更为重要,而对于近海区域,白冠耗散则影响更大。本研究旨在研究黄海海浪的季节变化特征及其物理过程,为进一步探讨该海域海浪在其他时间尺度上的变异特征和动力学过程提供研究基础。  相似文献   
中国于2019年第35次南极考察中,首次在南大洋布放了锚系实时综合观测浮标(西风带海洋环境监测浮标,WEMB),为深入了解此海区的海洋环境变化提供了宝贵资料.国家海洋技术中心WEMB研究团队基于AVISO公开发布的多颗卫星高度计L3产品,通过数据配对,误差统计和最小二乘线性拟合等方法,对西风带海洋环境监测浮标的有效波高数据误差进行了分析与校正.校正后的浮标有效波高统计显示西风带常年处于大浪以上海况,观测期间内57%处于巨浪海况,并且伴随有高度相关的大风天气.  相似文献   
Deep convection systems (DCSs) can rapidly lift water vapor and other pollutants from the lower troposphere to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The main detrainment height determines the level to which the air parcel is lifted. We analyzed the main detrainment height over the Tibetan Plateau and its southern slope based on the CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar 2B_GEOPROF dataset and the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Level 2 cloud ice product onboard the A-train constellation of Earth-observing satellites. It was found that the DCSs over the Tibetan Plateau and its southern slope have a higher main detrainment height (about 10?16 km) than other regions in the same latitude. The mean main detrainment heights are 12.9 and 13.3 km over the Tibetan Plateau and its southern slope, respectively. The cloud ice water path decreases by 16.8% after excluding the influences of DCSs, and the height with the maximum increase in cloud ice water content is located at 178 hPa (about 13 km). The main detrainment height and outflow horizontal range are higher and larger over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau, the west of the southern slope, and the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau than that over the northwestern Tibetan Plateau. The main detrainment height and outflow horizontal range are lower and broader at nighttime than during daytime.  相似文献   
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