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The disruption of a transportation network can have a high social and economic impact on the welfare of a society, as it can significantly affect the daily routines of a community. Although many studies have focused on the estimation of physical risk in the components that compose these networks, only a limited number have analyzed their interconnections and impact in the traffic flow. The present study analyzes how earthquake damage can disrupt the road network in an urban environment, and how this will influence the ability of the population to travel. Traffic due to daily commutes is modeled for different layouts of the network, corresponding to possible disruptions caused by earthquake damage. The duration and length of each trip were calculated both for the undamaged network conditions and for the disrupted network. The increase in the median duration and length of each trip allows estimating the economic loss for each event due to drivers' delay. By combining the probability of a specific road being blocked with its number of users, the average number of affected vehicles was estimated, and the most critical segments identified. The methodology was applied to a case study concerning the road network of the area around the Italian city of Messina in Sicily. The results were calculated for both a repetition of the well-known historical event of 1908 and a set of simulated earthquakes consistent with the national probabilistic seismic hazard model of Italy.  相似文献   
为探究贵州省交通发展水平与生态环境质量的耦合协调关系,以全省9个市(州)为研究对象,基于贵州省统计年鉴、国民经济和社会发展统计公报、高分系列卫星遥感影像等多元数据与GIS空间分析方法,定量分析与评价了2015年与2020年各市(州)的交通发展水平与生态环境质量以及二者之间的耦合协调关系。结果表明:(1)贵州省生态环境质量呈现下降趋势,空间分布特征从东北高西北低向南高北低、东高西低转变;(2)交通发展水平呈现上升趋势,空间分布由东高西低向中心—外围的结构特征转变;(3)耦合协调度的空间分布变化显著,由东部与北部高、西部低转变为中轴高两侧低。为保障贵州省生态环境与交通建设的持续协调发展,应加强生态环境保护,提高区域生态环境质量,同时根据各市(州)实际情况,进一步优化交通基础设施空间布局。  相似文献   
利用基于拉格朗日方法的气流轨迹模式(HYSPLIT_V4.9),结合轨迹聚类法和气块追踪法,探讨1998年6月12日—8月27日期间长江流域强降雨的水汽输送轨迹、主要水汽源地及其水汽贡献,发现此次强降水过程的水汽源地主要为印度洋、孟加拉湾—南海和太平洋;不同降水阶段水汽输送轨迹、水汽源地存在差异。降水第一阶段水汽主要来自孟加拉湾—南海,水汽输送贡献为35%。降水第二阶段水汽主要由印度洋、孟加拉湾—南海和太平洋三个区域共同提供,水汽输送贡献分别为32%、28%和31%。降水第三阶段则是来自印度洋和孟加拉湾—南海的水汽输送占主导地位,它们对降水的水汽输送贡献分别为33%和41%。降水第四阶段水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾—南海,贡献为40%。强降水过程中大气环流的调整,导致了不同阶段水汽源地的变化及各源地水汽贡献的差异。  相似文献   
在区域经济中,交通是联系地理空间和区域经济活动的纽带,交通的发达程度决定了各地理单元空间相互作用的广度与深度.针对不同交通模式赋以不同的权重,基于最短加权交通网络,提出新的空间权重矩阵构建方法,构建了交通网络空间权重,与各种传统空间权重一起,对比研究甘肃省各县域单元之间的区域经济的空间相关性.研究结果表明,利用交通网络空间权重生成的空间权重矩阵,能更真实地反映区域间实际的空间过程;甘肃省的区域经济具有空间相关性但不显著,核心城市经济外溢现象不明显.  相似文献   
西气东输工程中卫黄河穿越隧道长1197.77m,高4.3m,宽5.6m。隧道入口高于黄河水位28m,出口高于黄河水位45m。隧道顶板高程为1130m。位于黄河水下100m。隧道场地围岩为寒武系磨盘井组灰绿色、银灰色浅变质中厚层细粒长石石英砂岩、千枚状板岩、绢云母化千枚岩。围岩为弱风化Ⅲ~Ⅳ类岩石。透水率为4~67Lu,纵波波速为500~3300m.s-1。BQ为300~400。变形模量为6.11~9.22GPa。泊松比()0.14~0.24。内摩擦角()为42.1~44.7。地下水为基岩裂隙水。含水层为寒武系浅变质岩,受大气降水渗入补给,单井涌水量为1.0~50m3.d-1。隧道轴线穿越区岩体较完整较破碎,未有全新活动断层。隧道位置选择和开挖深度设计是可行的。施工和长期运营是安全的。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Introduction to Climatology for the Tropics . J. O. Ayoade. Conservation and Management of Natural Resources in the United States . Charles F. Bennett. The Keeping of Animals: Adaptation and Social Relations in Livestock Producing Communities . Riva Berleant-Schiller and Eugenia Shanklin, ed. The Evolution of Geographic Thought in America: A Kentucky Root Wilford A. Bladen and Pradyumna P. Karan, eds. Latin America: Geographical Perspectives , 2nd ed. Harold Blakemore and Clifford T. Smith, ed. The Rural Real Estate Market. Department of Geography Publication Series, No. 18 . Chris Bryant. Urban Geomorphology in Drylands . R. U. Cooke, D. Brunsden, J. C. Doornkamp, and D. K. C. Jones with contributions by J. Griffiths, P. Knott, R. Potter, and R. Russell. Italian Geography, 1960–1980. Meeting of the Status of the Geographic Research in Italy, 1960–1980. Treated under the auspices of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and organized by Istituto di Geografia Umana della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano , Giacomo Corna Pellecrini and Carlo Brusa, eds. The Changing Fenland . H. C. Darby. The Future for the City Centre . R. L. Davies and A. G. Champion, eds. Saudi Arabia, Energy, Developmental Planning, and Industrialization . Ragaei El Mallakh, Dorothea H. El Mallakh, eds. For We Are Sold, I and My People: Women and Industry in Mexico's Frontier . Maria Patricia Fernández-Kelly. The Great Lakes Forest: An Environmental and Social History . Susan L. Flader, ed. Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the Yorkshire Woolen Industry . Derek Gregory Crime in City Politics . Anne Heinz, Herbert Jacob and Robert L. Lineberry, eds. Revitalizing Cities . H. Briavel Holcomb and Robert A. Beauregard. Cartographic Relief Presentation . Eduard Imhof. H. J. Steward, Trans. Soviet Union: A Geographical Survey . S. V. Kalesnik and V. F. Pavlenko, ed. Cognition and Environment . Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan. Environmental Protection: The International Dimension . David A. Kay and Harold K. Jacobsen, eds. Mathematical Programming Methods for Geographers and Planners , James Killen. Gentrification Amid Urban Decline: Strategies for America's Older Cities . Michael H. Lang. The North Atlantic Sulphur System . Risto Laulajainen. The Jerusalem Cathedra: Studies in the History, Archaeology, Geography and Ethnography of the Land of Israel, Vol. 2 . Lee I. Levine ed. Jerusalem and Detroit: Recreation Planning and Management . Stanely R. Lieber and Daniel R. Fesenmaier, eds. Heartland and Hinterland: A Geography of Canada . L. D. McCann, ed. Scarborough Where We Live: The Residential Districts of Minneapolis and St. Paul . Judith A. Martin and David A. Lanegran. California: The Geography of Diversity . Crane S. Miller and Richard S. Hyslop. Palo Alto The Dilemma of Amazonian Development . Emilio F. Moran, ed. Boulder Nuclear Waste: Socioeconomic Dimensions of Long-Term Storage . Steve H. Murdock, F. Larry Leistritz, and Rita R. Hamm, eds. Boulder Communism and the Politics of Inequalities . Daniel N. Nelson, ed. The Los Angeles Metropolis . Howard J. Nelson. Dubuque An Historical Geography of Urban System Development: Tidewater Virginia in the 18th Century . James O'Mara. Procedures and Standards for a Multipurpose Cadastre . East Asia: Geographical and Historical Approaches to Foreign Area Studies . Clifton W. Pannell, ed. Dubuque Mackinder: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft . W. H. Parker. Beyond the Urban Fringe: Land Use Issues of Nonmetropolitan America . Rutherford H. Platt and George Macinko, eds. Recreation Geography of the USSR . V. S. Preobrazhensky and V. M. Krivosheyev, eds. Missouri: A Geography . Milton D. Rafferty The Invisible Farmers: Women in Agricultural Production . Carolyn E. Sachs. Cayman Islands Seashore Vegetation: A Study in Comparative Biogeography . Jonathan D. Sauer. Hillslope Materials and Processes . Michael J. Selby. Housing in Britain: The Post-War Experience . John R. Short The Study of Population: Elements, Patterns and Processes . George A. Schnell and Mark Stephen Monmonier. Columbus The Soviet Union: A Systematic Geography . Leslie Symons, ed. The Ottoman Slave Trade and Its Suppression . Ehud R. Toledano. The Impact of Recession on Industry, Employment and the Regions, 1976–1981 . Alan R. Townsend. Landslides and Their Control , 2nd ed. Quido Záruba and Vojtech Mencl. Translated from the Czech by H. Zárubová and V. Mencl.  相似文献   
莫辉辉  王姣娥  黄洁 《热带地理》2018,38(5):599-605
枢纽机场是机场网络体系的核心要素。文章首次提出利用网络模型k-核概念定义枢纽机场网络体系,并对中国1990―2015年的枢纽机场网络体系的演变过程进行量化分析。研究表明:中国航空网络k-核极大值呈增大趋势,尽管加入枢纽机场的阈值增大,但其数量仍呈稳步增加趋势,由1990年的26个增加到2015年的36个。枢纽机场网络连接率由1990年的7.1增长到2015年15.4,网络演变具有异速增长特征,同时较低的平均路径长度值显示网络具有十分高的组织效率。枢纽机场体系的客货吞吐量集中程度较高,近10年来市场集中度呈下降趋势,但2015年枢纽机场的客货吞吐量市场占比仍分别高达86.7%和95.1%。文章甄别的枢纽机场体系在较大程度上揭示了“规模优先”与“区域均衡”规划模式,能为枢纽机场的发展规划提供决策支撑。  相似文献   
The U.S. airline network is one of the most advanced transportation infrastructures in the world. It is a complex geospatial structure that sustains a variety of dynamics including commercial, public, and military operations and services. We study the U.S. domestic intercity passenger air transportation network using a weighted complex network methodology, in which vertices represent cities and edges represent intercity airline connections weighted by average daily passenger traffic, non-stop distance, and average one-way fares. We find that U.S. intercity passenger air transportation network is a small-world network accompanied by dissortative mixing patterns and rich-club phenomenon, implying that large degree cities (or hub cities) tend to form high traffic volume interconnections among each other and large degree cities tend to link to a large number of small degree cities. The interhub air connections tend to form interconnected triplets with high traffic volumes, long non-stop distances, and low average one-way fares. The structure of the U.S. airline network reflects the dynamic integration of pre-existing urban and national transportation infrastructure with the competitive business strategies of commercial airlines. In this paper we apply an emerging methodology to representing, analyzing, and modeling the complex interactions associated with the physical and human elements of the important U.S. national air transport and services infrastructure.  相似文献   
云南省县域城镇化与交通优势度的时空协同性演化分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
戢晓峰  姜莉  陈方 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1875-1884
运用ArcGIS空间分析、交通优势度模型和耦合协调度模型等方法,对云南省县域城镇化与交通优势度的时空协同性演化特征进行系统分析。研究表明:城镇化与交通基础设施相互促进又相互制约,存在正负双向反馈;基础设施建设滞后、城乡二元结构格局、城市空间无序蔓延是导致两者耦合协调空间差异的主要因素。2000~2014年云南省整体县域城镇化水平普遍较低,约90%的县域处于城镇化起步阶段。 云南省县域交通优势度整体水平逐年提升,但空间分异特征显著。 2000~2014年期间云南省县域城镇化与交通优势度的耦合协调水平虽大幅提升,但整体协调度仍然偏低、空间分异特征依然突出。  相似文献   
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